No Home: A tragic tale I.

Avatar for VinceCharlie
1 year ago

Saturday, May 21st 2022.


Tristan was a boy with many failings, his predisposition made people detest all and everything about him. It was hard to live in a world that sought bitterly to be rid of him. He was a new born when he lost both his parents to the cold hands of death. Like a beast bent on removing any flicker of light that shone in his downtrodden soul, nothing remained. It shattered him. The circumstances that surrounded the demise of his family caused him to venture into a perilous path.

"Why do I keep on living when I'm hated this way?", he thought. Life was unfair. He knew that. But, he couldn't end it. He made a promise to live, and prosper. Ever since that moment, he'd desired to set his Thames on fire. To dedicate his heart, and soul to achieving his greatness. To live free of the hate, and soar from the bitter prejudice set against him.

But, where did it go wrong for Tristan?

Let's go back a couple decades before. To a time where everything was great for the Gordon's.

Sir. Timothy Gordon lived a life of positivity, goodwill and charity. A businessman worthy of all the acclamations he got. His foundation cared for children of the less privileged. It was safe to say that he was philanthropic. His associates applauded his dexterity, a capable man and an upstanding individual.

His remarkable achievements in the national, and International level brought him much recognition. Soon the time came, "for the king to have an heir." He would often joke to his wife, Eleanor. They both agreed that it was far past the desired time and sought to bring to fruition what they had planned. His intention, to raise a child to understand the ways of his kingdom. Something befitting a 'family of royals' as it was purported by locals. Little did they know it spelled the beginning of the end for their great and promising future.

A year passed, and the expected time of labour drew nigh for Eleanor. She was taken to the hospital where she delivered safely. She held the little boy in her arms, and showered him with kisses that welled from her bubbling affection. She was tired, and weak. After awhile, her nurse went in to bid her to sleep, but she wouldn't want to leave her boy.

Perhaps, she had sensed a danger no one else anticipated. However, she knew nothing could be done. Her misty eyes gave away the hint of a woman betrayed. In that moment, she thought of the life that could've been with her family. Exactly a day before, she was engrossed with an ongoing project that would help thousands of the needy in the country. But, now it all seemed like everything was merely a pipe dream.

Her nurse walked towards her drip to inject what looked like a yellow substance. Eleanor's eyes followed the blurred figure to a stop, and just a fingers touch away with her heart pounding non-stop.

"I'm sorry. I wouldn't be here with you anymore. I'm so sorry. I love you." , Eleanor said softly.

Her heart ached for her child. There was no greater sorrow than what she felt -alone, and left to die in a makeshift hospital. Her pulse grew weaker. Her heart beat reduced to a palpitation that only indicated the beginning of the end. She breathed her last breath, and POOF! Eleanor was gone. Little Tristan was abandoned beside an old brook, on a Marshy ground late in the dark hours of the night... Left to live a fate that would set off an unfortunate sequence of events thereafter. be continued.

Note: This work is a work of fiction, as character names, places described is a hundred percent imaginary.


Words of Appreciation:

I'd like to thank my newest sponsor @Tomi-Ajax for his sponsorship. Thank you so much, good sir. I wouldn't take your kind gesture for granted. And, @Ellawrites - I wanna use this medium to say many thanks for renewing your sponsorship. You've been an immense source of motivation, and support to me.

Arigato. :)

P.S: Do well to check out my sponsors awesome and wholesome contents.


Set The Thames in fire - (Idiomatic) To achieve something amazing; to do something which brings great public acclaim.

Purported - Something supposed,or assumed to be.

Misty-eyed - Having eyes with a moist, glistening appearance, especially as indicating that one is on the verge of crying or that one is experiencing strong emotion.

Pipe dream - a plan, or desire will not likely work.

Palpitations - An abnormal beating of the heart that may be perceived by the patient, a result of excitement, exertion, or illness.

Thank you all for reading.

Until we meet again.


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1 year ago
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I missed this part initially, but had to come back to read the first part to understand the second, I now know who killed her, but still want to know the connection between the nurse who injected her with the yellowish poisonous substance and the lady in question.

This started off oh my, I hope it has a beautiful end, I'm already sad🥺

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It's sad to see how both Tristan's parent's died tragically. Their end was painful, to say the least. :(

Haha. We'll see if it has a beautiful end soon. Thanks for being here, Elle. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This article is very well detailed, kudos to you bro 👏 I guess Eleanor lost her life due to the complications she got from the delivery? But that doesn't seem to be so because of the thing the nurse injected her with, that's already suspicious and I wonder why she did it

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That could've been the case. But, there wasn't a complication. She was obviously poisoned despite her weakened state. Thanks, Kush... :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh my God why did the nurse do that to Eleanor? For what? The nurse was soulless. I hate her. The ending literally leave me broken hearted for the poor baby.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

What happened to Eleanor was tragic. She entrusted her life to the nurse, and she stabbed in the back badly. The terror she must've been through. :(

$ 0.00
1 year ago

again a great series by you. i will eagerly wait for the next part. you know its the worst time when a mother died during childbirth or soon after childbirth as Tristan's mother.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yes. I know. But, she was killed by the Nurse. It was a cruel death.

Thank you, Tanain... For you your kind words. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope Tristan finds his way back home to his rightful place. Sometimes it's the people we least expect that have evil intentions toward us

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Absolutely, my friend. We sometimes do not realise this butter truth. As for Tristan, well... Let's hope he does. Nice to meet you friend. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I really enjoyed going through this amazing word lines,. I am hoping to read the next part of this..

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Will be published soon. Thank you for being here, Gently. :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Alright sir

$ 0.00
1 year ago