Never too late to start or re-start
The beginning is always important in everything in life. How you start a journey will determine how smooth and easy it will be for you. With how important the first step is, it's no surprise to see that people find it hard to take that first step. That decision to start something new or start again.
In construction, if the foundation is faulty, then all other elemental parts of the building will be affected, it's just a matter of time before its collapses. The same principle applies to our life, it all starts with us as individuals. If we go astray, then we become a bad role model to other people and the society at large and therein lies the problem, some have gone astray and those who are intending to follow suit. If a business is commenced with a wrong scheme or based on cheating then we try to cover it up with more cheating till things get worse.
Starting a business of any kind is not an easy task and requires a lot of effort, but it is not the hardest thing to do. The hardest part of the business is starting and then maintaining it. Many people across the world have started businesses from different sectors, and they are doing quite well, while many more are still struggling to keep their businesses moving.
When you're starting something new, it's a scary thing. You're unsure of what could happen or what could go wrong. But, like most things, the first step is often the hardest to take. For most people, they find themselves starting with one goal and then ending up achieving something entirely different. Sometimes I start an article with the intention of writing on a certain topic, mid-way through the article I change my mind and write on something else related to that. If I didn't take the pen to write in the first place, I wouldn't have written anything at all.
The thing is that it's okay if that happens. In fact, it's better than okay because now you have achieved two goals instead of just one. The first step is always the hardest to take, but once you take it, you're already on your way towards succeeding in your goal. Now all that's left to do is to keep walking and keep going.
Starting over is another issue that people have been debating about for a very long time. Some people think that you should start right away after a failed attempt, while others say that you should wait until you are certain that you have enough to start and that you aren't running at something too fast. When it comes to starting over, one is bound to face different challenges, it's not easy especially when you are new in the game.
I can’t tell you when and how to start – it’s up to every individual human being and his or her life. Do you want to lose weight? Then hit the gym now! Do you want to learn how to dance? Then register at a school now! Do you want to write a book? Just start typing now! Do you want to learn a language? Just open a book and start reading! Do you want to find a better job? Research companies, apply and just start a new life!
What is important is not when, how and where you start. What is important is that you start. You’ll have time to read, time to study, time to work hard, time to train- and time for all those things that really matter in your life. But if you don’t start today, maybe tomorrow will never come.
It's never too late to start again. Regroup, check out the mistakes you’ve made and try not to repeat the same mistake again. When you start up a business or a new venture, it is easy to get caught up in the frenzy of the moment. When you've started on a wrong note, it’s important to set things right. There are times when we realize that we're doing something in a wrong manner and don't want to continue like that because it's harming our growth. If you're feeling the same, do not lose heart, pause and then restart.
Thanks for Reading! ✍💚✍
Thank you for this very motivating read.