Some of you think you can hook me up with the nearest Christian, suggesting new options but your algorithms are terrible. And just because you've found the right one for you dosent make you an expert at finding for others. Dont you think you're single for a reason, Yes! You are.....what everyone does, your friends or families is to dance you into a fiery circle and sings familiar melodies like "why aren't you married yet?"
Leading up to this moment, you get furious cuz they be awakening some deep past you never knew.....and waking up alone feels as lonely as coming into a foreign country. "But what do you? Do you dive into seduction easily or do you let your peers rush you into affairs God never conspired you to be in?"
Why dont you see being single from a different perspective, what if it is more like getting ready for God to use you....he know you're free at that moment so why dont you bring back the spark by working for him. More like you're being by your friends why you're not married yet and there comes your non-christian friends that cant understand why you're so stressed about it in the first place, sex is still an option.
Allow God rewrite your list, you feel like broken pieces of you are scattered everywhere......maybe from your past relationship, it he or she didnt care for you then you absolutely don't need to feel bar about making that decision. You've got a new offer from God, let him direct you and show you locations from his compass.
As for the guys, we know ourselves you say you're single yet you dont go to singles gatherings, dont you think the one is waiting for you there. The ratio of men to ladies in those places is really low, you gotta up your game seriously π.
This is the right hour where you have to know that God will use your single moment for his work. You may be single but you'll respond faster. His love for you is worth more than throwing yourselves to anyone that comes your way due to desperation. Live life on singleness? You have every right to be happy and the right moments will surely meet you when you're least expected.
Your friends should be your greatest vehicle for brainstorming, if you hang around complainers and blammers all day long you will become that. you will realize that those who are dearest to you will always be there to support you, but if you need to let go of friends that tell you reasons to go the extra mile then you dont need them as friends. If you can pick up your phone now and call a friend and just mention being single to them, the quality of your friendship can be determined by that statement.
Avoid building complaint circles, it wouldn't solve anything. The main view of singles is when a person beyond college age has failed to adapt to maybe a societal pressure of finding a lifelong partner and then subsequently producing offsping. You will complain from now till tomorrow and nothing good will happen, what happens is you only get it twisted and doing so will affect one's mental state. You are beautiful and you can be loved.
It is God that brings the perfect match together, so you have to learn to trust his advice is "be happy being single"
Thank you for reading, this is coming late.
Without you all I don't know if I could have gone far please check them out.
This is funny. And it's always the case when it comes to hooking someone up. LOL.
This is very true.
If one succumbs to this pressure, then it never stops. After having offspring, the pressure points will be on the offspring. Why not go to this school, why not this, why not that, you're doing this wrong, you're doing that wrong.