The PromptlyJonica Writing Prompts Linked & In Order

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2 years ago

These are all the Writing Prompts I've created for Promptly Jonica. They are numbered in the order they appeared.

There is no time limit for writing these prompts. Feel free to scroll through and choose whatever calls to your writing fancy.

You may write any of the prompts any time as many times as you like forever.

Do you especially love food? Write about food 17 times! Submit them all to the community!! Go for it.

I hope these help to give you some inspiration. Enjoy!

  1. Freedom

  2. Motivation

  3. Similarities

  4. Darkness

  5. Questions

  6. Cheating

  7. Compassion

  8. Nature

  9. Success

  10. Pets

  11. Labels

  12. Fruits of Labor

  13. Language

  14. Monsters, Myths, and Legends

  15. Beauty

  16. Dreams

  17. Distraction

    Guest Post: Lies by @CoquiCoin

  18. If I Were

  19. Laziness

  20. Food

  21. Wildlife or Wild Life

  22. Snow

  23. Home

  24. Bad Habits

  25. Would You Rather . . .

  26. Sweet and savory

  27. Time

  28. Flash Fiction - The Last Dream You Had

  29. Fire

  30. Fear

  31. Blank

$ 5.87
$ 5.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @JLoberiza
$ 0.10 from @soyunasantacruz
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Avatar for JonicaBradley
2 years ago


I bookmarked this for future reference. Anyway, I hope you are doing fine now. I'm glad that the covid-19 test result was just a false-positive. Stay safe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Maybe it was maybe it wasn't. I'm hearing of many people who have 1 positive test and then 2 negative tests but they are still feeling super sick.

Anyhow. But by but I'm getting better.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

That's what matters .. Getting better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, yeah fresh ideas to talk about, thanks Jonica see you soon in the Prompt Channel!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

This list was what I needed, right now I will save the article to start writing about the topics, I have already participated in some, but I have always liked to do things completely. Thanks.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Remember, you can do as many as you like, each as many times as you like. The food prompt asking could carry so many articles and stories and recipes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks. I will try to do them all, the food one will be relating how much I love to eat, hahaha. Because there are very few recipes.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

on it and about to post it sis. Thank you for this

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I have a pending prompt big sis :) Thanks for these!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Do you want to do a guest prompt for PromptlyJonica?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's great highlighted topics prompt to write I have wrote on food but I will now soon write on all these prompt one by one thanks for sharing

$ 0.01
2 years ago