"I want to ask the askers did you ever consider maybe we cant"

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Avatar for King_Gozie
2 years ago

"Questions, a whole lot of them unanswered but have you ever considered the fact that may be the people you're asking don't know what to do and maybe they are lost and everything seems to be completely blurry."

When you're single the questions like "Hey why are you single?" So then you get into a relationship but few week later the question is well "When are you going to get married?" And then you get married now the question is well "When are you really going to have kids?". Like seriously it does goes on and on and certainly an answer is expected fyi I'm still single 😊.

The unrelenting quest to drive people insane with our questions should stop, there are times when you just need to be right there to answer the replies and not just drop them and go then our responses are left hanging. Let's be quite practical now anytime you ask maybe having a negative mindset, your words have literally made people a casualty of the war they fight in them just very much waiting to see the light. Your questions have backed them into hiding and for any chance they get at resurrecting will fade.

So let's bring it down to this platform "what intentions are hidden behind every questions?"

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Do you want to use the slightest opportunity to know people better or to roast them just for their creativity or their art. We are all humans we cant grow without challenging ourselves and listening to critiques too, but there are more to it than just asking someone a few questions. Most times our responses comes from a place of hurt, we have to try to read people before we throw questions at them. If only our written stories could talk you'll be surprised how your questions peirces through.

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Could it be me, maybe it's my fault, maybe I didn't calculate the equations properly, maybe I'm just someone who needs to be spoken to, maybe I wished they didn't see me the way they did, maybe I'm desiring to be better but I just don't know how. You gotta have to lead people and not chastise them, you got the power to stop this from happening but you chose to let them see it the hard way.

We have this mindset of feeling bad for every one thing that seems bad out of many good things, it makes us wonder if our strengths and our capabilities are at it's best.....

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our senses becomes too sensitive that you could smell the aroma of hate coming from that person but nonetheless you really did amazing. You can never get away from the askers, what you are to do is ignore don't adjust to adjust to what they they expect from you. You are not the first to be faced with this issue, many have gone through and have better understanding on what to do.

My advice to everyone reading this I love you though, please don't call someone out publicly just for the sake of proving to yourself. Its hurtful you really are doing much harm than you imagine it to be. Please respect each person, regardless of how powerful you are....like I said in my previous post the main goal should be achieved. We are all in one place to accept creatives.

Thank you for your time. Happy Sunday and please stay safe.

Open hearts become open books.

Rusty' s warmth welcome to newer accounts

Be careful what you use as your identity

The world is void without you in it

Bye for now.

|15 AUGUST 2021|

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Avatar for King_Gozie
2 years ago


in life critiques are everywhere, we dont need to please them just treat them with kindness and maybe somehow they'll realize..these kinds of people in my life I just pray for them because we cant change them, only God can do that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its sad to say that there are people who are so insensitive when they ask questions to others. Before we ask something we should learn to weigh the words comes from our mouth and respect other people's lives. Asking someone a questions simultaneously to the point that they even don't know how to answer you and if they did not answer you'll going to be proud of yourself because you feel like you made them look stupid for not able to answer your questions. This mindset should stop.

$ 0.09
2 years ago

It definitely needs to stop....what message are we conveying to people through our questions..thank you everyone really needs to see this, you buttressed it so much with your comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is when respect needs to be put first. πŸ‘Œ We can't go wrong if we all have respect.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes 100 percent with you. Thank you Marinov

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There should be mutual respect between everyone regardless of age or status. Throwing out hurtful words without thinking of the repercussion is an habit we shouldn't be known for.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sir I'm on your side, indeed we can curb the questions and make things right. Thank you Happyboy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes people forget they crossed the line already. It is extremely painful sometimes for the receiving end to get those kinds of hurtful questions. Especially if that person went through a lot. With that, we should be mindful to not cross that line when talking with someone, for we do not know them fully.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Life is always about passing this stage to go to the next, irrespective of me where you are and what you've achieved, people will always ask you when are you going to do this or that. For me what really matters more is satisfaction. Not letting peoples questions get to us ans push into what we don't really wanna do.

$ 0.08
2 years ago

This is really important while facing in this world, the word "Respect". Everywhere, everytime we should know our limit the way we speak and think deeper what could be the effect from this words. We should learn the right decency and apply it into ourselves. We should be respectful with each other.

God bless you sir Gozie...πŸ™πŸ˜‡

$ 0.08
2 years ago

People are just expect so much from others which should not be so

$ 0.04
2 years ago

People will never stop asking. But we must learn to be fine even if people ask us uncomfortable questions. But you are very right. We must respect others. We won't get respect if we don't do it.

$ 0.10
2 years ago

Everybody deserves to be respected, I agree just ignore and move on....thanks

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Respect is what we need in this world.. No matter how stress provoking the questions are.. Let's not be out of track and maintain the pace. .throw them positive words instead..

$ 0.10
2 years ago

Yes ma'am, I like this relating back with positive words regardless...instead of letting it get to us.. thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In our place, these kind of people are everywhere. It seems like everything you do, they have something to say. Sometimes their questions became rude but they didn't notice it. As a decent human being, we should be mindful of the words that will come out from our mouth. And most importantly, be respectful from each other.

$ 0.10
2 years ago

We, people never run out of questions especially when our curiosity strikes. But we all should be mindful on when and what to ask so that it won't be so offensive to the someone whom we asked.

$ 0.06
2 years ago

Yes that is the truth, certainly try to offend some one by questioning them...this should be our watch word stay 'mindful'...thanks Jinifer

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some people are just insensitive and throw so many questions. But you are right out there, that no matter what you have become, never forget to respect others.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

So true respect is key. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We must be sensitive in throwing question to someone that someone can not be hurt. It's easy anyway to be respectful but I don't think so to someone. Things in this entire world should be respected.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yes no matter what positions we hold, respect is key, not trying to bring people down...thanks Cris I appreciate you stopping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great write up You just poured out the pure and hidden cofactors about what people would always ask without knowing when to stop. Questions had push so many to the pit of no return. When they would have to go extra miles to seek for the answers to unnecessary questions

$ 0.06
2 years ago

Thank you Yusuf....i just hope people realize the effects of this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No matter what you do in life, people will never run out of questions to throw into you. But it is up to ys if we will let those questions consume us. Anyways, you are right no matter how powerful you become, please enver forget to respect people. Respect begets respect.

$ 0.10
2 years ago

Exactly questions on questions it never stops, we just have to ignore or don't let it get to us. Thank you Sequoia

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bro I love this piece one thing I have noticed about your articles is that they center on developing human character that’s so nice and to everyone who has read this article you just have to trust that people will come for you at some point in your life you just have to keep moving it’s hard I know but it’s life Nice one bro cheers πŸ₯‚

$ 0.15
2 years ago

That is life bro, the quest to see ones downfall all the time....we need to rethink and instead of asking why not teach. Thank you so much for this beautiful contribution.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Anytime boss

$ 0.00
2 years ago