Karl Marx, the creator of the idea of a world of justice and equality, which initiated the most drastic social and political changes in the 20th century, represented the interests of the proletariat without ever meeting any proletarian. He did not visit factories and talk to workers, nor did he investigate the situation of the poor with his own eyes.
He was a cabinet scientist, and his most significant work "Capital" was created, Johnson claims, in large part. by rewriting the results of other people's research and insights, by deliberately distorting the facts in order to prove one's own views, by using outdated, inaccurate and falsified data and quotations taken out of context.
In his private life, the "father of communism" was prone to violence, unable to manage money, longed for power and needed to constantly exploit his surroundings, the author claims. He was also a model of an unhealthy life of a grumpy nature, quarrelsome and vengeful: he moved a little and ate too much, smoked and drank a lot, rarely bathed and barely washed (so he suffered from subcutaneous ulcers that made him irritable).
According to Johnson's writing, none of the many descendants of Karl and Jenny, who - due to Marx's inability to handle money - were in great misery (it would have been worse without the help of Friedrich Engels), but Marx's illegitimate son Henry Frederick Dermut, when he never officially acknowledged it, and got it with the only working-class representative he knew well — Lenhen's housekeeper.
The ideology that he devised on the basis of other people's ideas on all fronts is slowly losing its meaning because the utopian effect of "all people in the world of the same status" is in no way impossible. An economically unsustainable form that has the idea that only industrialization can achieve harmony in the equal distribution of capital. The destroyed agricultural structure, which is in fact the core of society, led to the collapse of communism.
The flames of communism are still smoldering in some parts of the world in countries that have erected fences from the rest of the world, because only in the conditions of the ghetto does this perverted political ideology succeed, even though, realistically speaking, they are the regime system.
Sour candy is easier to eat when wrapped in colorful foil.
Sources: Aleksandra Mijalković, Intellectuals of Low Passions, 2018
The photos used in this article are taken from the site www.google.com
I did not know all those facts about Karl Marx. He was an interesting person, but he was also man with many secters, and I did not know all those secrets.