Im on the NEXT LEVEL: My 4th week on Read.Cash

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago

What's up to my ever-supportive, handsome, and beautiful Read.Cash family!

How was your October dear? I hope that you end this month with a blast!

Well, if anyone would ask me, this month has been a fruitful month for me provided that yesterday marks the 4th week of me being active on this platform. To tell you honestly, never in my wildest dream that I would be able to reach this far. I just could not believe myself that I was able to get out of my comfort zone finally and thus, can proudly say that I did conquer all of my doubts and uncertainties.

Anyways, I'd like to share with you my small achievements on my week 4 here on Read.Cash.


Over the course of the week (4th week), I was able to accumulate 3 subscribers having now an overall total of 38 subscribers. These people has been with me or will be with me throughout my journey on this platform. They are one of the many reasons why Im motivated to stay even though I cant deny the fact that there are times when I feel like giving up and trying to attempt to not continue on this journey. I may not completely know you all, but the thought of subscribing me is such an honor and a privilege to me. I thank you all for being so supportive of me. Never had I thought that someone would dare to subscribe and be able to read my blog entries and take the time to share their interesting insights.


I only have one sponsor for this week and I thank @King_Gozie or sponsoring me and also for noticing my presence here on this platform. Thank you so much brother for the extending support to me. I was able to gain a total of 9 sponsors for this month! Wow! Just wow! My heart is filled with so much love and gratefulness. You guys believed in me and I appreciated you all. These are my ever-supportive and terrific sponsors!

@Sequoia @Bloghound @Janz @Maryjacy @renren16 @yhanne @Zhyne06 @adoniis 💖

Please do subscribe to their accounts and take the time to read their articles because they always publish a worth-reading blog entries.


For this week, I only published 7 articles including this one. I've got a total of 32 articles. Now, I considered the month of October as a productive month. 🎉 I was able to publish all of these blog entries at my pace and will. I can proudly say that I can write now even if it's not school-related. I can now say that I've learned how to love writing and reading. These 2 macro-skills are indeed essential elements for learning.

Anyways, here are my blog entries for this week.

Before I Go to Sleep

Being beautiful means ______

Out of the BLUE

I'm just worried that's all!

A kind of weird dinner

Love over Lust


I couldn't believe that my blog entries have reached a total of 500 views! Yay! I can't contain the happiness that I'm feeling. Im in a state of euphoria like I have this positive energy within me. I just feel amazed of the other version of myself that I am pursuing right now. I may not that good in writing but you guys still notice my blog entries.


As for this one, I was able to earn $1.53 for this week. Rusty haven't visited atleast one of my blog entries. What seems to be the problem? Be that as it may, that doesn't bother me to care for I know soon you will notice me. I will wait for you at all costs. HAHHAHA


The version of me that I am pursuing right now is so overwhelming. Imagine, as someone who hates reading and writing becomes someone who has the eagerness to attain personal growth and development. May I fully achieve the best version of myself that I long to be.

Thanks for dropping by! You who's reading right now, I appreciate your presence. I hope you're all happy, safe, and healthy always. Don't forget to drink lots of water today my friend! Love you all! 😘💕

Sponsors of AlphaCron

Lead image:

$ 0.50
$ 0.20 from @Ruffa
$ 0.05 from @bbyblacksheep
$ 0.05 from @John28
+ 6
Sponsors of AlphaCron
Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


Hooray. Congratulations on your achievements. 🥳🥳 I am sure you will have mamy more in the coming days, weeks and months.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ugghh thank you @bbyblacksheep ❤ and sorry for the late reply. I appreciate you commenting my blog entry. This means a lot!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My pleasure. 😊 I know you have been here for more than a month already but I want to welcome you here. So welcome to, AlphaCron.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey hey, Congratulations. Rusty will show up soon that's for sure. So continue what you're doing now and Fightuuuu!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayieeh thanks po @Ruffa 💕

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am really happy about your achievement so far, keep being at your best and more subscribers will follow you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will try my best to be better on this platform. Thanks for commenting @Gaftekloriginal.💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice friend, heheh me I am just a user fo 2 weeks. Congratulations for the achievement many will come

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Someday we will get to achieve what we always wanted to achieve. ☺ Thanks Lovelyfaith. 💕

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As far as i remeber i welcome you here on read cash in your first day and now you are already 4 weeks old....and has many achievments...congratss and keep it up!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed time flies so fast. Thanks po ng marami. 😊💕

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are doing great, keep it up and soon you will be noticed too by rusty..keep being active and continue interacting with other users.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will po Ate GarrethGrey07❤💕 Thanks for the positive words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are doing a great job buddy and you should be happy about that. I earned nothing, got no sponsors, probably less than 10 subscribers in my first week here.

The future looks bright for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayieeehh❤ Thanks buddy! This means a lot!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats, 🎉👏your fourth-week user already and you got 9 sponsors too. That's amazing, keep it up!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you po 💕 I notice that you want to sponsor me po. My heart is so full right now. 💖💖💖

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome, that's my birthday treat for you. This is my birth month and my goal is to support others and its also my birthday treat to them

$ 0.00
2 years ago