Are you the type of person that swiftly becomes irritated by something? Are you, like me, easily irritated by minor annoyances? Because if you do, then we're bestie LOL. That feeling when you're in a mood to be a good girl because you woke up feeling so pretty and blessed, breathing fresh air and all. Then all of a sudden it fades away and returns to its original form as a lioness. To be honest, I'm the type of person that gets quickly irritated over the tiniest of details. Anything, like, will instantly spoil my mood. That is why I like to be alone to clear my mind because if I am not, I will erupt like a nuclear bomb at any moment.
I want to share with you guys some of the following things that annoy me the most. And I'm pretty sure that some of you can relate to these annoying people.
Eating with an annoying sounds
One of the things that most irritates me is this. I despise it when someone eats like a goat while making a distracting noise, or when they eat with the sound of a spoon colliding with their teeth. This happens all the time between my elder and younger brothers. I'm losing my appetite just hearing them eat like that. I read a dissertation on this topic called Misophonia, which is being easily bothered or annoyed by everyday sounds like people eating, breathing, and so on. And I begin to wonder if I, too, suffer from this condition.
Teeth Grinding
Knowing me as a nocturnal person, I sometimes sleep late, and my brother also. My younger brother does this every night. I don't know what's wrong with him. If he sleeps earlier than I, then I expect a hell of a night for me. I still remember the night when I was writing an article and when he suddenly started grinding his teeth when he was asleep. I told him that if he was not going to shut the f up, I would pull all those teeth out. By the way, he's sleeping in our room. I always told him to go sleep in our grandparents' vacant room, but I think he's comfortable in our room. Most of our family does this tooth grinding, and the most annoying one was my nephew. At the time when our older sister came over to sleep with us for two nights, they slept in our room with my two nephews. Her oldest was the most annoying one because he always grinded his teeth every freaking time. To tell you the truth, I couldn't sleep properly if they came over to our house.
Asking the same questions again and again
Don't tell me that I am the only one who gets annoyed by someone who keeps asking the same question over and over again when you have already explained to him/her about a certain thing. Who wouldn't be annoyed when someone asked you a dumb simple question when they could've googled it? Right? It's not being maarte ha, it's just that you could've just googled it naman LOL.
When someone keeps disturbing me while I am watching a movie
When you see me seriously focusing on a movie or anime that I am watching, please don't disturb me or I will turn into Super Saiyan. I don't mind being spoiled in a movie at all. What I really hate is when someone disturbs me while I am watching my favourite movies. Like, asking who the main character is, is it good? What was the storey all about? What is its genre? Uhm,, bruh, can't you see that I am still watching? How can I answer all of your questions when I am still watching?
Unskippable YouTube ads
I know I'm not the only one. LMAO. Tell me who doesn't get annoyed by YouTube ads. Especially when you're in the mood to listen to lovely music, then suddenly it changes to a freaking advertisement.
Welp, that's all for today's not so entertaining article. LOL. It would be nice if I could read your thoughts too about the things that annoy you the most. It'll surely be fun.
You guys can also read my previous articles in this month of Octobeer.
Thank You For Making Our Childhood Memorable And Fun
As Cold As The Fridge
Busy rainy day
Thank you guys for stopping by and reading this uninteresting article of mine. I am forever thankful for your generosity.
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Arrigathankyougozaimuch :>
Oh my God, the post was like reading the happenings in my life... my husband chews with his mouth open and makes several animal noises, I constantly needs to tell him to stop that... and he also grinds his teeth at nights and snores loudly ... ughhhh I just can't and my daughter keeps disturbing me when am watching a movie.. Man... I can't catch a break....
On a separate note, I heard from someone that lot of stress causes teeth grinding and also calcium deficiency.. Need to get checked on that