A Manifesto for the Next 10 Years of Bitcoin (Cash)

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Avatar for georgedonnelly
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash

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The Bitcoin Cash ecosystem needs to recognize and accept some facts. And then we need to establish a constructive and stable path forward that enables us to onboard billions to global-scale, censorship-resistant peer-to-peer electronic cash.

Some Facts

Where We Are

  • The Bitcoin Cash name, brand, vision, momentum, ecosystem, people, businesses, market capitalization is all worth saving, securing, protecting and growing.

  • The Bitcoin Cash ecosystem today maintains the mantle of the true continuation of Bitcoin, world-scale P2P electronic cash for everyone.

  • Some people don’t like other people, for a variety of reasons, many justified.

  • We are stuck with each other, so we best make the most of it.

  • Many people and institutions would like to see Bitcoin Cash fail and/or would like to syphon value away from Bitcoin Cash. We must not permit this.

  • There are multiple, varied and complex threats to the future of Bitcoin Cash.

  • A successful 51% attack and resulting chain reorganization, while unlikely, rests on the protection of people like Jiang Zhuoer, Jihan Wu and Haipo Yang — not on the fundamentals of Bitcoin Cash. It is time to get ourselves together and build on our own feet.

  • Bitcoin Cash was 0.16 BTC in early Aug 2017, peaked around 0.4 BTC in Nov 2017, and today it sits around 0.025 BTC. That’s more than 90% down from its peak when compared to BTC, not fiat.

  • Bitcoin Cash was at 0.08 BTC on 14 Aug 2018. Today it is at 0.025 BTC. BSV is at 0.02 BTC. Put together (0.045 BTC), the two coins are only worth 56% of what Bitcoin Cash was prior to the fork. We are losing ground.

  • People are lost in “sides”. Are you on side X or side Y? Forget sides. This is about finding a middle way forward, a sane way to achieve stability that keeps Bitcoin Cash together.

Statement of Principles

  • Personal attacks are destructive and should be avoided/ignored. To avoid engaging in personal attacks, criticize the person’s actions, ideas, attitudes, behavior, etc. Not the person himself.

  • Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

  • We are better together.

  • Splits are not the end of the world, sometimes they are inevitable, friendly and fair splits are better than contentious splits / hash wars — but the best split is no split.

  • A critical mass of grassroots passion is required for mass adoption.

  • The best technology is required for mass adoption.

  • Technology serves people, and people’s wants are always changing.

  • The full node softwares that are used by miners to process transactions, create blocks and issue new coins are in constant evolution and require constant maintenance. There is no such thing as locking or freezing the protocol.

  • Value only exists if people exist. Value is produced and called into existence by people. Value is borne from people.

  • Without people, technology is hunks of metal or ones and zeros on integrated circuits of no value whatsoever.

  • We need more people in Bitcoin Cash, especially builders.

  • Bitcoin Cash is not about any one individual or company, not you, not me, not any single individual.

  • Proactivity and professionalism beat passivity and complaining every time.

  • Bitcoin Cash welcomes everyone who wants to build censorship-resistant peer-to-peer electronic cash that scales to serve billions of daily active users, including people who make less than $2 a day.

  • Likewise, talk of purging people or organizations from Bitcoin Cash is out of place. Bitcoin is for everybody — especially for people you don’t like, as they bring new perspectives and abilities.

  • Bitcoin Cash is a big tent. There will always be people you don’t like. Deal with it gracefully.

  • Focus on the middle, not the extremes. The fact that there are extreme statements being made does not mean those statements represent any considerable amount of influence or power. When one side points to an extreme statement, do not assume it represents anyone in particular of note.

Why NOT Another Fork

  • Another fork will mean public ridicule and the resulting loss of motivation of our grassroots. It will damage the brand.

  • Forks are not fun but Bitcoin Cash has to be fun.

  • Another fork will delay the injection of meaningful outside capital to build apps for mass adoption.

  • Another fork will reduce transaction count and real block size on all resulting chains.

  • Another fork will set back protocol development funding.

  • Another fork will set back DeFi on Bitcoin potentially years.

  • Another fork will cause holders to net lose value.

  • Another fork will reduce hashrate, and thus security, on any resulting chains.

  • Another fork will result in Bitcoin Cash falling below BSV in terms of market capitalization.

  • Even if there is a successful diversion of part of the block reward to protocol development (IFP, Infrastructure Funding Plan) on one or more of the resulting chains, the loss in coin value could well mean that the value of such an IFP would only provide for chain maintenance, not further development — returning us to square one.

  • The idea that forks are good because they produce more coins to hold and mine is self-destructive. 

  • The successful coin requires an ecosystem of grassroots builders that are passionate about it.

  • Miners need builders because builders create apps that generate new transactions, which generate new transaction fees in the coinbase for the miners and ultimately increase the value of the coins miners mine.

  • Forks diminish the passion of grassroots builders, introduce uncertainty at the moment of attracting new builders and new capital, and generally speaking erode the net value position of holders.

  • Making Bitcoin Cash into a corporate coin is suicide. Grassroots and business must co-exist, if not actively cooperate.

  • The Bitcoin ABC plan will turn their coin into a corporate coin.

Amaury Séchet and Bitcoin ABC

  • Amaury Séchet is not capable of engaging in the leadership required to steward the ecosystem through these times and towards a better future. It pains me deeply to have to say this in public.

  • Amaury is not an effective leader, period, full stop. 

  • Amaury is a highly capable software developer.

  • His steadfastness, commitment, raw skills, ability to marshal minimal resources in order to keep the lights on for Bitcoin Cash for years are all unparalleled. These qualities are to be appreciated, honored and respected. 

  • But Amaury needs to recognize his limits and learn how to operate as part of a team.

  • Amaury Séchet still has much value to offer to Bitcoin Cash and this fact should be recognized.

  • Bitcoin Cash aims to be a decentralized peer-to-peer value transfer system that will flippen BTC and be universally recognized as the real Bitcoin. The fact that so much here revolves around Amaury and simultaneously Amaury is unwilling to work as part of a team is a problem.

  • That problem must be solved, otherwise the breakup of Bitcoin Cash is inevitable. This would set back the Bitcoin Cash vision at least 5 years, if not extinguish it.

  • Change the world and profit enormously, or support Amaury Séchet as he operates clumsily outside his areas of expertise, leading us all down the wrong path. This is the decision that Amaury himself has designed for us.


  • Everyone is waiting for the next bull market. It may never come. We have to build with what we have now. Stop waiting for someone else to fix the problems for you.

  • Protocol development funding will have a knock-on effect of attracting more capital, both human and financial, to Bitcoin Cash. Protocol development funding must happen.

  • Of particular interest are the DeFi funds popping up. We can do DeFi on Bitcoin Cash, and do it better. But only if we have our ducks in a row.

  • We’re not going to build world-scale money eating ramen in our parents’ respective basements. We need resources, including talent, both business and software talent.

  • Bitcoin Cash need not go the Ethereum DeFi path of corporate, Wall-Street-ization. Therefore, we can have a greater impact with fewer resources. But we still need the resources.

  • We need to adopt the free-and-open-source-software (FOSS) attitude of welcoming and leveraging volunteers, part-timers and business contributions. This has the advantage of requiring less funding.

  • Jiang Zhuoer, CEO of BTC.TOP, has put forth an idea called The Satoshi Awards that can serve as bounties for major forward progress in Bitcoin Cash protocol and application development.


  • Committees and bureaucracy are not an answer, but we do need to establish processes around certain things to ensure a predictable playing field, consistent growth, transparency, dis-incentivize drama and to make new people feel welcome.

  • Haipo Yang’s proposal for a Bitcoin Cash Standard Organization is interesting and worthy of consideration.

  • We need a technical lead who is a reasonable and competent person with a minimal ability to communicate and work with others, who understands the need for a team approach — not a go-it-alone approach.

  • We need a technical ambassador, who can shepherd new volunteer and part-time protocol developers through the protocol development process, and can identify candidates to work full time on protocol development. This person has to be technically competent, a decent communicator, have a welcoming presence but also be willing to tell egotistical grandstanders to shut up, sit down and stop stirring the pot.

  • We need a receiving area for business developers — people who are interested in building businesses on Bitcoin Cash, to give them encouragement, point them at tools and mentor them towards success. I recommend the BCH Ignite workspace on discord.

  • We must cooperate on protocol development with complete transparency, integrity, as leaders and with a minimum of guile. 

  • There indeed and without a doubt are entities on reddit that are exacerbating our internal divisions. They will drive us to the destruction of our dreams if we are not careful. Remember our Seven Social Principles from Rick Falkvinge, among them: “We reward the positive.”

  • Reddit is broken as a method of communication and governance for those of us building Bitcoin Cash.

  • We can form a standards organization / foundation which serves to harmonize competing interests around protocol development, ensuring an open, transparent and collaborative development process.

  • We can structure this organization in the way most suitable for ecosystem growth, identifying the suitable stakeholders in an open process.

  • We can structure an IFP, if there is support for it, that pays to a foundation which would have an open and consistent process for usage of the funds.

  • We can separate an IFP, if there is support one, from the protocol development teams, to remove conflict of interest and reduce power concentration.

Going Forward

  • To increase the value of Bitcoin Cash, we need to stop airing our dirty laundry in public and promote our value instead. 

  • We need to produce excitement, flame passion, produce good PR and make some genuine progress both on funding protocol development and on attracting more application-builders to Bitcoin Cash.

  • Bitcoin Cash today is a conspiracy of ego and foolishness. We need to move away from bad habits ASAP, cold-turkey-style.

  • We need to build apps, and we need to support app builders.

  • We need to build on top of each others’ apps.

  • We need to onboard 5 billion daily active users by 2030. Read my thoughts on mass adoption here: A Manifesto for Bitcoin Cash Adoption in the Developing World.

Next Steps

Therefore, I put forward the following as next steps that need to be taken by those of us who are serious about building Bitcoin Cash.


  • No more governance on reddit.

  • No more personal attacks on reddit.

  • No more protocol development on reddit.

  • No more personal rants on reddit. Just because you are involved in Bitcoin Cash does not mean you get to do a feeling dump on r/btc and provide entertainment to the do-nothing spectators there. Be smarter than that. Make constructive proposals instead.

  • No more public campaigns to gain “popular support” on reddit, a place full of sockpuppets, voting bots, BTC and BSV trolls, and otherwise open to those who would psyop us into ripping each others’ throats out.

  • Protocol development must move outside the range of public forums and must embrace a calm, reasoned approach, such as that of the new bitcoincashresearch.org.

  • Accept that you will never like or approve of everyone, maybe not even of most people, working on Bitcoin Cash. Deal with it. Think about how you are getting their work essentially for free. They work for you. We are all contributing value to each other’s pots. 


  • We form an organization where key players can coordinate their work in an open, transparent, collaborative process, without the brigading, sockpuppeting and public pressure of reddit. Where players must earn a seat at the table.

  • We recognize that each project, including mining full node softwares, are independent and owned by whoever owns them. There is no community democracy. There are no popular votes. There is only voluntary action by individuals, rationally coordinated, or not.

  • We solve protocol funding with one or more methods, including but not limited to the following.

    • pledges of 2 years of donations to keep the lights on.

    • bounties funded by large holders that are announced publicly and structured to incentivize full delivery of roadmap projects that materially add value to the Bitcoin Cash protocol and network

    • token schemes.

    • an IFP, but only if there is widespread support for it.

    • by having full node projects partner with wallets and other apps that have viable business models, thus making nodes dependent on businesses.

  • Protocol funding is focused on the roadmap.


  • We need to focus on what unites us.

  • We need to resolve block time oscillations.

  • We need to improve zero-conf security.

  • We need to resolve this situation one way or another. If there must be a fork, make sure it is for a very good reason. Otherwise, we stick together.


If material progress on charting a new way forward is not made immediately, Bitcoin Cash is going to continue to deteriorate. A lot of people will lose a lot of money. The legitimacy of Bitcoin Cash’s claim to be the real Bitcoin will be radically reduced, maybe eliminated for good.

We need to pull in the same direction and flippen BTC by becoming world-scale money. We need to overcome what divides us. The mission is bigger than all of us. Make the decision now to behave better, even and especially in the face of other people behaving badly towards you.

We must change the patterns that brought us to this point in order to permit Bitcoin Cash to grow into a bright future, becoming world-scale sound money and empowering billions of people to greater liberty and prosperity, enriching the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem and all its faithful builders.

With the rise in the price (and transaction fees) of BTC, with the decline in BCH development activity, both business and software, there is no time to waste in achieving a minimum baseline of peaceful cohabitation so that we can all get back to work serving the world through the development, maintenance and adoption of global-scale, censorship-resistant peer-to-peer electronic cash — Bitcoin Cash.

If you like this manifesto, let’s work together to make it happen. My priority is to have a solid foundation in Bitcoin Cash from which to confidently onboard new users in large numbers in the near term. 

We need certainty, stability and an end to the constant internal strife — so we can build. I, for one, will not build on a chain controlled by one person. I was already screwed over once by building on a centralized chain. I require a professional foundation on which to build.

I call for everyone who does not seek to fork and who wishes to remain Bitcoin Cash and for Bitcoin Cash to remain a top-5 coin, to connect with me and let me know what you want to see happen and what resources you can offer, including technical expertise, domain names, time to contribute, skills to contribute, ideas to contribute, etc.

George Donnelly

Bitcoin Cash Business Development, Marketing & Adoption



WeChat: georgedonnelly

+573218423668 (cell, Signal, Whatsapp)


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Avatar for georgedonnelly
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash


Hello sir, Yeah I would like to know more about bitcoin and crypto, I've the passion or it after I saw your article. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

With the rise in the price (and transaction fees) of BTC, with the decline in BCH development activity, both business and software, there is no time to waste in achieving a minimum baseline of peaceful cohabitation so that we can all get back to work serving the world through the development, maintenance and adoption of global-scale, censorship-resistant peer-to-peer electronic cash — Bitcoin Cash. 👍👍👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow ,, it's really good news . I am so very excited. It's very helpful 👍. And thank you for this creative news 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The Bitcoin Cash ecosystem needs to recognize and accept some facts. And then we need to establish a constructive and stable path forward that enables us to onboard billions to global-scale, censorship-resistant peer-to-peer electronic cash. nice

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very helpful for me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lots of good stuff in your article. Great, now your talkin! Thanks George!nice article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good very nice article i am new here for read cash please subcribe me also subcribe you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And the solution to the observed problems is ... https://read.cash/@tula_s/briefly-on-governance-f6e921fb

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hello toi la nguoi mooi vao

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are such a person that if you don't read my writings, the day will be incomplete, sir. I love you and I love your writings.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

important part-I call for everyone who does not seek to fork and who wishes to remain Bitcoin Cash and for Bitcoin Cash to remain a top-5 coin, to connect with me and let me know what you want to see happen and what resources you can offer, including technical expertise, domain names, time to contribute, skills to contribute, ideas to contribute, etc.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello.haw are u I am new here jaw are u

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow very nice article good work keep it up and I appreciate your article plz...... Subscribe me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article loveu bro..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good article..... Vsnshaus kaczjnsv java ajgzbsns hsbdbsgsgs jagsvvsbjwi shvsbsbxksvs hsgvsbsb hshsjdjos kxbsgys lwgvds uwvsbjsi whbbs lnsvsh sbbxhjs

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow so nice nice article Snnsjs Sjkwksj Jssjjwskskjd Hshsj Hsjsjdj Djsjjs Dndjks Sjsk Jsksk Skksks Kdksks Ekekddkdkkekw Dkdkkd Dkdk Dmdmdk

Skdkdk Jdkdkd Kdkdjd Dkkdke


$ 0.00
3 years ago

What's wrong with you

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey my frien, hope you are good. I am new here I need your support my friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed bitcoin is taking over the world soon

$ 0.00
3 years ago

BCH is something I've been looking into for a little while, like other crypto currencies, it's being fought for reasons I don't know of at the moment but like you outrightly stated, it's good to focus on the growth of the community at large

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Can I translate in my language in the post, sir?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its informative good article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

মাশাআল্লা, চমৎকার

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dear sir . I hope support me

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice written article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

George, I applaud your openness regarding your characterization of Amaury. We need to acknowledge those truths about him without bashing him. He has done great things for Bitcoin.

But more importantly I am very happy that you seem to have decided to stay with BCH.

Most of what you say in your article resonates strongly with me.

one remark:

The best technology is required for mass adoption.

this is not true. There are countless examples of weaker tech winning out in the end. (VHS/betamax is an often-cited example).

Doesn't mean we shouldn't aim for the best technology, though. But it's not a necessary condition to have it and I must say in the face of projects like ethereum it might be very hard to achieve.

$ 0.20
3 years ago

We need to acknowledge those truths about him without bashing him.


There are countless examples of weaker tech winning

Maybe. It's definitely an interesting conversation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi George, I agree with many of your points here, thanks for writing this up and being so honest about the relationship with Amaury. I am curious to hear how you expect us to prevent a fork. To pull that off, we would need to get Amaury to retract his new IFP idea. You know him very well now, any suggestions on how that would work?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi maslacum

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sir I'm needs yours support, ❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Please dear Sr please subscribe me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow. What a great thanks for 10years

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

lets pray for future days and that humans will stay united to promote bitcoin cash in a good way, thank you in advance - SirPotato human advisor

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The truth will always remain that ' a kingdom divided against itself can not stand', any crypto where you see one pushing up while another scattering will not last in strength. Its high time for a united progressive force if Bitcoin Cash will not only stabilize more strongly but also push up much further. Thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow nice artical

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To increase the value of Bitcoin Cash, we need to stop airing our dirty laundry in public & promote our value instead. Thanks for this article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Maybe in the future, crypto currencies will be one of the platforms used in paying through stores and markets

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I never know bitcoin cash had alot of struggles all true out it years, we have to work together to build it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm gonna Invest in this Cryptocurrency too liked your post dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow very nice article good work keep it up and I appreciate your article

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Happ day... liked and subscribed u pls subscribe me.i am create a account bit coin wallet. i will invest this cryptocorency.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its informative good article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i am create a account bit coin wallet. i will invest this cryptocorency.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Happ day... liked and subscribed u pls subscribe me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Happ day... liked and subscribed u pls subscribe me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is really erry informative my friend you are really write the best articles. Hope soon to be just like you. Thanks my friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

this really is so informative my dear you really write the best article here in readcash , hoping to be just like you but I'm too lazy to type words here hahaha I just really wish to be just like you ,

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

lets hope that bitcoing cash will crush bitcoin soon and become top one in cryptocurrencies SirPotato realy likes it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Detailed, informative, and forward-looking. George, you’re a true visionary.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This was really well written but I could see you fill the role of a coorperation enabling "dev maintainer" for the eco-system :-) and I can't wait to see how we can improve BCH in the future.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

OMG. It was awesome. I saw something about money. It was 190$ for one article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Happ day... liked and subscribed u pls subscribe me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your article too long to read. Not all the users will patiently read this. But then, thanks for sharing. It's a good thing it can transcribe to other languages.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Happ day... liked and subscribed u pls subscribe me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

digital currency will be usefull i guess after 10years ahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's Good for us

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well it's great article written perfectly And the price is very disturbing people today but I know the future of BCH is bright and everyone will witness this success we just have to be constant and should work for itt 💜

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't think we can move on until Amaury is dealt with. I agree that he's a talented developer and that he's a poor leader. Do you have any suggestions on how to accomplish that without splitting the chain? You have been working with him for some time now, so you have more experience than most in dealing with him.

Also, I appreciate your independent thoughts now that you're free to share them. Thanks for the perspective, and keep it up.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It would be a lot meaningful if the crypto currency can be used to local stores and markets on the near future as well as more secure wallet handling such as credit card we used, why not put crypto currency too?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Love cryptocurrency topics, It's worth to read. Thanks for much information😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Information overload for me even if it has Tagalog version... I need to read this again, though.. But I'm curious, did you write the language versions or did you ask for somebody's help regarding it. If you did it yourself, wow you are smart. They say people that knows more than 2 languages are smarter.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is really well writting.It is clear that there is no widespread support.I can't wait to see the BCH improve

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Too much information and very easy to understand. Thanks for the effort to post this. This is what an article really ia. I hope the forking don't happen in november 20

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Too much information that is worth reading! Thank you so much and I really hope the forking dont happen on 20th November

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I may not be in affluent or influential when it comes to crypto trading and I am not rooted to in crypto terms but with the little I have grabbed from your posts I think the fork will affect BCH negatively, it may reduce the value of the token, so I strongly kick against it,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You mentioned important things about Bitcoin Cash in the next 10 years through your article. If you hadn't written an article on this topic, we probably wouldn't have known much about it. Thank you for sharing such an important topic with everyone.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its a long article and informative. But i have some words that i didnt understand. But i eagerly to learn more about bitcoin cash or other cryptocurrency because this value will going to increase and i want to save of that cryptocurrency.

$ 0.00
User's avatar lea
3 years ago

The article is somehow spreading knowledge about bitcoins and other cryptosystem although it's long article but it's helpful.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow nice article,this article so helpful for me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its a long article and informative. But i have some words that i didnt understand. But i eagerly to learn more about bitcoin cash or other cryptocurrency because this value will going to increase and i want to save of that cryptocurrency.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

an IFP, but only if there is widespread support for it.

It is clear that there is no widespread support for IFP. Otherwise, I agree completely.

$ 1.00
3 years ago

bitcoin cash rate is growing day by day. i am create a account bit coin wallet. i will invest this cryptocorency.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great window dressing for another false-claims attack piece on our primary development team. Way to live up to your claims above that, lol.

Change the world and profit enormously, or support Amaury Séchet as he operates clumsily outside his areas of expertise, leading us all down the wrong path. This is the decision that Amaury himself has designed for us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is true human like to changing. Next generation currency is crypto currency. If someone is don't want. It will be happening.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lots of good stuff in your article. Great, now your talkin! Thanks George!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This was really well written and I can't wait to see how we can improve BCH in the future.

$ 1.70
3 years ago

Not that I have any say, but I could see you fill the role of a coorperation enabling "dev maintainer" for the eco-system :-)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the information,but I see BCH heading to the moon soon though

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I respect you greatly George for having written this honest piece. I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

"if you agree with me, you are honest, hurr durr!"

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is an abundance of things I agree with in this article, so kudos for writing it at this time.

I think miner funding of nodes based on voluntary contributions could be a good thing and bullish for Bitcoin Cash. It has happened in the past, there is little reason miners could not do it.

However, any IFP that forcibly reallocates coin rewards is damaging to BCH's security and reputation as sound money based on proof of work.

I mildly disagree with trying to tell people not to post on Reddit etc. Sure, there are better places to communicate, but Bitcoin is always permissionless and by necessity there must be forums where debate can take place unhindered, free of any censorship. More of those are always welcome.

$ 0.25
User's avatar freetrader
This user is who they claim to be.
We have manually verified this user via some other channel.
3 years ago

Sure, there are better places to communicate, but Bitcoin is always permissionless and by necessity there must be forums where debate can take place unhindered, free of any censorship

Why not do so in a place without sockpuppets, voting bots, etc.?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The discussion should happen in a multitude of places, and more importantly I think it should happen face-to-face or on-video reasonable often.

the developers meetings have been a great source of detailed information, I really hope we can keep those going.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

it should happen face-to-face or on-video reasonable often

Good idea.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i agree, but why have you chosen Discord? that platform was created for gamers .. would you consider Slack as an "official" communications platform?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I found discord to be more open and less expensive to use than Slack with more gamification features. I find it to be suitable enough for adoption and business. I don't know if it is suitable for complex technical discussions.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love discord. It has great management features designed to help people collaborate to overcome obstacles for shared goals.

Games and life aren't that different. <3

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sadly, wherever the discussion goes the attackers will follow.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amaury is not an effective leader, period, full stop. Amaury is a highly capable software developer.

i 100% agree with these 2 statements 👍

I, for one, will not build on a chain controlled by one person.

yeah, been there, done that, won't happen again..

Making Bitcoin Cash into a corporate coin is suicide. Grassroots and business must co-exist, if not actively cooperate [...] The Bitcoin ABC plan will turn their coin into a corporate coin.

to be clear, you believe Amaury's new plan to be "suicide"?? huh 🤔

as you are well aware, I have nothing but respect for you George; and although I didn't agree with 50% of the ABC propaganda you put out there, I still marveled at the "way" you put it out there .. your value to the Bitcoin Cash community is 2nd to none, I do wish you all the best in your next adventure 🙏

$ 0.00
3 years ago

to be clear, you believe Amaury's new plan to be "suicide"?? huh 🤔

I believe that destroying the BCH grassroots is suicide. It is a hot mess but anything real is. And we need real.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I believe that destroying the BCH grassroots is suicide

agreed! glad that although I didn't approve of your message(s), my faith in your core beliefs wasn't misguided at all 👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A good enlightenment for everyone, perspective based. A Fusion and democracy, instead of split, this is sad.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Grasroots versus corporate coin is very simplistic.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How do you see it?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you sir, for representing the next 10 years of BCH.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In a new forum, or set of fora, moderation must be stricter.

You can not just allow anything. Rights of expression is not in any forum. To loose moderation means chaos (like we have on reddit).

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

That was helpful. I am waiting for your next latest information about bch.♥️♥️♥️♥️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interesting considerations, thanks for this.

Some thoughts after reading this:

  • I see Reddit is not your favourite platform, haha. However, I do think it is important for protocol development to reach out to the broader community more, including non-developers and casual users, in order to keep everyone on board and get an early warning if proposals are going to be controversial. Some developers tend to be dismissive of the 'proletariat', but they are our users too, and should be respected as such - or they will leave.
  • You seem to propose a relatively central, top-down approach to protocol development. I would rather have multiple independent development teams. This avoids a single point of failure, allowing the different teams to keep each other in check. Without one single governance vision to rule them all, it also allow different approaches to protocol development to coexist, which makes it easier to find approaches that work well. As long as we establish a culture of cooperation, we're good.
$ 0.00
3 years ago

I do think it is important for protocol development to reach out to the broader community more

As a businessperson, I don't believe most people care, and asking people to pass judgment on things they don't understand seems counterproductive to me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I would rather have multiple independent development teams.

I'm not opposed to this. I just wonder if some organized coordination would not be an improvement.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Rick Falkvinge's Letter from the CEO was not that bad. Things went wrong because someone started to act like the non-ironic actual CEO of Bitcoin Cash.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

He said in the link above:

Rick Falkvinge Chief Executive Officer, Y. T. Bitcoin Cash

It means Chief Executive Officer, Yours Truly, himself. He says he is a sovereign man.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If you actually read the letter, you'd realise that is irony.

The Bitcoin Cash organization has no titles other than those which we make up for fun in the spur of the moment, or to make fun of the organizations of the old world that care for titles.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lets see what David R Allen does. If he continoues to chair developer and other meetings under fair conditions, then that is a good basis to start from. More is better though, and once corona slows down I hope we can have face-to-face meetings again as well.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A nice research Here

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When the BTC popped about 900k last year that was phenomenal, I hope it will repeat again, by the way thank you for sharing this one. I think miner funding of nodes based on voluntary contributions could be a good thing and bullish for Bitcoin Cash. It has happened in the past, there is little reason miners could not do it. Sure, there are better places to communicate, but Bitcoin is always permissionless and by necessity there must be forums where debate can take place unhindered, free of any censorship

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bitcoin should change name to BiteCoin to fight vs evil $usd. Im still looking forvard for new potato cryptocurrency with potato wallets

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very happy to see you back working to promote BCH. I agree Amaury is far from ideal as a leader of BCH development. If we want a new one I think they need to step up and prove themselves by working hard for BCH like Mr A has. Until we have that proven candidate, trying to rid ourselves of our current leader is even worse. If he is supported by a lot of mining hash as I suspect he must be to have made such a bold move, it is that support that needs to be impressed by the new candidate (not the mob).

I agree forking is a terrible idea. I think a good IFP could have been crafted (100% voluntary, open process for donation direction, etc). Maybe we will get something the mob will accept, but I am not optimistic since there is little incentive for ABC to make it so. Also, the mob is well-infested with dishonest and false logic social engineering agents controlling their narratives and making sure we split at any cost since their primary goal is to damage BCH..

BCH is not as decentralized as we want it to be, but I believe it still can be in the future when coin value rises. One path might be to fully fund multiple node projects doing the same work (competing for the best version). Until we can afford that I think the "pick your tyrant and stick with them" strategy is what we can afford and insulates us from infiltration attacks.

Mining centralization is a concern and having BCH funded to a great extent by miners that are mostly corporations does make BCH into a corporate coin in some ways. I think there is some exaggeration involved with your claim about that being what is going to happen to BCH-ABC. Especially if you are implying it is not happening to some other reference node team's coin.

I would be happy to see BCHN prove it self over time, but, I am concerned it may be infiltrated and vulnerable to those within. I do love the dreams they post about what they hope to have for governance and such. I do hope they can make real progress with that approach.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think a good IFP could have been crafted


$ 0.00
3 years ago