The Life Energy Is Decreasing - Earth Is Dying

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Written by
2 years ago

Yup, the life energy of our Earth is decreasing with time. The reason is us, most of us know this already. Recently, you have seen lots of posts regarding scientists and researchers exposed the truth about What's happening in the world and what will happen if it goes on like that!

They are saying truth and are right in their words.

My post will ultimately be based on my personal experience which I faced and observed during all these years of living.

What I Noticed!

  • The Earth has lost the healing nature properties in all its major elements like Fire, Land, Water and Air. The reason is completely visible to us as all those elements are now polluted to a great extent. The air we breathe is now healthy only when you live near a tree or your region has trees surrounding it. Other than that you are majorly taking the polluted one which is kind of normal for today's life. A person close to fresh air heals faster than the normal one. Like village people heal fast from any type of disease. Similarly, the land and water are the most dammed thing now. We have approx or less 1% of available drinking pure water but that is decreasing at a rapid rate due to rapid industrialization. The lands are losing their fertility due to pollution and regular use of yield enhancer products.

Uneven Weather
  • I noticed that the weather and climate change are very bad now. There's no fixed time frame for seasons sometimes they get shifted to a month later or sometimes they come a month earlier. It was never like that. On my visit to my province I noticed this year due to no rainfall in April's first week there hasn't been a single tree giving mangoes and other fruit trees are also fruitless this time. Our province has so many big Mango trees that they can even cause a flood of Mangoes, lol. But this year nothing and I think if it doesn't rain this month we won't be getting any mangoes.

    I know the weather was never a predictable thing but the season was and that also has been shifted. While walking in the noon I could feel the hot winds like 'Loo' blowing from this April month only which has never happened. It was mostly in the end weeks of April in my place, yours may have a different time frame. The reason is Global Warming.

  • With nature's less healing capacity and our sedentary modern lifestyle. People have now a very weak immune system.

A prime example is me, Huhu!

  • Now more cyclones and Earthquakes are happening. All the natural calamities look like they are angry to us. They are visiting us frequently now.

I also noticed that some people are coming forward and creating awareness to Save The Nature in the recent years in which they are giving more than half of the time of their life. They stand with a mask connected to a jar of a plant. It may look funny to some but they are doing a commendable job. Huge Salute and respect to those people.

Now one question,

Have you checked the air pollution rate in your place?

If not check yours, that will make you realise in what phase we are now. In my country India, some cities have more than 250 AQI ( Air Quality Index ) like Daruhera (351), Haryana and Bawana (256), Delhi.

After 151 AQI, the air is unhealthy for the human body.

Final Thoughts

I know the Earth is very smart and it heals itself with time but only when it's given the opportunity and time to heal!

And Nature is kind of interlinked, When You harm one entity all the other entity gets harmed.

A small group of people are fighting for their and their future generations' future. While a big number of people want to attain as much money as they can for their future generation but little do they realise if the one saving them will die, how long that money will save them. Organizations have big visions and theories of successful industrialization but zero visions or roadmaps to counter the damage which they do. Every year, in the reason of making wide roads trees, are cut and there's no alternative solution given to those trees cut. It's because everyone in their respective positions isn't giving much importance to Nature. The respective officials pass those half-ass projects without thinking of the harm effects, all due to the greed of money. Ah, again this thing is a root cause of bad things. If they have that saving type of thinking, then they must have a plan to counter the loss of those trees but no we only see industrialization as the future. Bruh, if you kill the place where you are doing the industrialization then how will you continue your industrialization thing. You just want to live for 70-80 years of life luxuriously and peacefully, you don't give a damm on your future generation.

It may look like a normal thing to some, but slowly we are giving Cancer to Our Earth.

Lastly, I won't give you any tips to save our environment as you have already read a lot about them. Just a request, Please follow them don't ignore them.

I am also on some other Platforms, Let's be friends there.



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Written by
2 years ago


Yes you are absolutely right but no one is taking action on this besides industrial waste our farming manner also causing earth to die I have right something similar to you check it out here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The rising of deadly calamities has struck our country quite a few times these past few months. Climate change has been very much evident here in PH. I hope everyone will take part in helping to conserve our mother nature. Nature's healing also depends on the very little actions that we will do to contribute to mother nature's wellbeing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Disastrous events is the nature's way for showing us that humans should not have caused the destruction, but rather improved Mother Earth. It saddens me knowing that the Earth is dying soon.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

My dear friend, I completely agree with you. The earth is not at all well these days because of the overuse of it by humans, and the carelessness of us humans. Animals are dying because of human actions. Air pollution is rampant, I read somewhere that sunlight will be at its most dangerous this year. I started with myself, and I try to use bicycles to transport and transport these days, to do my part, to reduce air pollution.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's a superb step you took, I don't have to go that far so far walking is working for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Deforestation is the important cause if climate change we need to take step individually. Our prime minister started a move for plantation but he was removed from his post with foreign intervention

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sad. Very sad to say the least. Now that you've mentioned it I can't help but notice too. Delay or disruption in the processions of weather, the typhoons in the Philippines, the scorching heat in Africa, everything has changed, thanks to humans!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

No fixed frame for seasons is also something I have been observing from so many recent years... weather is so unpredictable, one min it is cool and another minutes feels like we are in the middle of Sahara.. and this is affecting our physical body too, like it does not know how to cope thus making us more prone to diseases easily... remember we used to not get sick at least once a year when we were kids?? it is all changed now :/

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Kids of this generation are also weak now. They easily got caught with diseases due to low immunity. What's the reason? It's this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll cite an example: this month and next month are meant to be our summer months in the Philippines, but due to climate change, we just had a catastrophe last week. It made me sad because it seemed as though climate change had developed into a cancer.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I saw the posts of people both in Ncash and Rcash. Such a wonderful and beautiful place gets destroyed by natural calamities occassionally, it's an alarm for everyone of us to see that our Earth's ecosystem is harmed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Still we have hope. Awareness should be spread. It will be helpful. Otherwise, the extinction is coming.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Only then, generally speaking, if people realize their ways of living and do small steps of disciplining themselves and their whole household, great impact will be observe and environment will somehow be preserved.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Earth is our only planet, if we can't preserve it and protect it from all developments that harm it we will lose the only place to live, save the earth!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Deforestation and extensive use of non-renewable energy resources like fossil fuels are the major causes of sudden climate changes! which leads to heating of atmosphere

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The rate of deforestation is really alarming.... Especially now that the price of gas is now high, many people have resorted to the felling of trees as an alternative source of energy

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ultimately our saviour our trees and still we never think for a second to save some.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right friend that an example is the typhoon and earthquake that comes to us. So it is right that we give the earth time for all the grief we will experience can be eliminated.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hey!, you know there's a book named as "essentials of ecology" if you read that, you will find the real disaster we are facing and creating by ourselves. By the way AQI in my place is always more than 300.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yup I will sure keep that in mind to read this book. 300+ that's inviting trouble.

$ 0.00
2 years ago