New Year, who loves to do that New Years resolution thingy? If some people I know always set their goal as their new years resolution - as for me I don't list down a new years resolution because I know that I won't achieve anything even if I set or list some. I'm just good in the first time but I know myself after just doing it for a couple of times that's where laziness will come and that list will just be ignored in the end.
I tried doing that before, high school days. I have this cute blue piggy bank, it was a gift from a friend and I have no use of it really coz I'd rather spend my money in a food than to save it in a piggy bank. Yeah, I'm too matakaw to even save even the cents I have in my pocket before. You know that I can buy a lot in 5 peso before and until now I'm not regretting that I didn't save before lol.
But off course saving should be the priority specially now and I'm doing that now by saving it in mg digital wallet rawr no need a piggy bank I still prefer digital wallet than that. But anyways, as I was saying I think New Years Resolution is also good. That can really motivate us if ever. But it will be more awesome if we can really do it.
Like to some their new years resolution was to eat less in the coming 2022, diet and to have a healthy life style. That would be awesome if they will really do it but if not then you're just making yourself a fool for believing that there will be a change even if you're not really doing anything. It should be take action and not just talk. Make it happen and pangatawanan mo yarn.
You know what I always look out when New Years is about to come, this is when I was just a kid. It is the thought that I can jump higher again to increase my height. Aside from that is when I put a coins on my pocket and making a sound using it when the clock hit 12 o'clock is also the one I am anticipating. But nothing really happen like that. It's a scam and a child like me is the victim always, chorrr.
I mean, they just making me believe that it will really happen but in my 17 year existence and I am jumping since I was a kid - it's not really true, I mean no matter how hard I jump, no matter how high I jump my height will always be the same. I stop getting taller and even if I get tall the added for my height is only half centimeter, lame.
And for the coins in my pocket when you shaky shaky it, I still believe to that one even if nothin is happening really. But even though, I still get a cash from Mom naman so it's like it's true but it's only possible because I have my mother who will give me a cash HAHAHA. I know it doesn't make any sense. But, have you also try this too? Jumping so hard in new years while there's a loud bang because of those fireworks.
Like that fireworks is part of the orasyon to make you taller, lol. But in the end you will be just be disappointed because, nahhh nevermind lol. But I'm still happy really, coz even if little my heigh still increased. Not that much but every centimeters count, lol. And I think being taller will not fit to me. And, I have a dream that my man will be much taller than me so, I'm still okay with my height, hahahaha. Chorrr.
I know my topic today is so random, lol. I'm still having a hard time thinking of what to write. I think nangangalawang na talaga ang utak ko huehue. Need new inspiration to be more motivated to write but even if I have it's still the same. I want to write a story but I just can't think of any. I tried those challenge from kudo kudo article but I can't really think. Good thing free writing ia allowed here. Off course there's people out there who'll be annoyed to a nonsense topic but what's important is, I still have readers who can appreciate my nonsensity, rawrrrrrrrrr. With that thank you so very much. May you find your special someone in the year 2033. Let's get this!
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December 27, 2021
When I was younger, I really write my new year's resolution but on the other hand, I am not doing any means to fulfill some of those things I have listed haha