Time, the old Gipsy Man
Date: 28th February, 2022
Millions of years have passed away and maybe millions are yet to come. We don’t know when it started exactly and we don’t know when it will be stopped. Time is the merciless thing which never waits for anybody. But it also heals our pain. We only visualize our past which was gone and will never return. But time? Time has no start and ending. How could we figure it out? It’s the lone ranger in this long journey. I can say the the time is an old gipsy man alike thing. It travels, it witness, it remains silent. It is necessary to work according to it. But time never works according to your necessity. So it is the time which is versatile. Let's discuss more.
Topic: Time, the unstoppable force
Hello, my family. Welcome to my world where time plays different role. It makes you feel relaxed according to your imagination. Here is your host Lucifer, talking about time and it's dimension. Don't think that it’s a Quantum Physics class. I'm joking.
It’s 2022 now. That means we have already passed away 2021 years. This is just our official record stats. But what about the dark ages, stone ages, ages of wheel, dinosaurs age? Well, we don’t even know the exact age of this planet. The scientists have given us some stats which are based on researches and theories. Doesn’t matter to us but the thing that matters a lot to us is time.
Time is moving. Every nano second it's moving and deciding it's own way to jump. This is the thing we can't buy. This it it which we can't control. It is the time which we can't slowdown. How pathetic feelings can human have for their devastated times! No one can bring back those moments that we had wasted. People talk about time travel. It’s true but it works on different level & very few know about it. Rest of us only dream to go back & solve our issues of past which already created problems in present & will effect in future. The time itself is enjoying this, this very unstoppable force.
What if I say that we cannot explain the time in our state of mind? We cannot just point out it’s variation. Well, as I said before that the time is moving, it is actually moving from the very beginning. Like before the creation of our planet. It is still moving and reminding us that we are getting old but not time. It is a lone gipsy, enjoying our rise and fall. We think that the time is getting old, right? But it is not. It remains the same while we have white hairs, broken dreams with shaking bones under beneath our skins. It is watching our movements. Will it whisper something to you?
Yes, the time whispers something to us but not in our ears. It whispers in your mind silently but does not impact instantly. It makes us feel for that. It never waits for us or anybody else but it slows down us. We suddenly feel that we are losing our speeds & strength. We start feeling that we are unable to keep pace with the change of time. We then understand that the time is moving faster, faster than our expectations. We find ourselves old ones. The new generation starts their journey & time starts the race with them too. From generation to generation, it points us the facts. This is what the time does. Shows our destinations & moves on. The silent watcher of everything.
Time is like the gipsy guy who has no address of it’s own but always remains as a good companion. It has seen many thing and is the sole survivor of this planet. Thousands of years passed, kings and emperors died, battles took place, new things invented but it remained same. The unit of clock is just measuring the time. But not measuring the actual nature, it is measuring our fates. The lone gipsy is running tik, tik, tik.
So, that's all for now but before the end let me thank @itsmeCguro for her generosity as she renewed the sponsorship. And please, let's clap from the heart to our cutest and famous writer @Theblackdoll for completing her 12th marriage anniversary. Dear, take my warm hug as a wish. Iron lady in a real life. Massive respect.
All the pictures including the lead image are used from unsplash.com
So that's why Luci we don't have to waste the time especially to our loved ones. Spend more while it last.