Learn from difficulties.

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2 years ago

Throughout our lives there are many events that can be sad, that can involve suffering or that test our optimism and our will to live. But, the secret lies in knowing how to face adversities and in how we let these events affect us, how we assume and manage them so that they do not paralyze us, nor make us lose the illusion of living.

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We have all seen that there are people who, faced with a negative circumstance, sink into sadness and others who are sad but show their strength and their will to live despite the harshness of the situation. In relation to that, there are resilient people; this is the capacity of people to assume difficult situations, overcome them and come out stronger. It is a capacity that not all of us have, but that we can learn to develop, to achieve a more positive outlook on life.

 Therefore, a resilient person is not born, but made. Most of the time they are people who have had to live through situations of adversity, who have suffered and yet have become stronger and give us every day a lesson of courage and self-improvement. For many people, life is beautiful, while for others it turns out to be a bitter pill to swallow, because problems come and present themselves unexpectedly. Many times they bring us down without remedy, without knowing why, without understanding the reasons.

 Sometimes we are even confronted by circumstances that most of us do not understand. And the pain never finds justification and what comes to our mind is the word, injustice, and we think that we are not deserving of what happens to us in some negative moments. Therefore, at times, adversity can knock at our door. When it does, it can settle in uninvited and can become an annoying companion.

 Adversities are part of life, we are not exempt from them, we are no strangers to suffering and many times, that suffering becomes a learning channel, sometimes more direct than happiness itself, so accepting to embrace and overcome what happens to us in adversity is vital for the experiences to help us. There are 3 ways to face adversity: action, attitude and acceptance. Our actions lead us to be the best version of ourselves, to show the extraordinary in everyone.

 In addition, when adversity decides to hit us, and we experience such powerful emotions, it is beneficial to express what we feel, or through writing, to make it more and more conscious and to be able to recognize them. When we express our feelings either by speaking or writing, what we are doing is freeing ourselves. Even when faced with a difficult situation, there are times when we find it difficult to accept that it affects us, denying that in some way it hurts us.

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Finally, we have to look for opportunities to discover ourselves. When we find ourselves in the need to fight adversity, we are sure to learn something new about ourselves. It has been shown that a significant percentage of people who have experienced tragedies and difficult situations, have improved in the management of their personal relationships, have had an increase in personal strength even when feeling vulnerable, the feeling that their self-esteem has improved. A more developed spirituality and a better appreciation of life. Empowering a positive view of oneself builds confidence to solve problems.

  Do you know how to overcome adversity?

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Disclaimer: I would like to let you know that English is not my mother tongue, I may even make some mistakes in the elaboration of sentences in my posts. Feel free to correct me attentively. It will help me in my learning process.

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2 years ago


Hola amigo que buen Post, sabes que para enfrenar todos estos casos, yo creo que debemos de conocernos y no dejarnos llevar por las emociones, es correctos que cuando se presentar las adversidades o problemas, debemos de sacar lo mejor de nosotros, hay que ser como usted dice resilientes, debemos de aprender de los problemas y siempre ver la solución, pero hay personas que no saben llevar casos o enfrentar, entonces entran en la angustia y desesperación.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me satisface saber que mi artículo fue de su agrado mi estimado amigo. Ciertamente no todos tenemos la misma capacidad de aprendizaje, y lamentablemente hay personas que necesitan chocar con la misma piedra varias veces para poder aprender la lección. Gracias por leer y comentar. Saludos

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In order to grow, we need adversity. It is like Nietzsche said: "What doesn't crush me makes me stronger."

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are so right my friend, your opinion complements the article very well. Thanks for always supporting my content. Regards

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cada día nos enfrentamos con situaciones difíciles así como con situaciones que nos facilitan el transitar por la existencia, porque en la vida todo tiene una dualidad. En este mundo donde la guerra se impone en tiempos modernos, cualquier cosa puede ocurrir y cualquier cosa podemos esperar. A mí se me hace muy difícil escribir en inglés, aunque estoy aprendiendo para esto, para no tener que hacer artículos únicamente en español, pero por ahora los artículos en español que he escrito aquí en esta hermosa plataforma, han sido muy bien acogidos. Ha sido difícil darme a leer pero ya hay mucha gente que me lee y que me da sus comentarios. El artículo que escribí ayer sobre el Guernica de Picasso, comparándolo con la guerra actual en Ucrania y el bombardeo a civiles, creo que ha tenido una excelente acogida. Un saludo grande desde el Zulia en Venezuela.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sin duda mi estimado amigo, cada experiencia que vivimos sea buena o mala, es un aprendizaje que le da forma a nuestra existencia. De verdad te felicito, porque prosperar en esta plataforma solo escribiendo en español no es una tarea fácil. Gracias por leer y comentar, saludos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every difficulties that comes in our life has a purpose and a lesson. So, let us bear with it, overcome it and for sure we will become a better person after.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Certainly so, this life will always give us challenges which we will have to overcome. But just as bad times come, happy times will also come. We must always look for the positive side of any situation. Greetings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Through difficulties I've faced in life, I learned how to become a better person than who I was. All the disappointments and failures taught me lessons in life that every difficulties or problem, life would still be better. Choose to make most out of life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with your words my friend, every experience we go through leaves us with a lesson and that makes us stronger, and if we fall we get up and move on. Greetings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, my friend. Greetings to you as well 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago