An Absolute Perfect Day

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Avatar for Princessbusayo
2 years ago

“Don’t wait for a perfect day. To make it a perfect day, dance the whole day, sing every hour, and love every moment”

― Debasish Mridha

Happy Monday Sweeties! It´s a bright new day for me and I am hoping it brings a lot of blessings for us all. Yesterday, I spent all day indoors until later in the evening when the light went off and the heat was another thing for me. I quickly picked up my phone, took a chair and went to sit under the big cashew tree in the compound. My mind went straight there so as to focus while reading articles on readcash.

I don´t like noise or disturbances around me, and my siblings were ready to give me that but I quickly took to my heels and found solace under the tree while listening to the birds, the breeze was flowing through my body, even though the insects weren´t allowing me to enjoy my space but I never mind them. I only spent an hour there before taking a shift to another habitation which helped me a lot to concentrate and did some things online. 

For today, I would be doing my own version of the article I read from Ate Jane which she posted two days ago titled “there is no perfect anyway”. I already read from @ARTicLEE some days ago too. 

What would be the absolute perfect day?

Absolute means “Complete”. So if I am trying to describe a completely perfect day for me, it goes in different ways and directions. A perfect day can mean different things to everyone. 

A perfect day can be that moment I have achieved my targets and all I have left is to take a full rest and enjoy things around me since my goals have been achieved for that day. 

A perfect day can be a fun day for me. A day I just want to have fun because I have nothing other than enjoying the moment being myself, taking myself out and just smiling to myself. 

A perfect day can mean taking time for a walk when I know I have nothing to do. Walking around nature and smiled at people passing by, listening to the birds singing and the ocean rumbling very close to me. 

A completely perfect day can be the moment I heard good news from someone and all I would just do is sing and dance to God appreciating life and the opportunities granted to me. 

What did you learn a little late?

What did I learn? There are so many things I have learned a little late that I wished I had done them in the past but as it is, one shouldn´t think about the past mistakes but focus on learning from the mistakes and trying not to make any errors for the future. I learned a little late that “10% of what I have earned is mine to keep”.

This actually was a result of reading the book “The richest man in Babylon”. I said something when I made a post about this book that if I had read this book before now, I would have made some changes coming across such phrase and would definitely let it keep ringing in my head till today because as of now, I am always remembering it each day I wake up. Now, imagine if I had been saving before now and not spending all, it would have been a different thing. Well, instead of the ten percent, I am covering up for those times by increasing the percentage to 20. This is what I learned a little too late. 

What do people overestimate or underestimate about you?

I am kind of a gentle girl who doesn´t love troubles. I love to give and once I have pity on a person, I can do anything to help such person out in such condition. I am a free person and always love to tell you about me, and what to know about me and I believe that for you to be close to and around me, I expect you to keep my secret and never use it against me. But it´s another way around. People take my act of giving for granted and would always demand and they get angry if I open up to them about not having. They think I am being selfish or proud of myself. 

Let me make an example so you can understand. My friends knew I work online and make money because I have introduced them times without numbers and even revealed what I earn to them and because of this, they think I don´t have responsibilities. They think I don´t have a family to support and they think I am not planning my life for the future, but all they were after is to keep spending on them since they know what I do. Was it a crime to reveal what I do to them? Was that a reason to ask and get angry if I don´t give them? That is human for you. Once they know something about you, they overestimate you and expect more and when you fail them, they change towards you. 

Because I look gentle in the eyes, they thought I am weak and wouldn´t be able to express myself but many times I prove to them that what they think of me isn´t about me. Not speaking out sometimes doesn´t mean I am a fool or cannot fight for myself, what they don´t understand is that I love peace to reign and if I don´t fight back, it means I want it to end there without having to offend anyone. So, they thought I am a weak person in that aspect.

 What do you most look forward to about getting old?

I don´t want to look back on my life when I am old and feel despair about not achieving my goals. There is a stage which is the last stage of the Erik Erikson psychosocial development which talks about Integrity vs Despair. 

This stage begins at age 65 where when one looks back to remember his or her past achievement and when he or she knows all goals have been fulfilled, they feel a sense of integrity for achieving and living a good life, but when one cannot pinpoint what they lived their lives for, they feel sad and develop despair. 

I don´t want to feel such but a sense of integrity for accomplishing my aims in life. I look forward to having a wonderful family where I have led a good example for my children to live by and are already living well and independently without depending on me for survival especially when I have nothing left to leave behind. 

I want to contemplate my life and see how great I have done many things, fulfilled all targets and just relaxed without doing any stressful jobs to earn a living for myself. I don´t want to see my life as unproductive, I don´t want to feel guilty for the rest of my life but to live a fulfilled and glorious life which is worth emulating. 

Thanks for reading. 

Images by Jeffery and Christina on Unsplash

[May 09, 2022] (No 129 article for the year)

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Avatar for Princessbusayo
2 years ago


Dear friend, for me it is also really important a day in which I achieve my goals, also the days where my working day is perfect and I managed to do everything as I organized it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We would surely be happy then because we would have time for other things especially resting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The perfect day when the freedom to do all the positive actions for life to be more excited by going to places of entertainment and expressing yourself more freely.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Great, rean. We really hope for the best perfect day for our lives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A perfect day for me is when I achieved all my goals and I was satisfied with them. We have to apply sense to everything we are doing in life, just because one has the spirit to give does not mean they should give out unnecessarily. Some people will want to take advantage of every opportunity and once that is happening, it is better you set your boundaries.. that's important.

Everyone has a goal they are pursuing, we should not allow the ignorance of other people to hinder us from achieving our objective. We have to determine today, for us to have a fulfilled future.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Excellent babe! You have summarize in the best way. Thank you so much.

We must be wise in dealing with people like them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We sometimes despise what we don't understand. I think that's human nature. We don't like people that we can't "read" and we can't control.

I've been reading that book The Richest Man in Babylon being mentioned here in read. Sounds interesting indeed.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You will surely enjoy it while reading to the end. I am almost done reading mine. I should have finished but I have been busy these days especially with challenge and offline work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is just the way some people behave sometimes, and that is why I become afraid of telling people all my secret, because when some of them knows your finacial secret, they will want to run you down through borrowing and asking for finacial asistance everyday, and when you are not able to meet up to their needs they will become angry with you, without also thinking if you yourself also need finacial help also.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is it. This is why one of the secrets you should keep to yourself and from others is how much you have or telling them your goals. They will find ways to pull you down if you aren't careful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trying to relax without any stress but I guess it's inevitable ehheheheh

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehehe! We are used to it though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice one.. If you are always kind to others, they will abuse you.. And if you refuse to help, they will complain lol..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We can never please humans 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I just wish I had a sweet cozy place I could go to hide from the noise of siblings and my nieces but in May case it's impossible and with the strike, I'm stuck with them.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Perhaps you can just take a stroll out to find solace somewhere. Right now, I have been sitting outside, under the tree for two hours and still counting and no distractions for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Recently I had listened to a similar tedtalk. When one has approached 70 or 75 and can'tt work as he used to.. That's when he would be reflecting about all the mistakes made and opportunity missed. By that time he wouldn't be able to di anything other than thinking

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes oo because such a person won't have the strength to do anything but to sit and keep regretting of his past mistakes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Still my days are night too working so there is no perfect day for me like @Article lol. But yeah agreed to you we can make it good or bad it all depends on us and on our attitude.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You would definitely have a perfect day my friend. Eating your favorite while relaxing with breeze flowing through you can be your perfect day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You seem to know a lot of psychosocial theories. Marslow's hierarchy of needs, Erikson too.

Hahaha. I learnt about this from personal research.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, I was taught all these in school. I really love Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs the most. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh nice! The hierarchy of needs does help one psychologically

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right princess they are so many thing we could have learnt a little before now .. for me it’s that it’s better to put money to work than to keep stored in a place wallet or bank

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes oo, investment is the best because while you are sleeping, your money is working for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What i learnt a little late was also about savings and investment, there were times I had some money on me, instead of saving and investment it, i spent them on things i shouldn't have spent them on. But since last year, i have been trying my best saving my money in Cryptocurrencies.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Great, especially in USDT because it's a stable coin and you can easily get your money when you need it. This is what I do too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohooo, a perfect day for me is when I I gain new thing, eat a lot of food, learn a few info and more. Even one of them, i can consider it a perfect day already. Just like today hehe

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right. We love to learn something new and if we could achieve that, it's a perfect moment for us. Thank you 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some people take your silence as your weakness. No one wanted that someone can do more better than them that's why they remain underestimate them

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nothing beats the feeling of achieving a Target scheduled for that day in a winning manner,,, especially when the target comes with earning money or creating love. That's one of my perfect days

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very great. That is the best perfect day for anyone who wishes to. Thank you Kacy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These days I try to live life without struggling for perfection but really I fail to even meet up at anything and that’s quite a bad habit in my side… a target is one and that should make us eager to get it done.. I don’t like noice either and just want a cool place to stay most times.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, once we set a target, we should try to achieve it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also wouldn't like to look back and be full of regret which is why I'm trying to make every moment count as from now.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes my friend. We can't afford to look back and regret. Never. May God help us too as we keep trying.

$ 0.00
2 years ago