October 3, 2021 | 3rd of 10th month
Do you feel irritated most of the time?, Getting angry on the small thing? Regretting things you have said?, Your anger feels out of control? Does your anger affect your relationship and interaction skills? If you believe your anger is out of control or if it’s negatively affecting your life or relationships, consider seeking help from a mental health professional.
Out of the topic, this was another shot taken by mahhh badiii that she sent to me. Travel! Free your mind, don't think to much! Release your stress.
Release your stresses
Anger issue
From the definition itself Anger is a natural, instinctive response to threats. Some anger is necessary for our survival.
Anger becomes a problem when you have trouble controlling it, causing you to say or do things you regret.
Why am I talking about anger issue today? Well, it's because it's been how many weeks since I am realizing that I mostly get angry in a small things. The lazy Snail you know is a friendly, interactive, jolly or whatsoever you may think of him. She love sto talk about stuffs and write anything that come up in his mind. But little did you know that before this lazysnail you know is actually a rude snail that people actually don't want to talk to. The rude snail is not actually rude at all he just don't want to socialize to everyone because he thinks that it is a waste of time being with someone he won't got any benefits with. The rude snail is over thinker but that rude snail change into a Lazysnail something catchy. He loves to interact and smile and socialize and talk and spend time with someone he loves the most. There's a lot of reason why this rude snail change t lazysnail but no matter what reason it is, changing to lazysnail is a good thing. However this past few weeks almost a month the lazy snail having a dilemmas in his mind. He's actually overthinker a lot of things entering his mind that leads to his anger issue problem. He mostly get angry to anything, to his friends, family and even to his badiii to the point that he gets angry to himself for being angry. However, he can control it for his anger issue is all in his mind. He's bursting in his mind when things he didn't like happen or made by people around him. Though all his anger is in his mind, it still affect his socializing skills and his mental health and that's no good thing at all. So lazysnail of yours search for something else in google he thought he's having an anxiety that's why he has anger issue but what he found is this one.
"That anxiety is just one effect of the anger issue"
Causes of anger issue
I'm not depressed because there's nothing to be depressed of. I have a simple life and an easy life. My only problem right now is how to make my money grow.
Alcohol addiction
This might be the reason, but the problem is I haven't drink alcohol since birth. I chosed not to drink any because I promise to myself not to drink until I have a profession to be called.
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
I feel like if I went or the hospital to test if I have this one think that I might be subjected to this disorder. Since I change I become hyperactive, restless, and always focus on small problems. I can't focus on one thing but my mind makes me imagine a bunch of thingy. I can't lay in my bed for 2 hours because my brain will explode form over thinking I should've do something in that time being.
There are bunch of things that might lead to depression if you wanted to read it you can click this link
Stop your anger issues
Like the causes of anger Issue there are lot ways to control, manage or even stop the issue. Here are some of it.
Count down(or up)
Try counting up to 10 and 100 if you're are too mad. When we're angry our hear beating as fast as it could and so people called highblood. Counting relax our mind and muscle, it will slow done the heartbeat (just start counting slowly not fast)
Stop talking
As they said "Speak when you're angry, and you'll make speech you'll regret". Just stop don't say any words. With this we can think of our next action. We can even rehearse what we're going to say to a specific person. Continuously rehearsing the words you wanted to say in your mind will lessen your anger. Imagining you're in the current scene with the person you're angry off. And then saying those word with that you already release your anger.
This is what I love to do when I'm angry, I laugh even sarcastically, I don't care. I just laugh because laughing and smiling. Because smiling release endorphins in our body and this are the things that lesson stresses. Our brain can't differentiate whether we're fake smiling or smiling for real that's why even in fake smiling it will release endorphins.
Have empathy
After doing the things above, think yourself in his/her shoes. And that's when you will realize why he did that thing. You can also learn their perspective when you openly listen to other people side about what actually happen. With this your anger will gonna remove for time being.
Bonus tips
Explore / travel
Many people especially those who's under depression travel to different places. They explorer new things and appreciate the environment. Travelling far from your problem is not running away. It's just a way to take a break and to be more prepared so that you can have peace of mind when you're ready to face your problem.
"The wiser you get the more you'll realize that anger is not worth it" -Maxime lagacé
Counting to 100 and stopping talking are my favorites. When you are upset you should not speak at all. Then you will be very sorry you did. Only words of contempt and hatred come out when you are in a situation like that.