Decreases greed.

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2 years ago

The greed has been defined as an excessive desire of wealth, as a voracious and vehement desire of some good things, not only of money. What most characterizes the greedy person is a self-interest, a selfishness that can never be satisfied. It is said that greed is like salt water, because the more you drink the more thirsty you get. For this type of person nothing is enough. Moreover, the greedy person almost always benefits at the expense of the rest of the population. But I think it would be unfair not to mention that greed has also been considered an engine of growth and development, as it can promote the economy by motivating people to create new products and new industries.

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On the other hand, there are the consequences, as the greedy are often detected in their environment and socially rejected. Greed is a disordered desire to acquire or possess more than one needs. The degree of mental alteration is related to the inability to control the reformulation of "desires" when "needs" are eliminated. We describe greed as "a bottomless pit that exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction." Generally, it is used to criticize those who seek excessive material wealth, but it is also applicable in situations where the person feels the need to feel above others from a moral and ethical point of view.

 In that sense, in Catholicism greed describes many types of sins. It includes disloyalty, betrayal, especially when it is for personal gain, as in the case of allowing oneself to be bribed. Searches and hoarding of objects, swindling, theft, robbery, and assault, deception or manipulation of authority are all actions that can be inspired by greed. The human condition is driven by greed, turned into values by the dominant liberal thinking. Its implementation has given rise to political corruption, mostly enshrined. The human being is not only an organism that needs things, but is even a being that always desires and covets to possess things.

 In fact, in psychological terms this provides him with security. It happens, that while needs are limited, desires are infinite, therefore, as long as these reasons gain strength, they contribute to individual and collective survival, but since we are not always empathetic and sociable, sometimes we are egocentric and cruel. When our ambitions are immoderate, we can be potentially self-destructive. Today we live in a society whose cultural standards are unattainable for the average individual and whose economic model not only promotes greed but attributes envy to it.

 Well, greed is insatiable by nature. It acts like a poison that corrodes our hearts and blinds our understanding, leading us to lose sight of what we really need to build a balanced, happy and meaningful life. Those who want to get rich, fall into temptation and many crazy and deceitful lusts. Why the love of money is the root of all evils. When a person feels greed, it can become a hell.

 To conclude, one of the signs to identify greed are: a very egocentric behavior, greedy people are always referring to their needs. An envious attitude, lack of empathy as caring for others does not enter their repertoire of behaviors. Therefore, they feel no qualms about causing harm to others. Their lack of empathy, their lack of genuine interest in other people's ideas and feelings, their refusal to take responsibility for their own behavior and actions make them impossible to live with.

Have you experienced greed up close?

Disclaimer: I would like to let you know that English is not my mother tongue, I may even make some mistakes in the elaboration of sentences in my posts. Feel free to correct me attentively. It will help me in my learning process.

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