Nowadays, knockoffs are everywhere. Sometimes, it's hard to decipher the real and the fake ones just on the very limited images and information provided by the seller or the provider online. Oftentimes, we fall into these scams because of some testimonials that are just overwhelming. And, sometimes we fall into it because we're just diving by instincts. We miss to scrutinize it, or maybe we did, but miss some things somehow because we're just like that - humans. Yah, lame excuse. But, we all are!
Simply means, lies and deceptions are everywhere too. It varies in severity and in forms, yet, still a lie. It can go far from the petty lies we have at home to the worst of all elsewhere - on the internet, in most social media platforms, from the betrayal we get from our friends and even from the people we trust so much in our lifetime.
A Few years back, I happened to join on one great make believe multi-level business thriving virtually. I don't want to name it, but the catch it this, by signing up and doing the business the company will train you into an online entrepreneur. Great right?! But, no. After I paid the handsome amount of P3,000 or roughly $59+, I realized that the business aspect was just about recruiting people to join you and earn from a percentage from those people. We are selling e-books and training videos as they say, but actually, we are selling in leverage for the owner. The training to make me an online entrepreneur is just a ladder to continually buy e-books and training videos from the owner. All in all, I have realized in a week or so, that my money have been spent to a knock off. I don't think I can go on deceiving people just by showing them those emotionally hype videos of earning so much money. It's a shame that the people in this company have to go through a cycle of lies and manipulation just to earn. Just absurd.
Lies are prevalent everywhere. Most online shopping sites, offers some knock offs too. Just recently, I bought a bluetooth speaker that is malfunctioning. I have to go through the hassle of returning the product because the item is just useless. Also, my brother opted to order in one famous and legit clothing brand online too, hoping that this won't be another knock off in our pocket, however, when it arrived the shoes was of smaller size. Oh man! I thought this one could be processed easily. How easy for them to sort out the size, style and color? Right?!
At home, the little girl of my brother, my niece, knows how to lie now as I noticed. The other day, I discovered several plastic trash of junkfoods and candies hidden under the sofa, where she loved to sit while watching TV. I asked her who kept those trash under the chair and she said a big NO. When I told everyone that I will remove the sofa in the living room if I see litters of junkfood and candies again, she throws a tantrum and even told her dad that I accused her of doing it. So, yes, these little souls lie to make up a good excuse. Somehow, we have to teach them that it's wrong, moreover, we have to lead them by example.
This world is full of deception and lies. It is never easy to fall into these traps. Like in my previous experience, it's a pain to see your finances gone into nothing. Furthermore, your time and effort was irreplaceable, you can't turn back the time and amend your mistakes. The only consolation we'll get would be the experience and lessons we learn in that process.
Have you been a victim of scams too?
This would be my article for #8 writing prompt about LIES.
To participate, rules are simple:
Write anything about Lies
Write 100% original content and at least 600 words
Join and submit to the community PromptlyJonica
Tag @JonicaBradley
Have fun
Some of my articles from this prompt:
The Pandemic: A Long Distraction
Sea Shells, Beautiful Shells, and Me
Photos from Pixabay (free to use images)
Content by me ©️ LykeLyca
It seems that the best company that pays the best dividends is the one that lies, the scam. God forbid. There are many of us who have fallen into these online lying traps. I do not like lies. I prefer painful truths, I will know how to deal with them.