Best Friend to My Worst Enemy!! - Finale!

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2 years ago

Best Friend to My Worst Enemy!! - Part 1

My world literally went spiraling down and my head hurt to see inside her room was hundreds or yet thousands of my pics, from my birth till the day I left the town, pics of my vlogging channel, pics of us together with hearts drawn everywhere. What shook the earth beneath me is the words "MINE" beside the picture of our Halloween from childhood where we dressed as bride and groom...

Jane quickly walked towards the hall and noticed me missing on the sofa and then walked towards her bedroom. She realized that I have realized her secrets and quickly walked in the room as I kept staring at the horrific scene I have just discovered.

"Jane... ugghhh.. wha.. what in the worl.. what is this?? are you in love with me? or is this an obsession??"

Tears appeared in Jane's eyes as she said that she had been in love with me all our life ever since we were kids and she always thought we would end up getting together. My head hurt listening to all that and her "love" seemed more like an obsession to me listening to how she has been explaining about collecting my pics, trash that I threw away like pens or cola bottles etc., I was honestly getting really uncomfortable that time. I actually wanted to leave the apartment right then and there. But I do not want to upset Jane. AFter all, she is my best friend whom I shared everything with. How could I hurt her?.. so I politely told her,

"Jane, listen to me.. This is coming from utmost respect and care I have for you. You are my best friend in the entire world and I have always seen you as a sister from another Mother. I have never had such feelings for you this way. You and I are besties and always will stay that way.. is that what our both families wanted? you will come out of this phase, you are confused.. take your time Jane. I will meet you again when I leave the town.. I even have a girl back in my city about whom I was meaning to talk to you today but all this happened. I love you Jane, but as my support system, a friend, a console and a sister.. I will be always there for you regardless..."

Saying so, I just left the bed room. Jane stood there in the verge of a panic attack but I just wanted to go... I was wearing my shoes near the entrance and tying the laces bending down when some hard thing hit my head and I lost my consciousness.. I woke up after God knows how many minutes and noticed I was back in her bedroom surrounded by hundreds of my pics. I rubbed my throbbing head but thank God there was no blood but my head hurt like heck. I need to call the cops or my parents, I quickly searched for my phones and I remembered I kept in on the sofa while I came here. I stood back up as my head started spinning because of the moments but just when I was to leave again, Jane slowly walked towards her bedroom hiding her hands behind her back..

"Jane what is that??".. I begged her to leave me alone and not to ruin our beautiful friendship..

She started screaming and crying and explained how much she dreamt of having a nice beautiful life with me and amazing family with a nice house and kids.. I listened to her and told her I never had such feelings about her once again and she stared at me for a good 10 seconds and said "I had to hit your grand ma in her bathroom for you to come back to the town, to me.. only to tell me that you never loved me...then you leave me no choice, I'm so sorry.." and lifted her right hands to see a gun in her hands..

"what?? my grand ma was injured because of you??? Jane, let's talk about it.. no please no"

I screamed on top of my voice only to be useless. She pulled the trigger and I closed my eyes.. I then remembered my family, my friends, new life and everything as I heard the gun.. she pressed it.. I cannot believe she did it.. Tears rolled down my eyes as I opened my eyes to realize her fighting with the gun as the gun got jammed and she is trying to unlock it.. This is my chance, my second chance.. before she could realize, I gave a nice punch to her face and she collapsed on the floor giving a scream. I ran.. ran for my life.. ran on the streets until I noticed a cop.. I grabbed his arm and he was alerted immediately. He asked me to sit in the police car as he called up for backup.

The police dropped me off to my house and the cop explained everything to my Mom. Jane's Mom was also present in the situation and they both gasped for air and Jane's mom almost dropped to the sofa when she listened to the police saying

"By the time we went there, she shot herself and was unconscious. Paramedics were called immediately and now she is undergoing surgery on her neck as they are trying to remove the bullet. The doctors told that the bullet hit her vocals and they are wondering if she might be able to talk again. We would only know when she wake up..written on her bedroom walls, was the words "SORRY" and we are not sure you understand that better than us"

I also told Jane's Mom what she did and she apologized to me. I assured them it is not important now, but what we need to focus is on her recovery. I apologized back to them as I felt guilty in some kind of way even though I'm not but glad at least they are not mad at me..

Several weeks have passed since the surgery and Jane have never spoke a word again as long as I remember.. I even graduated from the University and indulged myself completely on my Vlog channel to avoid thinking about Jane. I was in the middle of a shoot when my assistant came with my mobile saying

"your mom is on the line..."

I picked the phone and said hello back and Mom said Jane's voice is back and she actually showed up at our house to apologize to everyone and Mom was happy everything was back to normal again. Jane even promised that she does not have feelings for me anymore and want to be friends again only if I wish to. I smiled at the thought about finally she realizing how stupid all this has been and asked Mom to give the phone to Jane..

Jane said "hey, I'm so sorry for what I did. I'm actually ashamed of everything you know, can you forgive me??"

I was about to reply happily when I heard Jane talking again in a growling voice...

"You seriously think I would say something like this didn't you??? hahahahaha.. You are mine... always be mine..."

My Mom who was still with Jane shouted at her "Jane, what is this behavior? leave the house right now..."

My body started shivering and I kept shouting at Jane asking her to leave when I heard a loud bang in the background and my Mom screaming on top of her lungs.......

"This is just a start...." Jane's voice echoed over my Mom's screams as Jane kept laughing like a maniac....

I'm going to end this here you guys, I want to leave it as a cliffhanger and to people who do not like suspense, you can write the conclusion to this story in your own version, taking this as a challenge.. let's see your creative brains at work..

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2 years ago


OMG! I don't like tragic ending Blackdoll, So I will end it well in my head..haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha we all have been there hun <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like to feel smile and yeah scarry mood i feel so afraid. But you are one of the best one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you dear friend, so sweet of you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, this was a wonderful and exciting story. I really liked it. Your language, your writing and your stories are full of magic and miracles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"This is just a start...." Jane's voice echoed over my Mom's screams as Jane kept laughing like a maniac....

And Jane though she really shot his Bestfriend's Mom. Yes she is but the guys Mom was able to stand up and get the vase on side table and with full force she hit Jane using it. But Jane has a hard head and it didn't give her that much of injury. So she point the gun to the guys Mom and hit thr trigger 4 times. Head, the 2 eyes and the neck. And the the guys Mom body just fall on to the ground with 4 holes in her body dripping all her blood in all direction.

Alright, how's that? HAHAHAHAHAHA i want to put a happy ending but I to is not fond of Happy Ending. Lololol ✌️✌️🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You creep hahahahaha.. well in reality, it do be happens like that.. but I do not deserve all that graphic details didn't I? 🤣🤣 you ar awesome dude

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha, 🙆🙆🙆🤣✌️. I just love how you end it and because of jr I thought of that 👻. More story like this eh. But is there a time that you will publish a story with a happy end? Hmmm 🤔. Maybe soon!?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're just so gifted at writing suspenseful stories, I was inquisitive when I read the 1st part, thankfully, you wrote the finale. This is Obsession I think, but the Open ending here totally got me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

this is indeed obsession and not a normal one.. she even tried to kill him and tried to commit suicide now hurting his Mom.. this is literally textbook definition of obsessing over someone. Thank you for the appreciation, am glad you enjoyed it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Waited and it arrived now. Well twisted it dear. Hey, I can imagine mom's scream from lungs. 🤭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

we all Asian kids know how it feels like lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was wondering when you'd drop this part, i was looking forward to it honestly, my interest was picked with this story, more so than it has ever been for any story book I've read. But c'mon you shouldn't have left it as a cliffhanger, I really wonna know how it ends. I'm bad at writing stories like these so I wouldn't even know what to write even if I tried. Anyway lovely story once again, you're a wonderful writer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much for your appreciation and you are a great writer too and you know, not everything needs to be perfect, so you please try to write the end of your version

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm I'll try my best, thanks a lot for believing in me.... It means a lot coming from you..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Obsession is very bad, one of the worst things out there that can make a reasoning human turn all of a sudden to a psychopath. Someone has obsessed over me sometime ago and it wasn't pleasant at all. It's indeed a psychological disorder. Nice story Blackdoll.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No, my God, put an end to this story, please.. I can't stand open endings. It's wonderful and somehow scary! You are amazing I will always say this

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol Lara, you can write the ending for this if you want :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, Eid is approaching, so I will have free time. I will try to write something, but I do not expect it to be as good as your writing. Thank you for the offer 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

omg, feels like watching a supnse triller movie,, love it sis!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gezz! what a psycho friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whoa...she is such a maniac. This is what an obsessive one sided love can lead sad!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was hooked and you ended it like a question huhu, but anyway you really great in writing stories dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayyyy ikaw na gawa ng ending hehheheh gusto ko matapos talaga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omyyy. Obsession at its finest. It goes a long way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ooh I want the ending haha. . Please 😅😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha dear, you can write the ending yourself, I left this as an open article. You can write your own version of how you gonna end this.. try

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The young man rushed to the house and Jane suddenly jumped in him from nowhere. They were engage in a deadly scuffle. Jane was about the stab him on the chest when his mother summoned all her strength and clubbed Jane from behind before she fell back to the ground... She also died. 😭😭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh no 😭😭😭😭 the ending I almost dreaded to write haha.. that's a great way to end by the way because it shows both mother's love and also crazy obsessions people have on others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago