Part 2: Learn to Acknowledge Green Flags

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2 years ago

While there are some that force to seek a perfect relationship, there are also people who choose to stay single because of being afraid to feel and encounter some red flags in a relationship.

In the last article, I wrote about five personalities and behavioral traits in a healthy relationship and now and here are other traits that a healthy relationship should have.

Share on all levels.

Being in a relationship, sharing in all aspects is a must. Sharing of thoughts, ideas, feelings and values can keep you together during difficult times and it will bring happiness during the high points of your relationship. Every partner should share similar values so they will never live in perpetual disappointment and resentment.

Enjoying similar things.

Though couples have individual interests, they still must enjoy similar things. They should enjoy each other’s company. Enjoying similarities can give a big effect to have strong and most consistent attitudes, values, referred activities and attractiveness.


It is an ability to live up to the responsibilities of a love relationship, and it means being dependable at all times. It’s all about keeping words and promises that means living in your relationship. Maturity is the ability to love unconditionally and to adjust to certain circumstances, times, and people.

A mature relationship is when allowing your partner to freely pursue their individual interests and friends. They must be reminded that they are not the centre of the universe. You need to take responsibility for your own needs. Supporting personal growth is very important, and comparing your relationship to others is a thing that you must never do when you’re in a relationship. Be mature enough to handle things with love and understanding.

Being Vulnerable

It is allowing your partner to know you deeply and fully. You must allow yourself to know each other especially when it comes to your feelings, thoughts, challenges, weaknesses and difficulties that you are struggling with. It means expressing the sides of yourself about which you have the least confidence or certainty. It's best when you know that you are being accepted by the real you. In a relationship, you must be a good listener to have better communication.

Admit mistakes

No one was born perfect; everyone can make mistakes and have their own flaws. But of course, we cannot use it to justify hurting others but saying sorry or apologizing helps repair relationships by getting the partners to talk and making themselves comfortable with each other again. You must admit that you committed mistakes and make sure to make a sincere apology to let them know that you are not proud of what you did and make everything that you can not make or repeat that behaviours ever again.

Acknowledging green flags in a relationship was very important nowadays. Green flags are signs to help you know that you’re interested to pursue and to get to know a person better. The green flags in your relationship give you an eagerness to protect and give importance to the person that you love.

Though relationships may not be perfect at all times, communicating with your partners will always be the best to direct your relationship in a healthy direction. But if you truly love a person and you have good intentions, all these green flags will come out naturally even if you don’t force and look for it. Be wise and be gentle because love is a gift, you must give it to someone who deserves it.

Date Published: January 12, 2022

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2 years ago


I think I can work with the 4 except maturity Charmy Charmy 🙉, that's one of my worst traits ever. Di na mawawala yan sakin. Not just when it comes to relationship but in all aspect. That's why relationship is not for me 🙉🙉🤣. But well, wala naman me balak. So I'm good 🙈

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha. You're good alone and single naman ate. So, no worries. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yws na yes talaga jan teheee

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well noted sis but for now, self love muna talaga ako. Been in a relationship for almost 3 years but ended up single again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmmm. Self-love munga nga siguro best option mo now, sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago