There is always something awesome when we think of freedom. Living alone in a country with so much freedom is wonderful (some even abused it), I can't imagine living any place where government suppress some of our rights for suffrage, our right to choose what career path we want to take, and of course in some places, the longest battle of women for freedom to practice some things they aren't allowed doing because of gender. Freedom on this agenda is complicated, like the case of Myanmar's democratic crisis, freedom is futile as I see it for now. Sad.
Moreover, each of us are battling our own freedom. No matter how free/happy we could be in a general state, deep inside we are on bondage, we are crying for help, and we are fighting for freedom. We have those shackles that we longed to be free.
What are these shackles that limits our freedom?
POVERTY. This is very common in a lot of people around us. We see them on the streets, homeless, nothing to eat. They roam around, yet they're not free. Some might not be on the streets, but they're stuck in poverty too, some in debts. Being poor is not a bondage, but laziness is. Some don't want to learn, and when the government help them with livelihood projects they would see it in a different way, others would neglect it and some abuse it. They want easy money, they don't want to work for it. Thus, there is no room for improvement.
"A lazy person has trouble all through life; the path of the upright is easy."
- Proverbs 15:19
PAST TRAUMA. We have this wound from the past that keeps our freedom to enjoy life, like physically or verbally abused, molested and raped, witnessing heinous crimes and death, etc. We love hiding them in the secret corners of our mind and heart, but when you're reminded of it, the trauma and the pain resurface hurting you again. I admit I have been on this bondage too before and it hurts everytime I had a conflict with someone that involves insulting and belittling words, it's sad because I would break in tears and I would sob like the pain was still so fresh. (Its a long story maybe I have to make another article about it) . But one thing for sure, I was set free long ago when I know that Jesus cares about my past and He heals them, yes I had closure and healing.
"But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed."
- Isaiah 53:5
SICKNESS AND DISEASES. I have one patient with bone cancer that is consuming his back, he could no longer walk and enjoy other things he love doing. He used to love early morning or late afternoon walks but could no longer make it, he got stuck on his wheelchair perhaps for a lifetime, and he once said this to me "my freedom is compromised". How about us on this time of pandemic? Aren't we freedom compromised too? Yes. We are. But faith will keep us going despite all the restrictions.
"What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see."
- Hebrews 11:1
OBSESSIONS. We think wealthy people are free, but not really? They are in bondage too from the obsessions they want from life, things or power, anything that controls them and hinder their chance to enjoy a free and happy life is a malady. There is no freedom in continous worrying over what we want to acquire. Yes, we need to work for our dreams and goals in life, but it must not come to a point of hurting people, of corruption, wrong manipulation and eventually destroying ourselves. Our motive should be fair and just before God.
"Give everyone what you owe him. If you owe taxes, pay taxes, if revenue, then revenue, if respect, then respect, if honor, then honor."
- Romans 13:7
FRUSTRATIONS AND DISAPPOINTMENTS. The constant beating that we give to ourselves when we make mistakes, when we fail on something, and when we lack in our efforts to accomplish things. Not to mention parents who nags their children with low academic performance in school. Give yourself a break! Forgive yourself. And parents, take it easy. Life is better with less expectations and no comparisons. Each of us are unique, in gifts, life, family, struggles, and story. Be free!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.β
- Joshua 1:9
Freedom will always be man's nature to fulfill. We all are in this playing field and our mind is the battlefield. Whatever bondage you are in, know that God's wisdom will always enlighten your mind for answers, for comfort, peace and healing. If you are suffering with doubts about yourself and God, ask God and He will make Himself known to you in an amazing way!
Writing this made me realize that freedom encompasses a lot of issues in life. However, we rarely see it, because we've been so busy working and living. One day, will find the awesomeness of freedom and make life in this world worth living.
Cheers to freedom!
I was tagged by these lovely ladies @Jane @bbyblacksheep and @Momentswithmatti for the Writing Prompt : Freedom of @JonicaBradley
Tagging @Bloghound @MizLhaine and @leejhen@leejhen π you ladies might have something to share about this topic. π
The article should be:
Anything about Freedom
100% original content
At least 600 words
And don't forget to tagΒ @JonicaBradley
Photos from Pixabay (free to share, no attribution required)
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This is very well written. The downside of freedom is if it is not paired with discipline and the right moral compass...
Many people put too much value in their personal freedom that they no longer care about the others...
Just thinking out loud. π€