Before I Go to Sleep

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2 years ago
Date: October 26, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

Greetings to my ever-supportive, beautiful, and handsome Read.Cash Family!

Due to the sheer blackout, I was unable to publish a blog entry last night. I was irritated since the blackout lasted about three hours and, to make matters worse, my phone was dead at the time. Apart from that, I'm at a loss for ideas to write about, possibly due to the circumstance. My mind is also experiencing a blackout. HAHAHAH. Fortunately, my brother was able to charge his phone sufficiently enough so we could use the flashlight to read a magazine while listening to my brother's Spotify playlist.

Anyways, let’s get straight into the topic!

Memories play an integral part of a person's life. Memories somehow drive us individuals to move forward in life; seeking new experiences and live with it. All the moments we have today are tomorrow's memories. Without a doubt, a life without memories to keep is like closing a particular app on our phone and instantly opening it again—futile. It seems that life is behind you instead of being ahead of it. Indeed, memories are like treasures—worth keeping. On the other way around, the thing is, how will you bring back all the memories you have lost? How will you live up with the memories you desperately want to remember only to lose it the moment you wake up?

A 47-year-old mother and a fiction writer by the name of Christine Lucas has been suffering from the neurological problem due to a terrible accident that occurred over two decades earlier which causes her inability to form new memories. Every morning when she wakes up, it appears as if everything is strange to her. It's as if she's inhabiting an unusual body, sleeping in an unfamiliar bed with an unknown man. Her spouse, Ben, is the weird man she's referring about. Christine works hard every day to re-create her past. The closer she comes to the truth of what happened in her prior life, the more unbelievable it appears.

What I have learned after reading the novel of S.J. Watson entitled "Before I go to sleep", is the very fact that for every action that we do may it be decent or immoral, there is always a corresponding consequence. This novel serves as a reminder not just for me but also to everyone that we should be mindful of our actions. We cannot deny the fact that most of us if not all, tend to be so spontaneous with regards to our decisions in life without having careful consideration of what might happen in the future ahead. With that being said, we should now start changing our ways for the betterment of ourselves and those people around us. This novel also reminds us to choose the people we can trust. We must know what their motives are or how genuine they are in establishing their relationship to us so that they will not going to take advantage and ruin our lives. And so, decision making is highly crucial. Having surrounded by people who truly care for you is something that you should be thankful for because not everyone has the opportunity to experience this act of love from someone.

Closing Thought 💛

Life is full of surprises. We do not know what will happen in the following days, weeks, or years to come. Life somehow educates us through the experiences we encounter along the way. Whenever we face challenges and difficulties, the more we learn most in life.

P.S By the way, I finished reading this novel a long time ago. I just thought, why not make it a topic for my blog.

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2 years ago


Nice article po.. hindi ko pa nabasa yung libro peeo mukhang maganda siyang basahin salamat dito nakkainspired po...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven't read a novel for quiet a long time, the last novel I have finish reading was Into the Thin Air, a journey of Jon Crackeur and his team climbing the summit of Mt. Everest.

It's the first blog I have read from you, I can say that you're indeed amazing. Nice knowing someone like you here!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven't read the book but it sounds emotional reading the summary you have made.

Every action, a decision we make in life really matters because it has an impact and influences tomorrow.

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2 years ago