After how many day of looking for some Critics for the Photo Essay Event, there are 3 users who shared interest. There should be 5 critics, but it looks like the others who want to take part are busy these days.
The Critics will be:
Criteria for Judging:
40% Message and Pictures
40% Votes (from critics)
15% Originality and Style
5% Votes (from supporters)
For a total of 100%
If you have noticed, there is a new criteria, there will be votation that will happen. But, it is just 5% of the total rating of the articles.
First Place: $2
Second Place: $1
Third Place: $1
Fourt Place: $.50
Fifth Place: $.50
The rest will have a consolation prize.
Minor Awards: $.10
This will still increase if someone wants to sponsor this event. If you wish to sponsor, kindly tell it in the comment section. It will be highly appreciated.
Special Thanks to our Current Sponsor for the 4th and 5th place: @esciisc
Submitted Entries:
People light the dark skies, not stars.
The Earth is Lifeless without you
The Smile of the Sun behind the Clouds
Beautiful scenary captured from a moving train
2 Days more before it will be closed.
If you want to join, read more info here: Photo Essay Event
Good initiative. I am not good at photography, but I can at least sponsor the contest. Is it a weekly contest?