Enrolled for the last Semester!

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1 year ago

Earlier, we went to school for enrollment and I woke up at 6 am on the morning. They said that the enrollment will starts at 7 am but it started pretty late. I think, it started for about 1 hour late.

There are three steps to be enrolled and the first one is to lined for signing of clearance of the registrar office. The line was a bit messy and not organized haha. So, the student council just decided to collect the form for every sections.

After, we went to the Accounting office and they just signed and that's it. It is faster than waiting to registrar because their system was so old. The papers were filed up and the other who came late before was get their Certificate of Enrollment first than me.

So, we decided to eat first before we go back to the registrar. When we arrived there, here's another poor system because I am the only in my circle of friends who doesn't called.

We went to our school's basket ball court and watched these kids. I remember myself in them, because before I used to play table tennis and went different school for a practice game hehe.

Anyways, after a few hours, I am finally enrolled for the last semester. We will only take the OJT subject but we need to render 600 hours for it. I know, it seems easy as I am only taking one subject however, this might be challenging for me because it a training for real world.

I am excited yet anxious for the expenses that it will costs me. We need to pass and do the requirements for this subject while working as an intern.

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That would be all! Thanks for reading this and stay tuned on my next article!

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:January 19, 2023

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1 year ago
