Finally! I Have a Company for Internship

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1 year ago

Hello Read Cash Community! I want to share some good news that I received this week!

Finally! I got accepted to the last interview I did last Friday. Though, I also accepted in other company but I choose this one because it is near from our city. It is only one ride of jeep from our home, so I can save a little on the cost of the dorm rent.

I will be deployed is a company who offers wide ray of loan products such as; from car and truck mortgage, consumer and business loans and others. They are a established financing company who offers loan with minimal interest rates.

Our duties are giving flyers to prospect customers and they will teach us the basic things they are doing in their office or clerical works. I know, we will gain a lot of experience to them and I'm hoping that they approved our performance and gave us a good grade hehe.

I realized that finding a job is very difficult to do. Imagine, I'm just looking for a company who offers internship but I have a hard time already, what more if it is in the real world. I thought, it was easy but it is not. There's nothing is in world we can get instantly, we need hard work, patience, and perseverance!

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That would be all! Thanks for reading this and stay tuned on my next article!

More of my articles to read:

:January 15, 2023

$ 0.30
$ 0.25 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @Porwest
Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago


Congratulations Joyce. I've known a few who have taken on internships and ended up working for them upon graduation. Stay focused, learn as much as you can, ask questions, and show interest. If you find you like this kind of work, don't be afraid to ask for more work before the ask :) An internship can be perceived as selling yourself to them for future employment.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Thankyou!✨ Yeah I will gave my best in this internship! Hoping that they see what I can do and hired me on the future also hehe

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Congratulations! All the best for you Joyce 🤗 Do your best and make yourself proud 🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thankyou Teacher Lyn!✨

$ 0.00
1 year ago