Out of the BLUE

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2 years ago
Date: October 27, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

Greetings, dear readers on this platform!

AlphaCron is back again with another blog entry for you to read!

Whether we admit it or not, we all have a favorite color. Sometimes, it is evident through the things we have. For instance, our clothes, bags, accessories, and etc. Well, to tell you what my favorite color is, I love color blue.

Since I was a little kid, whenever we have drawing sessions, I always like to draw and color the oceans and skies. Maybe, because of that, I have started to like color blue as I was always exposed to it. Besides, everytime my parents tell me what color of clothes I want, I always say to them, "I want it to be color blue." It's like I am so addicted to this color. HAHAHAH

Anyway, the main reason (a no brainer reason) why I create this topic for my blog entry today, it is for the reason that a while ago, as I was doing the laundry, I observed that all of the things that I looked at is color blue. The towel is blue, the basin and pail is blue, and the walls are painted with the color blue. I could see the dominance of blue in my surroundings.

In this blog entry, you will discover of what blue signifies. Likewise, I will give my own insights about it. And so, enough with this intro and let's get straight into the topic.

Color blue symbolizes...

Image from unsplash.com


As somebody who loves this color, I always wanted to have deep sense of tranquility. As much as possible, I dont want myself to be in a situation where my peace is at stake or compromised. I guess you can all agree with me that we always want to aim a peaceful heart, mind, life, and family. This world would be a better place if we all have the same goal and that is to attain peace.


Image from unsplash.com

As a future teacher, it is a must for me to possess professionalism. I have to become a responsible teacher and be a good example to my future students. Teaching is not an easy profession as it requires you to use your knowledge and skills to inflict learning to your students. You have to be someone who can give impact to their lives. In contrary, confidence and dedication are some of the major professional qualities that I must have.


Image from unsplash.com

I can say that I'm a loyal person not because color blue represents loyalty but I know to myself that I am one the many people who possess this quality. Being loyal doesn't only focused on intimate relationship but it also applies to other aspects like relationship to your family and friends. Being able to be with them through thick and thin is only a manifestation that you possess loyalty. Aside from that, part of being a loyal person is you must value the significance of honesty.


Image from unsplash.com

I mean when I say to my friends that they can count on me. If they need me, I'm just here for them. When they want someone to console them, I will always present for them. I really aspire to be somebody who can be trusted. Certainly, friendship entails respect and trust.

Closing Thought 💛

These are just some of the symbolisms of my favorite color that I can relate to. Without a doubt, every color has its own symbolisms.

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I just want to thank you, you who's reading my blog entry right now. I appreciate you dear. 😊 I hope you're safe and healthy always.

Lead image is from unsplash.

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2 years ago


Btaw yor ayy. Limpyuhan sab jud ko sa color nga blue jud.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaayo Seq 💙💙💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Blue is my favourite colour too, I find it very to relate with cos it symbolize water which we all know water is life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's indeed a calming color @Gaftekloriginal 💙💙💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah I agree with the color blue, it's so clean to watch. I love the loyalty part, nice blog men.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Somehow I always like the colour blue. I really found peace with that colour.

$ 0.00
2 years ago