The magic word -"Sorry"
So many problems, so much misunderstanding started because of a word. And so many misunderstandings could have been solved with just a word. A powerful word - "Sorry". There's a song the kids in the school I was working a few years back love singing
There are 5 magic words 2x
There are 5 magic words that I know
"Please, Excuse me, Sorry, Thank you, Pardon me"
Truly these 5 words are powerful and can have much effect in any conversation, argument or debate. Adding "Please" to a request has many results than asking without it. "Excuse me" can be soothing sometimes and can be annoying, depending on the tone used in saying it. "Thank you" is very powerful, it makes on feel appreciated and they strive to do even more. I will be dwelling on "Sorry" for today.
I think that it is very important to say sorry or nice words to anyone we want. Sometimes we are so busy that we don’t have time to express our feelings to them. At the same time, I also know that it is also important to say sorry or be nice to someone after doing something wrong. I think that sometimes we want people to understand us and our problem and understand the reasons why we did something without necessarily apologising.
They may understand us and realize the reason why we did something but hearing the word "Sorry" has a good effect in solving a dispute quickly and saves grudges, hates and intention to revenge. Whenever you have done something bad, try to put yourself in their shoes and think about how you would have reacted if somebody has done that thing to you. At the same time, if you tell them the reason why you did what you did, maybe they will understand better. I believe that we sometimes forget about the little things, but those small things mean so much in the end.
A nice word or a sorry can prevent a lot of misunderstandings and problems. If you cannot apologize but you do want to avoid creating trouble yourself, then voice your appreciation to your co-workers. Say thank you to your boss and colleagues for their hard work
So, think before you speak and be nice to everyone.
Do you have any idea why some people get angry and upset so easily?
Some of them are actually living with anger management problems, or they simply have a weird habit of finding faults with others or they behave that they don't have time for things others care about. Most hate to be the one apologising, hence the constant anger and victim playing scheme.
Learning to apologise when wrong will help you a lot. It makes you a better person. Your words will be more effective, your relationships will improve and you'll feel better about yourself.
Human beings are hard-wired for speaking. We use it so much that we sometimes forget how powerful our words are. The things we say affect not only other people but also ourselves. That's why it's important to speak up properly and not just for the sake of being heard but also for the sake of being understood properly while at the same time they do not hurt our reputation when spoken.
"You may not realize it, but you have the power to change lives. Every single word we say can either lift someone up or bring someone down. We can either hurt or heal with our words."
The next time you get the chance, try speaking a few nice words to someone and see how it makes them feel. You may be surprised by the results. There's a limit to this though:
- constant apology, even when you're not wrong might lead to you being taken for granted.
-Apologising always without changing will someday lead to the word "Sorry" losing its meaning when next you say it.
Remember to always say "Sorry" when wrong, not only that, try as much as possible not to allow the event to repeat itself.
Thanks for Reading!🙏💚🤲
We shouldn't let pride stop us from doing the right thing, apologizing is key especially when you are wrong.