Common nightmares

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2 years ago

Night terrors are episodes of screaming, intense fear and agitation of the body while you are still asleep. As with sleepwalking, night terrors are considered a "parasomnia," that is, an unwanted experience during sleep. An episode of night terror can last from several seconds to a few minutes, but it can also last longer.

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In fact, night terrors affect almost 40% of children and a significantly smaller percentage of adults. Although creepy, night terrors are not usually a cause for concern. Most children outgrow night terrors before adolescence. However, someone who has a nightmare wakes up and may remember some details, while someone who has a night terror episode continues to sleep. In the morning, children usually do not remember anything about their night terrors. Adults, on the other hand, can remember the fragment of the dream they had during the episode.

 In that sense, referring to Sigmund Freu, he expresses that all dreams represent the realization of a wish by the dreamer, even nightmare-like dreams. He confirms the existence of negative dreams of desires, where what appears and we dream is the unfulfillment of a desire.  Well, you may have ever talked to someone about your nightmares and realized that there are some that recur in most people. One of the nightmares that may be common is that you suddenly realize that you have no clothes on and people start looking at you. Given the situation, you begin to feel vulnerable and embarrassed. It is possible that this fear belongs to the need to feel well integrated within a group.

 Also, we can dream that someone is chasing us, you try to run and you move very little from the place, or you do it very slowly as if you were in a place with little gravity. They usually occur when there is something that disturbs and disturbs you, or when you have certain regrets. Also, we can dream that we are in a place which you do not know the way out. No matter how many times you turn around, you begin to feel helpless and afraid of not being able to get out of that space. We usually wake up later with a feeling of being overwhelmed or cold sweats because of the negative feelings we have experienced during this one. Some say that dreaming of feeling trapped means that this is how we feel at that stage of our life.

 The message of dreams is as confusing as it is mysterious. We would love to be able to understand what is behind those images, behind those seemingly meaningless stories and sensations that often leave us more intrigued and even frightened. Neuroscientists tell us that dreams do not mean anything; other specialists, on the other hand, point out that they could be telling us things. That is why the types of dreams that can occur are nightmares, which contain frightening emotions, and that influence us in the day after having the same one. These are related to traumas, childhood abandonment, stress, fears, insecurities, dissatisfactions and health or relationship problems. They can even modify negative emotions.

 In short, dreams activate subconscious content, stored and saved since early childhood. Hence the importance of knowing how to interpret our dreams, since it is a very useful information of how we feel from our most intimate and deepest self. These dreams usually occur during the second part of the night, they are episodes associated with sleep.

Do you dream a lot at night?

Disclaimer: I would like to let you know that English is not my mother tongue, I may even make some mistakes in the elaboration of sentences in my posts. Feel free to correct me attentively. It will help me in my learning process.

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