The future

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Avatar for ARTicLEE
2 years ago

(This was inspired by a post of Farmgirl entitled Some Impactful Encounters. Click on that link to read about the wisdom she has learned from others.)

I know you are familiar with the song Greatest Love of All popularized by Whitney Houston. The first line goes I believe the children are our future...

I'm not going to talk about how to raise your children for I don't have any. I only have nephews, nieces and cousins. I'm not going to talk about the song either. If you don't know the song or the artist, you can check the song in You Tube.

Over the years, I have accumulated photos of children and I just want to share to you some of those photos.

I was looking for a particular photo for I originally planned to write about a certain place that we have been to. However, I can't seem to locate it. I might have deleted it in my social media account. Also, I can't remember if I posted it in other platforms.

Since I can't find what I am looking for, I shifted my attention to other subjects that I can post here.

Let met start by saying that the lead image was one of my nieces. I have no idea what to photograph then. At that time, I just bought my camera and I was trigger happy. I don't have other equipment at that time, just my camera and the kit lens that came with it. We played with the curtain and took shots. That photo was the only one I was satisfied with.

A boy in Bagan

Back in 2014, we met this boy in Bagan. Bagan is a temple city located in Myanmar. Can you imagine 1,000 temples in one place? How about 3,000? How about 10,000? There were originally over 10,000 temples here in Bagan but over the years only a about 2,000 temples remain.

In one of the temples, this boy approached us showing their collections of different denominations. They must have collected them from different tourists they met. I think I have read a blog who mentioned boys with collection of different bills. I'm not sure if that blog was talking about these kids.

I asked to take photos of them and they willingly obliged. If you notice the marks on their faces, that is called Thanaka. You can see it on the faces of the locals. I even tried it when we visited one village. It is a paste made from a bark of a tree that grows in Myanmar. Sun protection is one of the many purposes of this paste.

This taught me to be resourceful.

A boy selling cellphone accessories

Night market in Harrison Road here in the City of Baguio is one of the things that tourists and locals look forward to. One lane is closed to vehicles. At both ends of the lane are food stalls and what's sold in the middle are new and/or pre-loved items.

I took this photo when me and some friends went here and checked some of the items that are sold. One of our companions is a friend we haven't seen in a long time. We met for coffee and then dinner and after that walked to the night market. I did not buy anything that time but I believe my friends did.

That photo above was one of the photos that I took. I like how the boy seemed to be lost in his products of mobile phone accessories.

This reminded me to work hard and not complain. This kid worked even late at night. I admire his effort.

A girl and a cupcake

My friend asked me to be his backup photographer to his best friend's wedding. I willingly obliged for it was a perfect moment to practice my photography. I think this is my first time covering an event.

I was busy taking photos when I turned around and saw this cute little girl. She was innocently standing all by herself happily eating that cupcake. Icing on her face. Perfect! I clicked right away.

That expression of hers tells everything.

This taught me to enjoy what you have. Value the blessings you receive. Do what you love. It doesn't matter if it is messy as long as it makes you happy.

Kids at the beach

When me, my partner and Jaytee went to Agoo, we met these kids.

I was busy taking photos when I noticed these kids running. I noticed them swimming in the water when they suddenly got out and started running in my direction. I thought they were going home or saw something that made them so excited.

I was surprised when they stopped in front of me and asked to be photographed. Their excitement and eagerness is infectious. I did not think twice and took this photo. I showed them what I took and they were like given the best gift in the world! They ran back to the water with glee. I was happy that even in that simple thing I was able to give them a bit of joy.

This has become my favorite photo. It may not be the best photo but I love the story behind it that's why I like keep sharing it. It is a humbling experience.

I will never forget them for giving me the lesson of finding happiness in simple things.

My niblings and their reflection

I asked my niblings to join me for a jog one morning. I usually end my jog at the BAPTC or around the strawberry farm. When I said it was more of a walk. I think this was the third time that we went for a jog. We were on our way home and decided to check the big strawberry landmark that they saw from a far. This was located inside the compound where souvenirs are sold. It rained the night before and water had settled on the ground.

My niece then asked me to take a photo of them. I thought she was referring to the sun in the background but when I sat down to take their photo, I noticed their reflection on the water and that's when I realized what she meant.

This taught me to listen to kids for suggestions. They opinions matter. Their creativity and imagination are something to be nurtured.

Taylor in a box

Here is a bonus for you.

Meet Taylor. This is one of crazybeautifulfurmom's dogs before. She asked me to take photos of her dogs with a Christmas theme. This is one of the shots I took and it's the photos I love from all the set. Her eyes just draws you in. She seems to be smiling even and saying look at me.

Many of us still don't consider dogs or pets as family but to most, they are family. We may not understand why they give more importance to them than humans but it takes a true dog/pet lover to understand.

What lesson have you learned from children? or your pets?

We shouldn't dismiss children just because they are kids. We should encourage them, listen to them, have patience with them, educate them and understand them better. Instill in them the characteristics you want them to have.

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Avatar for ARTicLEE
2 years ago


I remember the kids back in our village when phase2 was still under construction and my husband and I goes to the site with our cameras. These kids would follow us and ask to be photographed. Kids are drawn to cameras... and if you have a drone, they'll surely flock around you too

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I still have to buy a drone. I hope soon :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wowww, makikita talagang nasa puso mo ang ginagawa mo po. Ang gaganda ng kuha, with emotions. I wish may ganyan din ako g talent. Kaso, oag nagtitake ako ng photos talagang basta shot lang ako ee. Kaya siguro waka masyadong dama. Aguyy

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ahaha! Practice lang yan. Magmahal lang ng magmahal este pix lang ng pix pala :D :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Napakanta po ako sa simula. Hehe. Pero nakyutan talaga ako sa aso. Hehe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Dapat pala inuwi ko na sana nun un aso hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I enjoyed reading the stories behind the photos you shared. I love looking at those innocent kids. I had planned to create a story about the elders here in our place before but I had just no idea yet how to start it. Now that I read yours, you gave me an idea.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm glad you find inspiration in this. Looking forward to your post!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very aesthetic photos you got in there Lee and the kids, oh how I love kids. I love teasing them😅

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Lol! I know you do :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

happy girls enjoying cupcakes it's so adorable.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

She really is :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ang gaganda ng ngitinila, lalo na si baby girl na may cupcake

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Siya ang pinakagusto ko sa lahat sa mga napix ko that time hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are really so good in photography 😭😭. Ako ay naiinggit 😭 pa picture din akooo. Ang galing2 eh. Favorite ko yung little girl with a cupcake. Indeed, we should learn how to be happy no matter how small and messy it is.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Di ako masyado sa portrait pero sige picture kita hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nakooo hahaha mahihirapan ka sa akin hahaha. Di ako photogenic eh ahaha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha! Tingnan na lang natin :D Subjective din kasi ang photography kaya challenge siya kung ano magiging reaction ng client.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very good very good i enjoyed reading this article of yours you write very well

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You're very, very welcome. Cheers!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lovely photos and great composition, as usual. The joy shown on the kids' faces is priceless.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's really a joy to behold it's infectious :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lahat ng mga bata na nasa iyong article are so adorable sir their smiles are genuine,galing niyong mag capture sir hehe...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sila ang magaling na model hehe. Tiga pix lang ako :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Children are balls of sunshine. Their smile radiates happiness when someone sees it. They have their unique characteristics and us, adults should help them hone what they have

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Truly they do! They can make someone's life happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very much, friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love all the photos. But that of the three children is too wow. The looks on their faces convey so much happiness and naivety at the same time. I love it. Children are so spontaneous! :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

All you have to do is wait and observe and always be ready when to click because of spontaneity :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

This is quite inspiring. The pictures exceptionally beautiful. Great article. Kids are truly the future

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We should teach them the future we want for them :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You photoes are photogenic very creative by the way. Children are innocent. Their innocence is clear in the picture.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Truly that's why we should nurture them with good deeds.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The best lesson which I learned from kids that they never keep hate in the heart. They always make friends again even after s intense fight with each other. They forgive each other and become friends again.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree. They may fight or have disagreement but later on they will be playing together again like nothing happened. I hope we can all be like that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I so love all the photos. Genuine smiles and expressions from these children.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You can't go wrong with kids. They are pure.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As usual, breathtaking pics and a great article. We should never underestimate a kid's comprehension. They actually are good teachers and they always tell the truth.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Right your are. I have learned and still learning from them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seeing the faces of the kids made my heart melt. It also made me quite guilty especially with the times when I was ungrateful and not content with what I have. Children really are full of innocence and they can teach us adults.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kids are great teachers too :) Thanks for dropping by, Bryan :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's a nice photo the first one you posted. But they are all beautiful photos. Children with little things are so happy and it shows on their faces. Your pet dog is so cute.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's right. Give them anything and they can get creative with it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wonderful article my friend, beautiful pictures of innocent poor children. Very touching photos! I sent you a tip with a QR code, but I don't see it here. :(

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh my. Maybe it takes time? I hope to see it later when I wake up. It's late here now so I have to get some sleep. Thanks so much, @juditka80!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I just sent it again once, but not with a QR code, now you got this, then the other tip is lost. :(

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh no...I'm sorry about that. Thanks for effort anyway and thanks for the tip.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow.. Galing mo kumuha ng photos sis.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Maraming salamat, Jane :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We treat our pet named "esmiringhoy" as part of the family. She needs love and care like humans. She can sense us when we are sad and she know what to do once we are.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Such a wonderful pet! I hope I can her one day :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have a camera also with a zoom lense. I have covered 2 weddings. First one as a videographer and the 2nd one as a photographer. Now I can capture clear shots with my camera. But you have taken good shots.basically I like wild life photography.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The reason I bought the longer lens is that I can take photos of animals. I tried practicing then but never got the hang of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's okay. Keep practicing. You already click good shots!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I learn from my nephew. I told him I'm tired, he will say rest. He will watch funny videos with me because I feel down. At the young age of 5, he has this strong feeling that someone is going through something and he wi be there to make them feel okay. He will help in a little way he can.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's just sweet and thoughtful of him. I hope he will not change.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kids really needs guidance because they think fast older once but not that complex, your right about that listen to them and guide and teach them how to be good.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You got that right! :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha i didn't, I can't even understand what I commented sir hahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice shots sir bestie!! Ang cute nung kid na nag enjoy sa cupcake haha...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oo din. Yun expression nya kasi e. Ang maalala ko jan parang may kausap siya or something e mag isa lang naman nya jan. Tas ung busy ng tao sa paligid nya e siya walang pakialam sa mundo haha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

pagiging bata at its finest hahaha. kiber sa world ! ahahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The girl holding a cupcake looks like a little princess. Such a cutie 😍

$ 0.01
2 years ago

She is, isn't she? I did have other photos of her I think but this one I love the most.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very nice photo collection of beautiful children. I also thought that the pic of the kids at the beach is my favourite. Next is the reflection pic of your niblings. Really great captures and lessons carved out of them

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The more I observe kids, the more I learn about them and myself :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pintas Taylor ah 😍

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wen garud. Isu lang nakayatak nga pinix ko idi hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Old song ba yun? Jak malagip😅dpat nuwi mo c Taylor arf 🐶arf🐶

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Di ko din alam. Naririnig ko lang minsan yan haha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Beautiful photos as always plus the accompanying lessons behind them = Perfect❤ reminds me of my impactful encounters too :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That was it! I was trying to rack my brain what article and who's was it that I have read lol! Editing now :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, okay, I just did you good then :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, okay, I just did you good then :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago