Good evening dear virtual friends, how are you tonight?
When I started writing on this platform after a while I felt the need to introduce myself to my readers, so I then wrote a short post called Da se upoznamo :-) /Let's Meat each other :-). As a mother of three children, I know how important and healthy it is to breastfeed our newborns exclusively, if possible, and to insist that it lasts as long as possible, so I decided to share it with you.
When a baby is born, the first few months of its life are the most important, and there is nothing more important for their progress than nutrition. When it comes to the nutrition of newborns, there is no better and healthier food than the natural one - breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is one of the things that brings benefits to both mom and baby. Breast milk is the best food for the baby and the positive things it will bring to you and the baby extend beyond the diet itself.
Breast milk contains certain sugar elements that eliminate a set of hemolytic group B streptococci, thus protecting children from deadly meningitis, blood poisoning and pneumonia, which can be transmitted from mother to newborn.
Also, breastfeeding a baby reduces the risk of developing asthma or allergies later, and babies who are breastfed until 6 months of age are less likely to develop ear infections, respiratory illnesses and diarrhea.
The World Health Organization, in its recommendations for breastfeeding, points out that children who are breastfed have a lower tendency to obesity, are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases and have a higher level of intelligence. Breastfeeding also affects the psychological development of the child: it helps to develop a sense of security, closeness and trust in the mother, which is the basis for healthy relationships with other people.
Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother
Breastfeeding protects against uterine and ovarian cancer as well as breast cancer, and helps to lose weight faster after childbirth. In addition, a woman secretes the hormone oxytocin during breastfeeding, which calms the baby and significantly reduces postpartum depression and mother's anxiety. In addition, women who choose not to breastfeed, or who stop breastfeeding before the baby's first month of age, are four times more likely to develop osteoporosis than women who breastfeed at least until the baby's sixth month.
Breastfeeding preserves bones
Breastfeeding women have a lower risk of breaking hip bones at menopause. Breastfeeding delays the return of the menstrual cycle and allows the mother's body to increase its iron reserves and avoid anemia.
Calories are wasted
By breastfeeding for one day, mothers consume the amount of energy they would need to walk 11 kilometers.
The flu is not an obstacle
With milk, the mother cannot transmit the flu or cold virus, nor is it worse due to the disease. Through milk, mother, baby transmits antibodies that help her not to get sick.
What do dads get ?! ☺️
Dads are perhaps the biggest winners when it comes to breastfeeding a baby! Dads get healthier, prettier and happier partners, but also healthier, happier and smarter children. It seems like a winning combination, doesn't it?
When it all adds up and subtracts, there really is nothing healthier for our baby than breastfeeding. We need to be persistent and persistent in breastfeeding our child. I hope that after this article there is no dilemma for future moms :) Thank you for reading my texts. Greetings to all of you @Jigglyspy
If you haven't read my new articles here are links to them:
Unleash your potential / Oslobodite svoj potencijal
Her Majesty Milena Dravic / Njeno velicanstvo Milena Dravic
Miraculous phenomena called sleep / Cudotvorne pojave zvane san
One of the greatest people to ever walk the earth
A British lady who loved Serbia / Britanska dama koja je volela Srbiju
A voice that is not forgotten / Glas koji se ne zaboravlja
Naughty tricksters / Nestasni foliranti
Nikola Tesla on women / Nikola Tesla o zenama
Football legend of Eastern Serbia / Fudbalska legenda Istocne Srbije
It's sleeping time ☺️ / Vreme je za spavanje ☺️
Be as humane as Serbia in 1885
Volunteer of the Serbian Red Cross / Volonter Crvenog krsta Srbije
Investing in cryptocurrencies / Invesitranje u kriptovalute
Dobro vece dragi virtuelni prijatelji, kako ste veceras?
Kada sam pocinjala da pisem na ovoj platformi posle nekog izvesnog vremena osetila sam potrebu da treba da se predstavim svojim citaocima, pa sam tada napisala kratak post koji se zove Da se upoznamo :-) /Let's Meat each other :-). Kao majka troje dece znam koliko je vazno i zdravo da svoje novorodjence, ukoliko je moguce, iskljucivo dojimo i da insisitiramo na tome da to sto duze traje, pa sam resila da to podelim sa vama.
Kada beba dodje na svet, prvih nekoliko meseci njenog zivota su najbitniji, a za njihov napredak nema niceg bitnijeg od ishrane. Kada je ishrana novorodjencadi u pitanju nema bolje I zdravije hrane od one prirodne - dojenja.
Dojenje je jedna od stvari koja donosi benefite I mami I bebi. Majcino mleko je najbolja hrana za bebu I pozitivne stvari koje ce doneti I Vama I bebi se proteze van same ishrane.
Majcino mleko sadrzi pojedine elemente secera koji eleminisu skup hemolitickog streptokoka grupe B, cime stiti decu od smrtonosnog meningitisa, trovanja krvi I upale pluca, koji se mogu preneti s majke na novorodjence.
Takodje, dojenje bebe smanjuje rizik da kasnije razvije astmu Ili alergiju, a bebe koje su dojene do 6 meseci starosti redje razvijaju infekciju uha, respiratorne bolesti I dijareju.
Svetska zdravstvena organizacija, u svojim preporukama za dojenje istice da deca koja su dojena imaju manju sklonost ka gojaznosti, redje obolevaju od hronicnih bolesti I imaju visi stepen inteligencije. Dojenje utice I na psiholoski razvoj deteta: pomaze razvoju osecaja sigurnosti, bliskosti I poverenja u majku, sto je osnova za zdrave odnose sa drugom ljudima.
Prednosti dojenja za majku
Dojenje stiti od raka materice I jajnika kao I raja dojke, a pomaze I brzem skidanju kilograma nakon porodjaja. Osim toga, zena u toku dojenja luci hormon oksitocin koji umiruje bebu I znacajno smanjuje postporodjajnu depresiju I anksioznost majke. Uz to, zene koje su odlucile da ne doje, Ili su sa dojenjem prekinule pre prvog meseca starosti bebe imaju cetiri puta veci rizik od pojave osteoporoze u odnosu na zene koje doje barem do bebinog sestog meseca.
Dojenje cuva kosti
Zene koje doje imaju manji rizik od lomljenja kostiju kukova u menopauzi. Dojenje odlaze povratak menstrualnog ciklusa I omogucava telu majke da poveca svoje rezervne gvozdja I da izbegne anemiju.
Trose se kalorije
Majke dojenjem tokom jednog dana potrose kolicinu energije koja bi im bila potrebna za setnju od 11 kilometara.
Grip nije prepreka
Mlekom majka ne moze da prenese virus gripa Ili prehlade, niti je ono zbog bolesti losije. Mlekom, majka, bebi prenosi antitela koja joj pomazu da se ne razboli.
Sta dobijaju tate?! ☺️
Tate su mozda I najveci dobitnici Kada je u pitanju dojenje bebe! Tate dobijaju zdravije, lepse I srecnije partnerke, Ali I zdraviju, srecniju I pametniju decu. Deluje kao dobitna kombinacija, zar ne?
Kada se sve sabere i oduzme, zaista ne postoji nista zdravije za nase dete od dojenja. Treba biti uporan i istrajan u tome da dojimo svoje dete. Nadam se da posle ovog clanka za buduce mame nema dileme :) Hvala vam sto citate moje tekstove. Veliki pozdrav za sve vas @Jigglyspy
Ako niste procitali moje nove clanke, evo linka do njih:
Unleash your potential / Oslobodite svoj potencijal
Her Majesty Milena Dravic / Njeno velicanstvo Milena Dravic
Miraculous phenomena called sleep / Cudotvorne pojave zvane san
One of the greatest people to ever walk the earth
A British lady who loved Serbia / Britanska dama koja je volela Srbiju
A voice that is not forgotten / Glas koji se ne zaboravlja
Naughty tricksters / Nestasni foliranti
Nikola Tesla on women / Nikola Tesla o zenama
Football legend of Eastern Serbia / Fudbalska legenda Istocne Srbije
It's sleeping time ☺️ / Vreme je za spavanje ☺️
Be as humane as Serbia in 1885
Volunteer of the Serbian Red Cross / Volonter Crvenog krsta Srbije
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.
ne postoji zdravija stvar za bebu od dojenja i to bi svka majka trebala da svom detetu pruzi u dovoljno dugom periodu