Been Sick And I Am Back!

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Avatar for Jijisaur
1 year ago

Hello, hello!

Well, I do not know where to start but I was sick for almost two days. I did not expect the weather to switch abruptly which is why I got a cold and a little fever. It seemed that we had a storm last week and this week.

On the morning of Tuesday, I feel a little sore throat. I did not mind it and I thought it was just because I ate something sweet and forgot to drink enough water to quench the sweetness. It became worst through the day plus the weather changes from sunny to rainy, and vice versa. The weather was so indecisive, ugh. Can you just pick one weather? Lol.

Sponsors of Jijisaur

Thank you, sponsors! Special shoutout to @remona for being my new sponsor! Thank you so much!

So, Wednesday when I really felt sick. I am a bit hot and had a cold. It was so annoying to just gasp air in one nostril, lol. Good thing that I have a humidifier to let droplets of water circulated in the air. I also put some mint essential oil to make the room's atmosphere more relaxed. I did not go to work because I cannot focus and got a headache. Is this what you feel when you are slowly aging? HAHA!

I just stayed home and rested while I can. I just lurk on blogging platforms just to see the updates. I thank my friends for the good wishes, too!

I felt better after two days of resting well and taking my meds. Also, I stayed away from gadgets most of the time. The meds helped me fall asleep faster. Hitting two birds with one stone, right?

I got super better yesterday about 80 percent. Of course, I am still being careful not to exert effort because I am still in the process of getting well. I am just taking things slowly. My routine is gradually getting back to this point. I got to blog and updated my Also, if you happen to have, we can follow each other! I am quite active there, hihi!

Timely, my 10.10 scored vitamins arrived. I always chose this brand because I find it effective. It is a USA-made vitamin so I really trust this company. I got the Vitamin C with Citrus Bioflavonoids & Rose Hips. Per bottle contains 100 caplets with 500 mg dosage each. The rose hips apparently helped better absorption of vitamin C.

I got this for PHP 509 without a shipping fee. The original price is PHP 1,480. So, per bottle, I got it for PHP 254.50/ USD 4.46, assuming that a dollar is equal to PHP 57. It was really a steal for me since I am buying this before with full price, it kind of suck! But, yeah, all the staying up late is worth it! expiration is 11/2023.

I really am keen now on my health because I am not getting any younger, ouch! HAHA! I have to take care of myself because no one will, HAHA! Sadt life!

Stay healthy and safe, everyone!

That is it for this blog. I will see you at the next one!

📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited. ©️jijisaurart

Check my other articles!

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🌻Don't Cry Over Girls You Never Liked

🎶 Should We Treat Children as Adults?

$ 1.54
$ 1.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Eunoia
$ 0.02 from @tpkidkai
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Sponsors of Jijisaur
Avatar for Jijisaur
1 year ago


Buti naman at okay ka na ji. Pero di ramdam na you were sick. Ang jolly mo sa Discord. Pero yung nga di naman ako always nandun kaya siguro di ko napansin. Speaking of puritan, mag-oorder na ako ng melatonin. May nakita rin akong ibang vitamins nila, tapos may na-add to cart na ako. Not sure pa if when ichicheck out but yung melatonin yung dapat maorder.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Not getting any younger hahah I felt that! Anyhow, are you now okay Jiji nagpuyat ka pa kagabi haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

felt na felt ba TP? charizzz. Uhm, game kasi e haha can't miss the game hehe, stayed up late hanggang 11pm unlike before hanggang 1 am haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yun happy to know that you are now fine and comes back to track hehe. Uwu humidifier pang mayaman yun ahh, uwu added the essential oils pa haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Woi, mura lang yan humidifier ko noh, tsaka hindi ako bumibili pag sale. Kuripot ako.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hopefully that you are improved from 80 percent to one hundred percent now

$ 0.00
1 year ago

As of writing this, i am a hundred percent well now. Thanks for dropping by!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Taking a dose of vit. C everyday helps. Nah, weather has two hearts. Can’t chose one to stick with, just imagine if it will just chose one. Lol!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, so I really invested in to vit c this time, guess I am getting old na rin lol.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Got sick din this week, maree. That starts by Monday when I had a runny nose, out of a sudden. Then after my laboratory class at the afternoon, naambunan pa. Ayun! Lumala tuloy lalo hanggang sa I feel sore throat na din. Good thing na di na nagtuloy sa ubo & sipon, I'm alright na now. ✨😀

But how are you now na ba, sisss? All goods na? :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nice to know you are well na po. I am well na rin hehe. Pero vit c parin ako kasi maulan hirap magka runny nose hehe! Thanks for the well wishers!:)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sa trueee. Kapit tayo kay Vit C, siss. Hihi

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Stay Healthy Ji, rest rest muna

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am well na po! Thanks for the well wishes, though!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good to know na medyo okay na po kayo ate and sana magtuloy tuloy na po. Ako din ate , priority ko na po health ko now since these past few months, naging sakitin po ako

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Uy, be healthy Mayiee ha. Hirap magkasakit now. U know na, pang may colds sasabihin covid agad, haynaku. Stay safe po!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Andami kong vit c dito lalo na sakitin rin ako, pero oks ka na? Ako naman ngayon may lil fever rin HAAHAHA. Di ko alam dahil ba sa pilay ko o dahil sa ulan

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Pagaling ka, Gy! Ako, vit c everyday na talaga huhu. Hirap magkasakit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ikaw rin pagling ka ah

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm well na, Gy. Pwede na ulit sumabak sa bardagulan hanggang 1am HAHA!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

How are you now sis? Ingatan talaga natin health natin sis. Totoo yung weather na pabago bago, nagbibigay talaga ng sakit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am very well na sis hehe! Umokay na ako kasi rest lang talaga ginawa hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Buti naman sis. Pahinga kapa sis.

$ 0.00
1 year ago