Yesterday I posted an article about a sponsorship for poets. The very objective of the sponsorship is to encourage poem writers to continue writings poems and publish it here in RC.
I have been clear that I can only sponsor several but not everyone. I'm not earning a lot yet in the platform, the ample amount I can give may be a dose of motivation for writers to give value in the genre and put effort in writing poems.
This will be the first batch for my sponsorship:
@Eybyoung @Jabs @Charlotte @vanya_29 @Pawpy.Light-28 @Yayaya13
These writers has published some good poems and I hope you'll find time to read their poems too.
For those who are still eager and interested in getting a sponsorship from me please refer to this article and be part of the second batch of sponsorship.
To those who haven't been selected yet please don't be discouraged. You all have written good poems and I had a hard time deciding. I don't have a big fund for this yet. I have a second batch sponsorship coming, you can still send the link of your poems in the article in the link mentioned above.
Also, I would like to thank @feebie for inviting me to be a co-moderator at "Poems and Flash Fiction"
I will be very much delighted to read more poems from you guys and to any aspiring poet here.
Have a good day!
Yay! Thank you so much😘