This Old Routine
I can't think of a topic right now. I'm having a hard time again in creating something aigooo. So this one will be another nonsense article. Y'all know how good I am in writing a no sense article and I'm sorry if this one is just another one of that. To be honest I really want to write something cool like of a story maybe but my mind won't cooperate as usual. I've been like this for quite some time now. So today, I will just let my fingers do the work just like what I'm doing in my previous article.
I hope you can still indulge me with my nonsensity eh? How many writer are experiencing this kind of thing right now? Are you having a hard to too? Yes you who's reading this? You know I've been listening to a mucic non-stop just so I can come up with something but to no avail, Nothing is working. Before by just listening to my favorite songs, I can create anything. Not that good of a story but the thing is I can still come up or create something from it.
I also give rest to my mind and just think of nothing but it's still the same. I watch a video clips, read some ebook in wattpad and even watch a short video clip in Facebook but still, zero, nil, nada. I don't want to skip even a day for this month. It's not really a goal but it becomes a hobby now to write something everyday. Off course you can relate to this we've been together for more than a year now so you can pretty much feel undertaking what I am saying, right?
You know, I just want to give an opinions about certain matters and talk about it here but I am not sure If I can explain it to everyone. You all now how bad I am When it comes to explanation. I am The worst of all the worst I'm telling you, lol. I'm not good in arguments so I drop the thought. Nevermind I said, I will just talk about something nonsense again and write whatever comes to my mind and I'm doing it right now. Thanks to that I think I can create something out in my empty brain.
Well it's not empty at all it's like a little stress and just need a breather. I think foods will do just to be on track again? But actually I've been eating a lot in the past few days and it's still the same. My mind is still empty and I can't write things just like what I've been doing in the past month. Maybe I need to find a man to add spice into my life so that I can be inspired again. What do you think? Or, wait not just a man or what I think I just need a man who's special and who can strip for me, rawrrrrrrrrr lol.
Just kidding, no kalandian for today. Hmm, I didn't notice that I've been talking for a minute now and I think I already completed the 4 minutes reading time. Did I survive this round? Then how about on the next day huehue. I think I still need a stripper. Where to find it ba so that I can book it now? HAHAHAHA. Oh donmayme me guys. It's just my crazy mind who's talking. I should probably end this now I know you're sick of it already so yeah I'm gone quit it now. So how's it going for you too? Can you still write mah prend?
Or just like me, you are also at your limit now? I can actually thought of a topic about SmartBCH and my experiences but I'll do that maybe later. You know I so sad right now because of my hodl token. All of this is red and it really break my heart now. I will share about that later if you are interested. For now, let's have some breakfast.
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Read these to Start in Club1BCH
Date Written: December 20, 2021
Date Published: December 21, 2021
Inspiration to what to write comes right when you take the step to start writing, it didn't end up being a bad article