They See Me Rollin'

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2 years ago

The Ferrari stopped and the tinted window rolled down to reveal who the driver was. I went out to do a quick grocery run because I ran out of milk but instead of a dairy beverage, I got the biggest shock of my life.

Although he grew older a bit and his face was quite different, he was still familiar and just the look of his face took me right back to high school. Sure, the driver of the imported sports car has no blemish whatsoever on his face, but I was 100% certain that I know the person behind that porcelain-rich face.

He was a timid scrawny kid with a lot of pimples on his face. While other kids his age were growing facial hairs and experiencing growth spurts, he was left out with just pimples and oily skin as a sign of puberty. While the girls start to see their bodies develop, he was witnessing how his personality is shattered day by day with his constantly decreasing self-esteem.

No, he wasn't really nerdy but he loved Science. It was the only thing that he has shown interest in. He didn't even dabble in sports, not that his sickly built body would allow it. He didn't test the waters in music, no that his tone-deafness would ever help him. And of course, he didn't excel in socializing so he had a lot of time with books and experiments.

He was an outcast and there were a few times that he has been bullied. There were those afternoons that he spent inside the gym lockers when no one even tried to listen to his screams until he just learned to keep his mouth shut and save his breath. Instead of panicking and shouting at the top of his lungs, he just used the quiet time to solve mathematical equations mentally. And with that, he excelled at it even more.

Instead of friends, he was joined by great minds during lunch breaks. He sat alone in a corner while listening to audiobooks based on the works of the fathers of Science like Einstein, Newton, Feinman, Eisenhower, and the likes. He didn't have time to spare in idle chitchat, not that he had anyone to even chat with.

And no, you'd think that the teachers would help him. They didn't. They couldn't. They really couldn't call out the students who were paying for the school's utility bills and their salaries. They just pretended not to see anything. Everything will be fine if they just do their damn jobs and teach mediocre classes.

While most of the kids are collecting life experiences and great stories to tell, he was collecting academic and scientific awards left and right. And after a couple of years, he was finally on his way to escape the harsh surrounding they call high school. He graduated on top and ahead of everyone else. He was then recruited by CalTech to continue his research regarding the time continuum disruption.

And then, I was back to the present. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other was leaning on the window of the sports car. Our eyes met and I could not break my gaze even if I tried. I had a lot of questions inside my mind. How could that scrawny little boy grow up to be such a man with such a stature? That was the first one.

What happened? He was certainly not the cool type to drive around the city on that bad boy.

And the biggest mystery of all is how am I looking at myself?

The guy got out of the car and walked toward me. He tapped my shoulder and then smiled.

"What's wrong boy? You looked like you'd seen a ghost? I'm not a ghost, I'm just from the future. And I'm here to tell you that you should just hang in there, you, we, will make it and you, we have built a f%cking time machine! Yey me!"

And I guess I was just lost in translation because the next thing I know I was bleeding all over with several gunshot wounds. I lay on the side of the streets as I looked up at the man, or me from the future and he was saying...

"You're smart. I know you'll understand. I am sorry."


And you know how it is. Another late night and it's another freewriting sesh everyone. Wait, did I really just say "sesh"? Maybe I ain't so boring as I thought I was. Lol.

Anyway, this freewriting session is brought to you by The Most Dangerous Writing app and here's the prompt:

You can also try it if you can come up of something different from this one. And I am absolutely sure that you can do it. I will be waiting for your articles at the Prompt Factory. Hey @Ruffa and @VinceCharlie , can I pick your brains on this one? I am counting on your creativity.

That's it from me and until we read again...


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Telegram: meitanteikudo

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Series    : Prompt Factory
Title     : They See Me Rollin'
Published : 06-May-2022
Author :  © RB

$ 6.69
$ 6.51 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.07 from @Ruffa
$ 0.03 from @Ellehcim
+ 3
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Avatar for meitanteikudo
2 years ago


This was no doubt an interesting read. I love it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

awww . I appreciate that man! :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice....I enjoyed every bit of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks mate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohhh ohhhhh I like this I'm gonna try this writing're good po ha... I'm gonna take a peek on your other works... Same same tayo puro flash fiction hahha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha salamat. Your words mean a lot to me. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha salamat. Your words mean a lot to me. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What the fudge ang gandaaaa pero why kill his self from the past. Naging bad guy ba sya, that's why to prevent more bad things to happen pinatay na nya ang self nya. Siguro naka invent sya ng machine other than time machine na sobrang masama ang dala sa mundo? OMG ang awesome kudo kudo yahhh! I want to try this too, kaso mo hahaha naabutan ako ng ano hahsha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha naabutan ng ano?? Ano un?? Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

He killed his old self? Gosh ano to mala meet the robinsons hahaha kidding anywyas maganda yung movie na yun pero ayun nga bat pinatay nya old self nya?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hshaha amazing ano? Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not smart, please let me understand why he was shot huhu

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha you don't watch a lot of scifi no? Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was amazed and then a gunshot ?? nakakabitin .. more pa hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahah waley na... oks na un. Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How I wish, ma meet ko ron future self ko sa at pagsabihan nya ako sa mga dapat gawin ko sa buhay hahaha pero wala ng thrill sa life ko nyan

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha anong sasabihin mo? Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

At first, I was lost, but then I found myself and understood it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really great. Thanks. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Teka, bakit pinatay nya yung old self nya? Ahahaha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahha amazing no?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whoa! Now, this is really something. Awesome storyline, Meitan. I'm sure I can do one better. Haha. It's so on. 😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha waiting on that. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago