Hello my virtual friends.
I hope this gloomy weather does not affect your mood :)
A few days ago, I published an article on the topic of my volunteerism organized by the Red Cross, and I am glad that it attracted your attention. If you haven't read it, you can find it here.
The first related member to the one who wrote was the answer to the question of my dear @apela which can also be found here.
Among the many comments below that post, one also caught my attention.
@minimaus The fight against human trafficking and the migrant crisis is one of my favorite topics and I could write a book about it.
Namely, human trafficking is a global phenomenon that affects absolutely all countries, including ours. Due to its geographical position, Serbia is a country of transit, which we could see during the migrant crisis, migrants mostly passed through Serbia.
Trafficking in human beings means the sale and purchase or holding of a person against his will for the purpose of further exploitation. Exploitation always occurs and exploitation is always maintained through the use of force, threats, fraud, blackmail.
Today, there are numerous forms of human trafficking, and new and increasingly inhumane, brutal, and with even more severe consequences for the victim and her community are constantly being found. The most common forms of trafficking are: sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, forced marriage, false adoption, forced begging, use in armed conflict, coercion to commit crimes, organ trafficking ...
This crime involves three stages:
Victim recruitment phase - characteristic ways of drawing victims into the trafficking chain are known. The first and most common way is AD. We have fake job ads everywhere, in newspapers on the Internet ... The other is the abuse of acquaintances, ie supposedly sincere friends. The race is the misuse of information about a potential victim that is collected in various ways e.g. choice for miss, courses for models ... Further we have the abuse of the internet, the formation of fake profiles and the like, we all know a lot about this and there is no need to point out anything special. Kidnapping is the rarest way of dragging victims into a chain because it is the "loudest" form. There are also sales by family members. I am interested in the fact that a recruiter is ready to wait up to 5 years to drag someone into the chain when it comes to online acquaintance.
Transit phase - means the reception of the victim, its interference and transport to the place of exploitation, either within the country or outside the country of origin of the victim. If the transport is done abroad, it can be illegal and legal. The legal way is when the victim submits his documents thinking that he is going to the promised job, and it is illegal to falsify the documents.
Exploitation phase - involves the exploitation of victims of trafficking. Children are involved in the chain of begging, forced to commit crimes, and may be exposed to sexual exploitation. Women are most often sexually and sexually exploited, while adult men are mostly exploited, enslaved or forcibly used as fighters in armed conflicts. All victims can also be used to force organ harvesting.
In order for traffickers to gain complete control over the victim and thus prevent escape and disobedience, they use various mechanisms: Debt slavery (you owe them something forever), Isolation (they take complete documentation of the victim), Blackmail, threats and use of force against the victim's family, use of violence and fear ...
Despite all the suffering they go through, developed control mechanisms often prevent victims from seeking refuge or organizing an escape on their own. The most common way out of the human trafficking chain is with the activity of the police or with the help of citizens, which is reflected in recognizing and reporting suspicious situations.
Trafficking in human beings differs from human trafficking in that the main goal of the trafficker is material gain through the exploitation of the victim, and for smugglers the material benefit is through the realization of agreements without the intention of exploitation.
Migrants who set out en masse for Europe in search of a more peaceful and better place to live were unfortunately a great relief to traffickers. The easiest way is to present themselves as smugglers who would do the work for them, and in the end turn out to be traders. I sincerely hope that as many people as possible have managed to circumvent this problem that the traders got on the "plate".
Talk openly about this problem to children, neighbors, friends, tell them that they must always be careful, that they must not trust everyone because these are things that are not for play, this is a big and painful problem.
I hope you enjoyed this article and that it will be helpful. Greetings to all of you @Jigglyspy
Zdravo moji virtuelni prijatelji.
Nadam se da ovo tmurno vreme ne utice na vase raspolozenje :)
Pre nekoliko dana objavila sam clanak na temu mog volonterizma u organizaciji Crvenog krsta i drago mi je da je privukao vasu paznju. Ako ga niste procitali mozete ga pronaci ovde.
Prvi vezani clanak za taj koji sam napisala bio je odgovor na pitanje moje drage @apela koji takodje mozete pronaci ovde.
Izmedju dosta komentara koji se nalaze ispod tog posta jedan mi je takodje privukao paznju.
@minimaus Borba protiv trgovine ljudima i migrantska kriza je jedna od mojih omiljenih tema i mogla bih napisati knjigu vezano za to.
Naime, trgovina ljudima je jedan globalni fenomen koji pogadja apsolutno sve zemlje pa i nasu. Srbija je zbog svog geografskog polozaja zemlja tranzita, sto smo mogli da vidimo i za vreme migrantske krize, migranti su uglavnom prolazili kroz Srbiju.
Trgovina ljudima podrazumeva prodaju i kupovinu odnosno drzanje osobe protiv njene volje u cilju dalje eksploatacije. Do eksploatacije uvek dolazi i eksploatacija se uvek odrzava upotrebom sile, pretnje, prevarom, ucenama.
Danas postoje brojni oblici trgovine ljudima, a stalno se iznalaze novi i sve nehumaniji, brutalniji, i sa jos tezim posledicama po zrtvu i njenu zajednicu. Najcesci oblici trgovine su: seksualno iskoriscavanje, radna ekspoloatacija, prinudni brak, lazno usvajanje, prinudno prosjacenje, koriscenje u oruzanim sukobima, prinuda na vrsenje krivicnih dela, trgovina organima...
Ovaj zlocin prodrazumeva tri faze:
Faza vrbovanja zrtve - poznati su karakteristicni nacini uvlacenja zrtava u lanac trgovine. Prvi i definitivni najcesci nacin je OGLAS. Laznih oglasa za posao imamo svuda, u novinama na internetu... Drugi je zloupotreba poznanstva, tj navodno iskrenih prijatelja. Trci je zloupotreba informacija o potencijalnoj zrtvi koji se prikupljaju na razlicite nacine npr. izbor za mis, kursevi za manekenke... Dalje imamo zloupotrebu interneta formiranje laznih profila i slicno tome, o ovome svi dosta znamo i nema potrebe istaci nista posebno. Otmica je najredji nacin uvlacenje zrtava u lanac iz razloga sto je to "najglasniji" oblik. Desava se i prodaja od strane clanova porodice. Zanimljiv mi je podatak da je vrbovatelj spreman da i do 5 godina ceka da uvuce nekoga u lanac kada je u pitanju internet poznanstvo.
Faza tranzita - podrazumeva prihvat zrtve, njen smetaj i prevoz do mesta eksploatacije, bilo unutar zemlje ili van granica zemlje porekla zrtve. Ukoliko se radi prevoz van granice on moze biti ilegalan i legalan. Legalan nacin je kada zrtva predaje svoja dokumenta misleci da ide na obecani posao, a ilegalan je falsifikovanjem dokumenata.
Faza eksploatacije - podrazumeva iskoriscavanje zrtava trgovine ljudima. Deca se ujljucuju u lanac prosjacenja, primoravaju na vrsenje krivicnih dela, a mogu biti i izlozena sekuslanom iskoriscavanju. Zenske osobe su najcesce surovo seksualno i radno eksploatatisu, dok su odrasli muskarci uglavnom radno eksploatisani, pod ropskim uslovima ili se prislino koriste kao borci u oruzanim sukobima. Sve zrtve mogu biti i koriscenje za prisilo uzimanje organa.
Da bi trgovici ostvcarili potpunu kontrolu nad zdrtvom i time sprecili bekstvo i neposlusnost oni primenjuju razlicite mehanizme: Duznicko ropstvo (vecito si im nesto duzan), Izolacija (uzimaju kompletnu dokumentaciju zrtvi), Ucena, pretnja i primena sile nad porodicom zrtve, upotreba nasilja i straha...
Uprkos svim patnjama kroz koje prolaze, razvijeni mehanizmi kontrole cesto sprecavaju zrtve da same potraze poloc ili organizuju bekstvo. Najcesci nacin izlaska iz lanca trgovine ljudima jeste uz aktivnost policije ili uz pomoc gradjana koje se ogleda u prepoznavanju i priavljivanju sumnjivih situacija.
Trgovina ljudima se razlikuje od krijumcarenja ljudi u tome sto je glavni cilj trgovnca ljudima materijalna koristi kroz eksploataciju zrtve, a kod krijumcara je materijalna korist kroz realizaciju dogovora bez namere eksploatacije.
Migranti koji su masovno krenuli ka Evropi u potrazi za mirnijem i boljem mestu za zivot su na zalost bili velika olaksica trgovcima ljudi. Najlaksi nacin je da se predstave kao krijumcari koji bi zavrsili posao za njih, a na kraju se ispostavi da su trgovci. Iskreno se nadam da je sto vise ljudi uspelo da zaobidje ovaj problem koji su trgovci dobili na "tanjiru".
Pricajte otvoreno o ovom problemu deci, komsijana, prijateljima, recite im da uvek moraju biti obazrivi, da ne smeju svakome verovati jer su ovo stvari koje nisu za igranje, ovo je veliki i bolan problem.
Nadam se da vam se svideo ovaj clanak i da ce biti od koristi. Pozdrav za sve vas @Jigglyspy
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.
na zalost dok je razlike u svetu bice i ovakvih pojava, ljudi neretko u ocajnom stanju dolaze u situaciju da se hvataju za naizgled slamku spasa i tako upadnu u jos veci horor nego onaj iz koga su pokusali da pobegnu