I Left And Came Back With 10,000 Views In 4 Months

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Avatar for Talecharm
2 years ago

No words could exactly describe how happy I am for the 10,000 views milestone in 4 months with more than 300 friends and greater than 20 sponsors.

I could still remember the days when I started my writing journey here. The day was so fair but I was so unmotivated and even very hesitant to continue. Not because of the reason that I do not want to write but I failed to move out from my comfort zone, perhaps my heart was left in noise.cash. But if not because of noise.cash, I would not have a chance to discover a platform as amazing as read.cash through a virtual friend whom I always look up to in this wonderful platform I often mention in my previous articles on how I started being a writer.

Today is a remarkable moment to view a red bell with a priceless notification and my most gratifying expressions of appreciation and recognition in my journey as a writer and content creator in my humble ways. I am truly honored and humbled to achieve this milestone toward my writing journey in which I never thought I would attain for a short span of time. I left and came back with 10,000 views in 4 months not to mention that I was gone for more than 3 weeks and decided to go back to rediscover and reexplore the platform one more time. I may be weak in the old times but the resilience to go forward had given me a greater passion to improve my weaknesses and be the better person than yesterday.

It may just be a number but my heart leaps up and shouts out for joy.

Sponsors of Talecharm

The beginning would always be the hardest. In a milestone of achieving from 1 to 10 where achieving 10 as the highest, it would really be easier, yet when you would use the zero as a reference, starting from zero is really very difficult considering a lot of challenges and struggles in a writing journey of having zero followers, zero sponsors, zero in approved communities, zero supporters, and all you have is only yourself as your back up. The beginning may have hindered me to stop for a while but I am now facing challenges and struggles for I greatly believe the worst would always make you a better version than you are in the past. But later on, I woke up from a bad dream and strived hard to discover and explore another virtual world away from from my comfort zone. Then, I went back for my account and restarted my writing journey back then in January 2022. It was at this month where I could attest that I had become more active, from writing every other day or every two days. and then again, I targeted to write every day which even made me more active to write something that interests me like everything under the Sun.

There is no such thing as good as magic in reality, for everything seems so complex where to choose an easy way out belongs only to the weak and I have to admit that I am truly weak and I was weaker during my beginning days in the platform. Perhaps everybody experiences starting from zero but it is just a matter of self-management and self-control. Reminiscing the days back then, I really struggled a lot for it is really so hard to start when you do not really know how you would be motivated to continue. I may have left for a while, yet I am not born a quitter. When I left the platform for more than 3 weeks, it was like a matter of recharging myself to take a deep breath and come back when I am ready. Maybe that time I was not ready to step out from my comfort zone while I keep on enjoying a certain world I used to comfortably live and that is an amazing world with noise.cash. Glad to know that I was able to manage and control myself, as well as being the top 1 supporter of my very own life.

Although the to start in any journey is the most difficult thing to do, when you have yourself as your number one supporter, surely you would always be succeeding. It may not be easy to start from zero in everything but I still pursued with my only self boldly. Time had passed by, I met wonderful friends and sponsors in the community and they were the amazing souls one who had motivated me to write more and more and added flavors to my dull life. And now, let me show my appreciation to all my great friends and amazing sponsors for the unwavering love, care, and support through the following:

  • Feeling energized and revived recalling that I have special someone who empowers me to never feel weak and not to leave again despite the uncertain challenges and struggles.

    F-Feeling energized and

    R-revived recalling that

    I-I have special someone who

    E-empowers me to

    N-never feel weak and not to leave again

    D-despite the uncertain challenges and


I may have left and weak but I came back with a stronger self to face the uncertain challenges and struggles in my writing journey. Somehow, all the hardships I had in the past seems like paid off with an extreme happiness as I see the growing number of my great and amazing friends in the platform. And now, I promised to myself to never feel weak and not to leave again but when I feel tired and exhausted, I would simply take a deep breath, rest for a while, and be able to come back when I am ready to continue. I would just be gone for a purpose but I will be right back with a greater passion to continue. Moreover, I am truly honored and humbled for the achievement I have today. It may just be a number but my heart leaps up and shouts out for joy. No words could exactly describe how happy I am for the 10,000 view milestone in 4 months with more than 300 friends and greater than 20 sponsors.

To all my highly valued and treasured friends in the community, I may not thank you enough but from the bottom of my most gratifying and humble heart, I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation and heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering love, care, generosity, kindness, and support most especially to my ever great viewers, likers, upvoters, commenters, sponsors, and visitors. To my 352 friends and 21 sponsors, you are all the core of my writing journey. I may fail to mention each one of you, but know that I always mean it when I express through my kind words with a real warmth. At this moment, I could not really hold back my words and just so you know, I left and came back with 10,000 views in 4 months.

All photos are mine and were taken by me.

Disclaimer: No part of this article is intended to advertise nor commercialize, and it falls under the guidelines of fair use. All parts and contents are mine and are purely based on my personal learning experiences and insights. This humble article is mainly intended for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright 2022 Talecharm. All Rights Reserved.

$ 7.94
$ 6.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @Alther
$ 0.06 from @TheGuy
+ 32
Sponsors of Talecharm
Avatar for Talecharm
2 years ago


Hello, my friend

Congratulations on this milestone.

This achievement is a consequence of your creative writing and enriching effect on your readers.


$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hi, my dear friend Jnavedan in noise.cash. I see you first in noise.cash as you were one of the prominent users there as well as here in read.cash and you are someone I always look up too. I thank you so much for your warmest greetings and congratulatory words but this is just a simple me. Grateful of your wonderful remarks my friend. I wish you more success in all your endeavors.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations!!!! On the great success achieved in a short time. Keep going for the better. I believe you for 10000 views within 4 months. I hope more viewers will continue. I saw on the article this morning lifted my spirit. You are really an inspiration to others. Well done!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on the great success achieved in a short time. Keep going for the better.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you very much my dear friend, foryoubtc09 in both platforms. I would always remember you as someone who supports my journey both in noise.cash and read.cash. And when I got here, I am more thank grateful for the trust you had given me through your support, the sponsorship which had really encouraged me to do good and write more. Thank you very very much for all the support my dear friend, foryoubtc09, and always know that you are really appreciated and love from me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will never fail to always congratulate you on your huge achievement, and I believe more success are coming on the way, more grace friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I so appreciate your greetings my dear friend, Gently. You are really one of the great and amazing friends I have in the platform. You had given me the strength to go on in a writing journey in ways you may never know but believe that you are really one and I really thank you so much for all the motivating words and encouragement every time. I may feel to thank you each day but deep within my heart, know that I so appreciate you and I am really very thankful to you my dear friend with so much love and care from me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awww am so honored to hear this friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations my friend Talecharm. I believe you for 10000 views within 4 moths. I hope more viewers will continue

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am grateful of your congratulatory words my dear friend Jen. Thank you so much for all the love and support even in noise.cash. I may fail to respond but the clicks would tell sending some cares for you. Much love and you are very much appreciated as always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tnk you very much my dear friend Talecharm and your welcome. You are generous friend fo 2 flattform noise.cash and read.cash

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Congrats madam charm, you never fail to amazed me everytime. You are such a really good writer here and also a friend, you words of widoms and advices had impacted my life as always. Thank you so much and congratulations again.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

As always I am moved by your words my dear friend sky. Always thankful of your unwavering presence and support. You are very much appreciated and much love from me. I wish you all the best in your writing journey too. I am happy to hear from you that somehow I am able to touch your life in ways you know. You are most welcome my dear friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on your new milestone! You did really well in 4 months 💙

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am grateful of your most precious time and attention my dear friend, fantagira most especially for your warm words of congratulations. Know that I so appreciate your presence and I always look up on you being one of the best and amazing people here.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Aww thank you. That’s so lovely of you 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats for your achievement here in read.cash. I firstly noticed you on noise.cash back then since you are generous, and I remember that you helped me a bit on my lesson before (I'm the boringwriter) haha. Anyway, where are you from? I guess that you are from Venezuela haha as I saw on your last post before or it's from other user hahaha

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah I know you well in noise.cash and read.cash my dear friend boring writer and you are one of the oldest users here. I salute you for being a very hardworking student. Even still a student you are already engaged in the world of cryptocurrency. And I remember that moment too when I helped you about research. Thank you very much for one of my amazing friends in the platform and for the appreciation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really a great achievement wish you more milestones ahead congrats 🎉

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much for the appreciation and heartwarming words my dear friend crazywrites most especially for your attention. I bounce back all the well wishes to you and I wish you more and more success in your writing journey. Grateful that you are really one of my amazing friends in the platform.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations. I just wrote my first article yesterday,I felt so bad when no one reacted but just one encouraging comment I saw on the article this morning lifted my spirit.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I could truly feel what you have felt my dear friend faith. The key here is really not to give up. The beginning may always be the hardest but I am pretty sure that you are courageous and brave to face all the challenges and struggles in life. Surely you would have achievements to at the most perfect time, just follow the simple rules of the community.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much dear,one thing I know for sure is winners never quit and quitters never win,it was consistency and determination that brought you this far. I hope someday I will be receiving congratulatory messages just like you. Keep soaring higher queen🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why what milestone. I joined read.cash not long ago and already feeling like giving up but after reading this I feel inspired. Thank you friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We all that feeling of quitting when we first enter the platform with zero friends and zero support from the surroundings yet when have connections, although it is still difficult, the feeling becomes lighter. Just never quit my friend. I know you are not born a quitter. Continue you writing journey while following the simple rules of the platform. You can always do it. Carry on my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Because you're a great writer, inspirer and motivator for us especially the beginners. Your articles that full of wisdom and encouraging words motivated us to do good and better. Your attitude reflected to the words in every of your article. You really deserved for what you have achieved. All these things happened to your life because of the kind of heart that you have and shared to us. I was blessed also having you as my real friend. God bless my friend Talecharm. More abundant blessings to come!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

My heart melts as I read your most sincere words, my dear friend Han. And I so feel an encouragement of a great motivator but as I always say that this is just a very simple me. I am really glad that I have met you in this platform. I truly appreciate your time to leave valuable replies in my article every time. Those moments really mean so much to me. Your words were very inspiring, encouraging, and very motivating. I thank you so much not just for the congratulatory words but for being a very amazing friend to me. Thank you very much my friend and as always I wish you bright days ahead.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You really are an inspiration to others. Well done!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you very much, Sir. I am always inspired by your motivating words and I would look up to you at all times. I met you first in noise.cash and I am very impressed by your works. And now here in read.cash, still I am feeling impressed about your great and profound thoughts for I always see you as a brilliant man. To receive a compliment from a highly valued friend like you is really very priceless and I thank you so much for being one of my great friends in the community.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've experienced failure when joining readcash the first time. Actually this is the second account. My first account I've written about 5 articles but didn't get any attention from readcash (you get what I mean) there was only one friend who tagged me 😖😖. Yeah about 3 months ago I didn't care about readcash. I focus on noisecash only which I'm actually trying to hold on to. I lost my Freetips 3 months ago. I tried to find other platforms but nothing is as easy as entering readcash. One day, a friend at noisecash wrote an article on readcash and then I asked and told him he said now entering readcash is much more profitable if our articles deserve to be noticed by robots. I don't understand what it means. Then I opened my read.cash account and wanted to try to like this friend's article, it turned out that my account couldn't like it, I had to re-register. Finally I created a new account, I tried to write again but can't get any attention, What's wrong with my article? I did not give up I tried to write again with the theme of the activities in the school I teach. After writing 3 or 4 days I didn't open an account and I was very surprised that my article was notified by a robot that almost reached $ 4 and several other readcash friends. I was so touched.😭 Finally I tried to get acquainted with this robot, I read the account. It turns out that there are certain requirements in writing articles here so that robots can be detected and then I compare them with several other writers. And I understand that. Until I met you because other noisecash friends are friends with you and it turns out that we have interacted and honestly I learned from your article how you wrote here and my noisecash friends who are also friends with you, I don't need to mention their names. Until finally my writing gets attention and I am grateful for it. Even more in readcash than in noisecash. and I will continue to look for interesting titles or themes that I can adopt as my articles.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

It was an unexpected acquaintance in the comment section in noise.cash where I got to know you my dear friend, Ayuk. I was posting back then about an image of a vibrant and vivid flowers they same with the color of your traditional head covering, and you replied you love the color and it is your favorite color. Though I may have met more than a thousand of friends in noise.cash, I would always remember how each one has touched my life. And you are one of those that I highly valued my dear friend, Ayuk. I feel a little bit sad hearing about your journey, but I so feel you. And I know with those worst experiences, it had really taught you the best lesson in life. I wish you more achievements here my dear friend. Much love from me to you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you with passion, love and support friends to keep writing💪💛

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy 10,000 views here ma'am! You and your articles really deserve that kind of support.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Happy to see you here my dear friend Tamia with your most thoughtful remarks and I truly appreciate your kind gesture. Thank you very much for expressing that I deserve this but let me tell you that this is just a very simple me. I bounce back all the love and support and I am in deep gratitude for everything. Much love from me my dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your acronym for the word F-R-I-E-N-D-S says it all. I am sure you will win more friends here and elsewhere.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you so much for being a part of my so called Friends as described by the mnemonics my dear friend, Unity. You are so priceless and literally highly valued. I am honored by your words and I give back all the well wishes to you Sir. Your words are always profound and I so love interacting with you every time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is really an amazing achievement. By the way, that's a very good mnemonic for "friends". I think we both have started around the same time, just the few days as deviation.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I thank you so much for the words of congratulations and the heartwarming appreciation on my mnemonic about friends my dear friend, Trofi. My friends are truly the blessings I have in this community. I may fail to mention everyone but you would always be a part of my most amazing and great friends. Yes, we had both started at the same time, and you would always be a part of my beginning journey my dear friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am smiling and pleased to hear that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hardest part is starting, when we have started then we just need to be consistent to maintain what we have started.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

For every beginning would always include the hardest part thinking about null. But as you go along the way, you would always learn from your experience along with amazing friends that would always guide you the right path guided by the simple rules of the community. We really need to be consistent to maintain everything that we have and all that we have started.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations dear! You deserve all the views because of your great articles.😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I appreciate you always my dear friend yhane and thanks for the love. Views I did not really expect I would achieve and I am more than glad to have your continuous support. I am giving back all the kind words and well wishes to a dear friend like you. I thank you very much for everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

First of all congratulations 🎉👏 🎊 to you my friend it's the huge amount of views that you got in such a short period, it's the result of your hardwork and your interaction with others users. Keep celebrating your happiness, many more successes are on the way and keep it up

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Those are very heartwarming and sincere my dear friend, Roojo. Perhaps you had motivated and inspired me being one of my great sponsors, and I am very much grateful for that. I really thank you so much for the warm congratulatory words and your well wishes. I would like to send back all of those to you and wish you success in everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kudos to you friend. This definitely is a great going and real achievement. Do continue entertaining us with your fresh motivational and inspirational topics, like this. Let Almighty bless you abundantly.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Once again, thank you very much for the kind words and for being an amazing friend. But on the other side, I felt sad about what had happened, I hope all would be alright in time. Just trust a difficult process my dear. There would always be struggles and challenges but at the peak you would always have the achievements that your heart desires.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes Mam I will be here with patience for some more time. Let's see if things change. Thank you for being with me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome friend, this achievement is the result of your pursuit, May your path be long,

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You were one of the people who had encouraged me my dear friend Thomas as you are one of my great sponsors. I truly appreciate that and it even encouraged me to write more and more. I am truly grateful and my heart leaps up.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow, congrats for your 10000 views maam, you achieve that because of your hardwork. We all started from zero but look at you now in a short period of time you got your followers and 10K views. Keep it up maam and thank you for your generosity.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are most welcome my dear friend mhy as I always value you as one of my amazing friends in the community and I thank you so much for the great support and love from you that I truly appreciate. One of the key ingredients in any journey is really to be hardworking as you carry your heart with you. I also wish for more success and more BCH to come to your humble life my dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Consistency, passion, hard work, sincerity, kindness, regardless of differences and backgrounds have proven clearly that everything will never pass in vain. There is a time to sow to grow seeds and a time to reap abundant fruit. it only takes a few percent to think of 1 one idea but the effort and hard work developing each idea is the way others have sometimes but it's yours. "sometimes a person goes and doesn't leave a trace not because he is getting bored but he will see how someone tries to carry on with life in his own way and character". good job and it's cool

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Such a great thoughts from you my dear friend pajeroz. There are really the key ingredients to success and it differs from one person to another but what is more common despite differences is consistency. We really have to be consistent on everything we do most especially to be part of a writing journey as amazing as this platform. I am more than thankful to be part of read.cash and met amazing and great friends like you. Thank you very much for everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations My Friend, really time flies so fast. So proud and happy all of your achievements in life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you very much my dear friend Mjay. Same to you, I am always proud of you, and you are very much appreciated for that. I wish and hope for a happy and a successful day in your writing journey. Grind more and be gleaming later. May your desires be granted with BCH and may you achieve all aspirations.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We all started from zero but look at you now Maam your rest brings you more braver to inspire me and other users eith you touching heart articles. Congratulations Maam for unlocking another milestone and more to come😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

How sweet of you my dear friend, Mary. I would always remember your profound comments to my articles and you are truly one of my great friends here. Really very hard at the beginning but I am glad that you and me had conquered the very difficult beginnings and I am already on my fourth month now. Yes to more virtual friendship with you and I thank yo so much for all the love and support my dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woah, you make my heart flattered for a new found friendship at thid platform. We will conquer all the difficulties may occur.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm also gone for like 4 months and when i came back, I am welcomed with 10k viewers 🤣

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am thinking that you are having id as parot in noise.cash but maybe I am wrong. I am glad to hear from you my dear friend, Gamboa. You truly deserve having more than ten thousan views because you are a very good writer in the platform. More abundant blessings to come on your way my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thankyou nso much for visiting my timeline whenever that I'm posting new articles and leaving some upvotes. I appreciate your precious time given by me

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are most welcome my dear friend, Gamboa and I so appreciate everything that you write. You are very creative and I so love your write ups. Know that you are very much appreciated too as well as for your time and attention to add something on my humble post. I wish you more success most especially you are a breadwinner of your family, I know this community has helped you a lot and truly this platform had saved a thousand of lives. I have read that in one of your articles, if I am not wrong. More BCH to come on your way and I am wishing that you would be blessed abundantly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations to you you did a great job and you deserve this because your content is full of quality more success to you dear ;-)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is just me my dear friend Molo but I love to hear such sincere words from you. I than you very much for your well wishes and I thank you as well for being one of the good friends I have in this platform. Know that I am always lucky to have you as a friend and perhaps you are truly sweet, I always appreciate you for that. I know you could attain this very soon as you continually go on in your writing journey my dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The amount of blessings and support you received is what you deserved. You have been so good and kind especially to those new users in the platform. I still remember you are one of my first sponsor. You'll achieved more and your articles will inspire more others.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You truly deserve the sponsorship my dear friend, Den because you are a very good writer. I just share every little I have for I always know the feeling of having nothing most especially when you are new in the platform with no one to lean on but somehow with the presence of great friemds, some burdens get lighten and the struggle to continue directs a light to have a greater passion to go on despite the trying times. I thank you so much my dear friend for all the compliments and always know that you are truly appreciated.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You deserve that views friend your one of a great writer here, congratulations with that more achievements to come to you

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Really grateful of your warm words and well wishes my dear friend, Love and I am thankful as well of the virtual friendship. I am sending back the well wishes to you, and I hope that you would achieve more success in your writing journey and more visits for more BCh earnings. All the best my dear friend, Love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow 10 000 views unlock within 4 months, it's a big wow and I'm so happy for this achievement of yours my friend Talecharm. You truly deserve it. Congratulations 👏🎉🎉

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am so happy to hear from one of the most motivating and inspiring people I met in my writing journey, and that is you, my dear friend Lhes. I happened to meet you in noise.cash too as very friendly, and now here in read.cash we are still friends, and I so thank you for the friendship though I do not really know you personally, but I felt lightness in the heart every time I converse with you. By the way, I thank you so much for all the love and support my dear.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks for the friendship too my friend Talecharm. Conversing to you each time I had got the chance here do feels great always. Your words always warmth my heart and I'm forever grateful for it. I may have said this many times but I hope you will not get tired hearing this once again, thank you for being one of my friend in both platforms my friend. Im lucky to have known you with a beautiful heart. Thanks for the love and support too. God bless you always my dear friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You always have F.R.I.E.N.D.S. wherever you go, because it is the basic form of affection and interpersonal thing in this world. Just like now that I'm being encouraged to do something because of your article or writing.. Your journey as a writer is not easy at start but along the way, it will progress and will gain attention from the people who come across it. Just keep going!!!😉

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I feel so much of inspiration in your replies my dear friend, Tony. If I am not wrong, I know you are a friend in noise.cash, because I remember the same id commenting to my post and I think it is you, my apology if it is not you but I am just confirming. I hope that your journey here would last long and I hope that you would find the community as very amazing and wonderful. And yes, my journey here right at the start was not really easy but now I am glad that I was able to conquer it. I wish you success, my dear friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A milestone very much deserved. I wish you more to come. Congratulations Talecharm!!🎊🎊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

What a heartwarming congratulations from a very dear friend, Doc Layla. Perhaps you are very good to me since I started my writing journey here in read.cash. I cannot thank you enough for all the love and support my dear. I bounce back in a good way all the hopes and I am wishing you all the best too in your writing journey. Know that you are so loved and I so appreciate your presence at all times. My heart leaps up knowing that I have a friend as amazing as you my dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww I am very flattered Talecharm. Thanks alot. Youve been very supportive too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Reading this is quite inspiring as I just registered here two days ago and already feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to put in to grow here.

But like they say no pain no gain, so I know to get to certain stages you need to take certain steps and it'll all fall into place.

Congratulations on your milestone, your story shows it's achievable. Looking forward to growing here as well

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Every so often we really need to go through the worst so we could always maximize all our potentials and be a better person than yesterday. I had to admit that I was weak but I faced all my weaknesses with so much passion to go on. I left and came back but I never expected that O would achieve all of these. Thank you so much my dear friend, Haz for your motivating words and I welcome you on your writing journey. May you be blessed more. I would like to leave some words like be consistent and be obedient with the simple rules of the platform so you would enjoy your stay here my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, you deserve it 'cause you are hardworking and so approachable. Cheers to more milestones!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Even in noise.cash, you were there in my beginning days about 5 months ago, and I could not ever forget that. Now, here in read.cash you are also here as one of the prominent users of the platform, and we are still friends. I am more than glad of having crossed paths with you my dear friend, Julez. I am in deep gratitude for your heartwarming words of congratulations and likewise, I wish you more success in the future even if you are already successful as a writer in here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're a start Talecharm and that is because you such a quality articles that deserve all the views.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You were with me in a wonderful journey me dear friend Dan. Let me express my heartfelt gratitude for being one of my supportive friends in here most especially for your time and attention. Your words are so heartwarming as always every time you add compliments to my articles but this is just a simple me. But then, I thank you very much for your warm words of congratulations. I wish you more success too in your writing journey and much cares from me to you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations! Not surprised that you achieved this feat in such a short time. Your articles are scintillating to read

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Such a very good friend, my dear friend Aimure. As I always said that your words are profound and very powerful. I thank you so much for your congratulatory words most especially for being one of my amazing friends. I am more than honored and humbled to meet a friend like you. More success in your journey here my friend. And may you always achieve fruitful outcomes in this feat tomorrow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow that was fast! Congrats and I thankyou for sharing this. I am sure that more users will be inspired for this.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am happy to see you both in noise.cash and read.cash as one of my great friends. I thank you so much for the heartwarming words but this is just a very simple me. You are always welcome and know that you are very much appreciated. I wish you all the best in your writing journey too, sis. More earnings to come and I wish Rusty would be there to check on you and visit you from time to time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Big hug to you. Congratulations dear. It felt like yesterday you said hello to me & today we are having the elite member among us. Shine more dear. You are an awesome author, a motivational speaker & a great friend. I wish you all the best.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

There you are my dear friend, Luci. Remembering the first day, that I got to know you, I was really inspired, that was actually the moment when I decided to come back for good. Time flies so fast now and I feel so happy that my heart leaps up and shouts for joy as I had seen the red bell. I thank you so much for all the motivation and inspiration to continue in this journey, I never though I would have. I wish you back all success too my dear friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations to one of my favourite writer. I really feel happy to see your achievement dear friend. As you did hard work you really deserve it. You are my inspiration from the beginning when I am join here.Hopefully oneday I will also achieve this dear.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am pretty sure that you could really achieve this my dear friend, Dreamboy for you have the attributes and characteristics of such a very good writer most evident in your articles and interactions in the platform. I am always grateful of your most heartwarming words and I would never stop saying that you are very much appreciated. I thank you so much for the congratulatory words and for being one of my amazing friends in the community.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's massive come back of you. I'm also trying to becoming like you. You've put through every struggles and hardworks on that. Appreciated your whole actions

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is not easy to go on in a journey when you do not move out from your comfort zone, and that what has actually happened to me. I had so much of hesitations but I tried to conquer all my weaknesses so I could improve for the better and today here is learning from each one of us. I so appreciate your honest replies and surely you could achieve this my dear friend, akagamino for you are a very good writer. I am grateful of your most warm congratulatory words, and I am wishing you more success in all your aspirations whatever it may be.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Every action action of our life is a lesson. By the way why did you elaborate the whole thing and wrote so many words. Are you planning for taking IELTS?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I just cannot hold back those words as I felt my struggles and challenges back then and all of a sudden, I had received this notification, in which never did I expect I could get at this times. No, I do not have a plan for I am also inclined to something.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Another milestone unlock friend Talecharm. Congrats for that achievement how I wish I could reach that too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I know you could reach this achievement too my dear friend, Jopix for you are very hardworking and follows the rules of the community. I am so happy hearing words of congratulations from you and I would love bouncing back it to you very soon with you would achieve the views milestone. It is not impossible my dear, you would always have this at the most perfect time. Just continue grinding now and surely you would gleam later.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is truthful,soon i can reach that dear talecharm, I'll keep on grinding.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Best friend i celebrate with you. Whenever i see the people i love so much achieve things like this, i am always motivated. 4 months and you are able to reach 10000 views, this shows that hardwork pays, and anythiis possible when hardwork is involved. Congratulations ones again.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I have to admit that to start a writing journey here is not really easy especially when you build from nothing and when you do not really know where you are leading and what would motivate you to continue writing but the moment you came, my dear friend peju, those weak feelings were slowly gone and I thank you so much for all the love and support. I could always remember you as someone who is very profound and the ever kindest to me. Thank you so much once again. Much love from me, my best friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This words is already making my night a perfect one. Good night best friend.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

10,000 view is a lot.. Well done ma'am. I can't remember my last hall mark, I think it was 10,000 view too..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Let me extend my sincerest gratitude to you my dear friend, Kristoff. I could still remember my beginning days with your support until now. Much love to a dear friend and I thank you so much for your congratulatory words. It may just be a number but this really means so much to me remembering of the times that I almost quit for beginning days would always be the hardest. Thank you so much once again for the kind words to me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No No, don't mention it. I did nothing. It was your effort that made you come this far.. it was all you and your ability to not give up. I congratulate you.

I also went through a tough time when I just began.. I remember that @therandomrewarder didn't visit me until my 11th article... It was frustrating.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Perhaps I could not hold back my words to thank a friend for being my inspiration, and you are one of them. I so understand your feeling. But after knowing that you were upvoted after the 11th article, I could even more say that you are very amazing and very brave to still go on with your writing journey. I am really glad to meet a very good writer like you. Once again, thank you so much for the words of congratulations my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations dear, I wish you earn more views and happiness.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I feel so happy that I am being congratulated by an amazing friend like you. Thank you very much for all the love my dear friend, Shohana and I always see your kind deeds. Likewise my dear friend, I am hoping and wishing for more views and happiness in your writing journey today, tomorrow, and in the future. Yes to more great days in the platform and I wish more BCH earnings. And I am more than happy of having you as one of my great friends.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm honored! Thanks dear for such kind words. I'm really very lucky to have such friend like you! Stay blessed ❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow this is awesome. Congratulations on this very impressive milestone within 4 months although you deserve more than this. Congratulations once again.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I thank you so much always for the sincere words my dear friend, Allboy most especially for the support. I did not truly expect that I would achieve this milestone within 4 months. You were with me in my writing journey and let me show some appreciation to a dear friend like you who are always there to support and show some acts of goodness. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very muvh and I wish you more success in your writing journey, too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago