My highest withdrawal earning

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Avatar for gerl
Written by
3 years ago

I really want to mention these two writers @wakeupkitty and @Jdine who really motivates me, I hope they will not get irritated if I mention them. They are correcting my grammars, reacting to my written articles honestly, negative or positive reactions both sides are helping me out. Thank You.

What a beautiful morning that wakens me up, I hope you have a wonderful and amazing day today. My points started my day today because I got the highest point after 2 months of writing articles here at Readcash. I know it's hard to get higher points but admits that we are all enjoying it posting a blog, articles, and short post, the best part is that we keep on watching our points every minute and pursuing our goals what needed to achieve.

I posted it because I want to inspire other writers to keep going on they've started. That's our real life, we have ups and downs. When we're down we have to get up and when we're up we have to get up higher but be humble. Everything has a good value to practice. Never lose hope in your life.

When I was a newbie here, my earning is always below $0.1. Did I give up? No, I did complain every day to myself but still keep in writing. There were times that I didn't write because of my points earned. I feel like nothing useful on my articles that I have been published, I thought that was useless and I need to stop writing now. But I can't avoid visiting the site, I concluded that I really love writing. That was my dream since my childhood. So keep going, girl, other website rejected me because of my poor grammar and I'm so thankful that readcash, not that strict for the users. All we need to do is to follow the rules, write as much as you can, and be patient.

After 1 month I experienced to gain $0.1 up to $0.8 but I never experienced to earn $1 up. But today I will show you that I've earned already above $1 and that is $2.5.

This is not much for other users who are really earning above on that. But I can tell that we are all happy whatever amount we've earned, and we appreciated it.

To all newbies don't be afraid to try and never lose hope. Just think that everything has a hard and easy way to attain our goal.


  • Follow the rules

  • Publish useful articles

  • Give comments on other users' articles with useful comments too.

  • Publish articles with 500 words up to are much better.

  • Avoid spamming

Thanks for reading, I just showed up my earning to inspired others to write more articles.

$ 0.00
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Avatar for gerl
Written by
3 years ago


Congratulations on having a big earning here on read cash you deserve it a lot because i read some of your articles and i see to it that you really put a lot of effort on every article that you made. Iwish you more earnings here and more blessings to come in your way.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I just registered with today. Thanks for sharing your progress, and for your encouragement! Subscribed and upvoted! =)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulations on reaching this threshold, honestly I'm a newbie who is still observing the site, i hope i can also earn like you guys and much more

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulations for earning that much. You deserves to be rewarded according to your effort and dedication here in Read Cash. Good job.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just stick to the rules, don't imitate those who are spamming just to earn money. Goodluck

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes I will follow Read Cash rules my friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah dear!!!!Don't give up anymore. When I was a newbie here, my earning is always below $0.1. Did I give up? No, I did complain every day to myself but still keep in writing. There were times that I didn't write because of my points earned. I feel like nothing useful on my articles that I have been published, I thought that was useless and I need to stop writing now. But I can't avoid visiting the site, I concluded that I really love writing. That was my dream since my childhood. So keep going, girl, other website rejected me because of my poor grammar and I'm so thankful that readcash, not that strict for the users. All we need to do is to follow the rules, write as much as you can, and be patient. It's happened with everyone!!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for inspiring, you inspired me a lot i am also a newbie here for like 2 days. Sometimes i feel that my articles are useless even though i am sharing for i do care to others and to inspire also other people in any way that i can do. What you're doing is good keep it up and dont stop inspirint people .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I feel that too, but still, I never gave up.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congrats madam.. thanks for inspiring

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you, sana kayo din po...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very inspiring content madaam thank you for enlighten us im sure it will boost our self to pursue everything like what you stated.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, I have many unforgettable experiences here in Readcash, good and bad but still, I keep going.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much for the encouragement it really helps me a lot, It's my first day today here and I don't really know how it works but someone introduced this site to me and he said that I could earn money here just by posting useful articles. I'm just a student and I hope to earn to buy even a second hand laptop for my online class. I'm always afraid that my grammar is wrong but I will practice more to be fluent. By the way congratulations! I'm rooting for you ❀️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulations sis! And also thanks for considering me. 😊 I read your article but I'm really tired so I'm unable to say anything more. haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congrats! I admire your determination. We do start from scratch and I'm on it now. But, there is no other way to move further but to write some more and work some more. Happy to see lots of Filipinos here to connect. Keep it up!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow mam congrats po. Patience is really important here in this platform. Thank you for sharing.. this would inspires us all newbies.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow. Congratulations po. You must have a lot of determination to do this job on the side. I'm just a newbie here and I can relate to that. My first earning here was only 0.1$ but I wasn't demotivated about it. Perhaps I was inspired to actually write better and publish useful content and articles. Congrats again and keep up the good work. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congrats, I admire your patience and being humble when you receive less and when you receive better. Keep it up and keep growing in this platform 😍❀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I want to inspire other writers to keep going on they've started. That's our real life, we have ups and downs. When we're down we have to get up and when we're up we have to get up higher but be humble. Everything has a good value to practice. Never lose hope in your life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This shows that your hardwork are paying off. Don't be discourage for low points or earning. Just enjoy what you are doing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeheyyyy congrats ateee 😍 and good luck for more articlesss ❀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'll take your tips, thank you. That would help me a lot! Congratulations to your earnings

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's great, keep motivated, it can help you a lot when your losing hope.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow! i'm also newbie here and it struggles for me to write an article since I am not really into writing. I am afraid that my grammar is wrong, that my english will not be understandable until 1 day I decided to write my 1st article, and when I saw that I gained points I am so happy with the result. And now after I read your article it gives me encouragement not to give up. Thank you so much for that wonderful article.❣️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good to read you finally earn more too. If I read how much the spammers earn I ask myself too why I keep publishing here. Keep in mind it's easy to publish trash but if you do so this is the way how you promote yourself too. Do not see as your end destination but a way to achieve more, better, elsewhere. πŸ‘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is my first time to earn $2, mostly I earned $0.1-$0.5, I have more time on my kids than writing articles, and only 1 article per day. I just tried to write a long article with more than 5000 words these past few days, honestly, it was really hard, really really hard because I'm not a real writer.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is great you deserve it dear. It feels a bit strange after weeks of fighting against spam to read/hear they earn most.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For those who are on the verge of giving up and like me before your article is an inspiration. On the first glance on the title of your article maybe some will say that you are bragging or flaunting your earnings, no it is not, it is way of waking up for those whose interest in writing slowed down and whose inspiration expired. It is good you have co-writers who correct your mistakes and you take it in a constructive way. Keep up.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sanaaa oooll haha more blessings to come

$ 0.00
3 years ago

congratulations Go ahead please subscribe me i subscribed you already

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congrats po . Keep it up po. More earning po

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congrats ate G! You deserve it all πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congrats 😊 well done 😘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well done dear. Keep it going and gets rewards.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice to read this inspiring articles of earning. That's make other inspired to write good content so they can earn like you. Congratulations πŸŽ‰

$ 0.00
3 years ago