Starting Over From Nothing Is Probably The Hardest

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2 years ago

Starting over from nothing is probably the hardest. Perhaps it is really so hard to accomplish something when you know that you would be starting over from nothing as this could literally be as good as zero and null in so many aspects.

Zero would definitely mark in your mind as null. A certain happening in the past is not null and what makes it null is on how to attain a wise decision to build up and establish once more. One step in the past and one step in the future would always make it complex. While you would always want to be fortunate in speeding up your life, giving up or quitting would always slow down the process. Perhaps through a very strong commitment and affirmation to a bright new future it would always make sense. However, the process of moving on through forgetting the past would always take control and it would always depend on how you were able to get past it and get through every detail.

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Imagine yourself trying to build up something from nothing or the other way around wherein you may have already built up for something and in a matter of glance through a blink of an eye all of your build ups and foundations were gone. Surely it would get you frustrated and what would probably make it the hardest is actually the decision of how and where to start.

Have you ever experienced starting over from nothing? Have you ever felt zero in everything? What has been the hardest part of it? What were the hardest moments for you? Were there times that you had felt like giving up? How did you get through it? Did you still come up with the best? Would it make sense if you would did not try?

Never ever be afraid of the zero value in your life for it is surely the reference point of everything.

As you start your day every morning, you are definitely starting monotonous routines yet starting over from nothing is quite different from a daily experience. Nothing is as good as zero through the worst. When you start something from zero, every so often the decision make it the hardest. Perhaps building a certain matter from nothing to something is harder than going up from a certain level to the highest. For when you start from the lowest you would always be motivated to go up yet when you start over from zero it would always feel you degrading with the hardest emotion knowing that you had already undergone a lot but in just a short glimpse you eventually failed. Remember to think of success as an eventually slow process reaction happening over time for nothing would gradually be accomplished in just a day when you would start over from something. Being in a zero situation is pretty fine for this is where everything has started. Consequently, never ever be afraid of having a zero value for it is the beginning of all and it serves as a reference of everything.

Starting over from nothing is probably the hardest yet stay courageous to pick yourself up, clean up your mess, and move forward over and over. Be aware of significant things in mind as you embark on a new journey to start over from nothing and be sensible of the following ways:

  • Discover new things freely;

  • Do not be stuck with perfection;

  • Be more inclined to change;

  • Never ever attempt to fit in;

  • Embrace the unpredictability of life;

  • Celebrate every milestone gloriously.

Pick up for yourself, clean up your mess, and stand up once again while continuously walking forward through embracing every uncertainty of life along the way.

Discover new things freely

Discover new things freely through exploration. Never ever let your very own self deprive you from reaching more than your potential. Know that there are still a lot of things in life that you truly deserve. Never ignore what you usually think that you are good at already yet try to discover new things and try to get better at it for you could always start something significant while considering all your great potentials. Start over from nothing as you discover new things freely.

Do not be stuck with perfection

Do not be stuck with perfection. Accept the reality that nothing is perfect and only perfectly imperfect. Learn to embrace imperfection all throughout your existence. The moment you get stuck with perfection is the very moment it would be impossible for you to accomplish something. Acknowledge your flaws and clean up your mess. Believe that everything would still work for you despite your flaws and imperfection. Simply start over from nothing yet do not be stuck with perfection.

Be more inclined to change

Be more inclined to change. The only way you could change for the better is through change yet never ever feel bad of all the things that you cannot change. Instead, always look forward on what you can greatly do to change. Change every necessary matter in your life for the better so you could always have a better much life. Just always do your best on how you could achieve the change you greatly desire and the change you would always want to attain. Start over from nothing and be more inclined to change.

Never ever attempt to fit in

Never ever attempt to fit in. Not all feet can fit in all shoes. So instead of fitting your feet in every shoe which does not fit, try to place yourself in a new pair of shoes where you could always learn the best lessons from it. Always bear in mind that when things are not meant for you, it would not actually fit in but when things are meant for you, it would always fit in no matter how long the fitting takes time. Hence, just start over from nothing yet never ever attempt to fit in.

Embrace the unpredictability of life

Embrace the unpredictability of life. Life itself give you an infinite reasons to be very unpredictable. This is something in life that you have to accept with dignity. Every single day, you are probably living with unpredictability which would make you uncertain of what awaits for you in the future. Just never be afraid to see what would happen next and be realistic to view tomorrow graciously. Perhaps the most ideal way is to embrace every unpredictability with grace. Simply start over from nothing while embracing the unpredictability of life.

Celebrate every milestone gloriously

Celebrate every milestone gloriously. As you celebrate every significant development in your life, remember to be always grateful with a humble heart. It does not really matter how small or big the achievement may be for what greatly matters is how you were able to make leap for life and make progress. The key is to value every simple thing for as time would pass, oftentimes they would become very precious and most priceless. Treasure every milestone with an authentic gratitude as you give thanks to the most powerful Almighty Father. Moreover, keep in mind to be glorious while being down to Earth and kind. Just start over from nothing and celebrate every milestone gloriously.

Starting over from nothing is probably the hardest but you have got time and you have God as your back up. Keep on walking forward.

It takes extra doses of courage and perseverance to start over from nothing. It may be very hard yet try to control yourself. Discover new things and never be stuck with perfection. Explore as you get more inclined to change yet never attempt to fit in. Despite the uncertainty of life, learn to embrace it and learn the art of celebrating every milestone gloriously. Perhaps starting over from nothing is the hardest but you have got time and you have God as your back up. Just keep on moving forward and get better in time.

All photos are mine and were taken by me.

Disclaimer: No part of this article is used to advertise nor commercialize and it falls under the guidelines of fair use. All parts and contents are mine and are purely based on my personal learning experiences, personal thoughts, opinions, and reflections. This humble article is mainly intended for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright 2022 Talecharm. All rights reserved.

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2 years ago


Nothing is impossible if you have God by your side. I remember when I had to go back here to Manila from the province- I had to start from zero because I left my job. I only got a thousand pesos in my wallet and I was so sick. It was my defining moment-I had to live with a friend because I couldn't afford the rent, had to borrow money so I could send something for my kid, and to survive while looking for a job. I didn't give up and remained positive. With God's guidance, I found a job near my place in an awesome company with better pay. I was so thankful and happy.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

There would always be no road with no turning point. Perhaps all your struggles today would be turned into a pleasing life tomorrow. How hard it is to start over with nothing most especially when money is the problem. My salute for you my dear friend for staying resilient in all your hardships. You are truly born a winner. I wish you more success in your life and be great as always my dear friend Hermani.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your good wishes, my dear Talecharm :) If I was truly born a winner I also want to leave this world a winner as well :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really the hardest time when we go back to zero despite of lot of efforts we exerted and spend more time. But starting over zero means it knocks another opportunity. It happened for some reasons. And we need backup from God above who will strengthen us to survive.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

Everything truly happens for a reason whether we fail or succeed yet starting over is another hard story of struggle and despair that if unleft resolved would probably lead to frustration and depression. How hard it is to build up for something when in just a face of time things would gradually vanish considering all the efforts exerted and time spent. However, when things are not really meant for us, surely a bright future is waving but that does not guarantee an assurance for success because it would always depend on how you controls things and take over positively. Starting over from nothing may be very hard and as good as zero but we must not ever worry for zero is the reference point of everything and we have God up as our back up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Starting from a new point of life is both exciting and frightening my friend special when chances are not always favorable to us.In my life's downfalls,I always put in mind that the only difference between a stumbling block and stepping stone is the way you look at it.We should only look at the positive sides of moving on because there's always rainbow after the rain and that finally we'll end up smiling

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks for these tips! It is really not easy to build oneself up from nothing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The starting point looks so difficult and so discourage most times, a child that had a good starting back has not face with challenges like the one that has nothing to start up with, So starting over from nothing looks so difficult and challenges.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Success would truly come in many faces. Truly an infant may be so young would not greatly feel the effects but deep inside himself there are also struggles and challenges leading toward his personal growth, and I would like to highlight that as success being in progress and development as he continually grow with age. Yet as he grows older, he would learn to embrace the many changes and realize the challenges and obstacles around him yet continually grow and strive more just to reach the peak of success. Perhaps everybody is truly set up for success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We all started from zero, but starting from zero now seem very tough so we have to be strong enough to start and focus on our best. I don’t think focusing on perfection is essential but we have to try to be perfectly imperfect.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Starting from the beginning or starting from zero when one has experienced being an hero could be quite frustrating, there are so many setbacks especially when it comes to weighing ones successes and failures with people around. It could be so tasking and depressing at the same time, in the end, after reading through this; I really need to tell myself "not all feet's fits into a shoe" anytime the thought of weighing people's successes with mine troops into my mind.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I know it's tough. But sometimes we don’t have options. We choose it as default action. We start working hard and surprisingly it pays off.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

All those who achieved great things in life started from scratch. The important thing is to start.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Well, it doesn't matter or his/faults when a person born in good and rich family and the other person born in poor family but if the person in poor that will still poorly ever he is in adult hood that is her/his problem.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

well, this time let's not start over from the scratch you will start over your experience. I know that, in every battle of your life you will do everything and that learning will make you more mature and competent

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I have started from nothing a many times, yes many times that's the issue to me. I tend to give up early, but I do comeback that's just means I wasn't serious enough. That's my situation early, from a year now I'm doing significantly good at never giving up, noticing and correcting my bad traits. Starting again and taking the first step is the most hardest thing I felt while doing that, thinking that what if you will end up like the same as earlier. I will try to apply your points to avoid anything bad like situations which I got through earlier.

$ 0.07
2 years ago

The moment I see the word "zero", it reminds me of how I started here. I started from zero until I reach this point that I am earning and finally accumulate BCH and stored some in my wallet. And this is all because I never stop myself from exploring and learning. I strive hard to achieve my goal. This simply means that you have to work hard if you want to progress.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yesterday, I tried a new thing - composing and singing a song over a digital music creation of a newfound friend! Have a look and listen to it when you have time

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We all are start our life from the zero. It's common for us. But if we stay in zero of our hole life then It's not good for us.We can start from the zero but end of the day or work we should have some achievement. That's is called life.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Starting from ground zero is definitely the hardest, but then it makes us prouder when we accomplish what we accomplish.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Start nothing but because hero , I Wana tell you something about me , early morning when I was going to outside of my house my bike was puncture but I can't stop myself and going to shop I have nothing but at the same time my friend was passing and he give me greetings I was said to him he give me 300 hundred rupees and I have nothing petrol in my bike and after 20 mint waiting another a boy came towards my side and said to me if you going with me in city I will give you 200 hundred , I'm very happy because I'm also going city and now I'm in city with my personal work completed

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Being in zero value is my weakness ever since but slowing I try to figure out what's fit me in own preference without the opinion of others. From nothing into something when someone overcome the zero value. I quit in fitting myself into someone shoes instead I start finding mine.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

Yes, very well said, before when the typhoon Odette came, we experience zero, it's hard for us to cope up, we start all over again, we stand again step by step, we don't know where we started, but as you've said, embrace and don't be stuck, just step forward and move on, anyway thank you so much for sharing your article to us, I learned a lot today.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Definitely I would agree that starting with nothing is literally hard. You don't know where and how you gonna start making progress just to gain even a little progress. It's hard and it would definitely challenge your braveness in terms of survival. But life is hard, weather we stay inside our comfort zone or when we go outside to start a new beginning.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

For every beginning would always be the hardest. While we want to be in a hurry, the more we would mess up. Attainment of something is not a fast reaction and it is truly a slow process reaction. That is the reason why many people give up very easily in life once they failed from something for starting over from zero does not make sense according to their vision but if only they got the courage to rebuild themselves and build something again out from nothing surely they would be glorious once more. If it does not fit in then one must be very resourceful to look for other ways using great potentials. Whether we like it or not, in an unexpected time it may or may not happen as life is full.of uncertainties.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's because you are starting with a scratch again, but it's much more worth it when all this hardship payed off when all those black pages became full of written adventures and lessons you've get. Starting with nothing is hard yet it's worth it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Starting over from nothing can be really tough though, I'll tell you. But I think it's character defining and it helps to shape you once you adopt the right attitude and mindset and if, as you correctly pointed out, celebrate every single milestone. As always, I love and am motivated by your work.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's true dear, we need always to start from scratch, it may be scary at first but when you achieve something from nothing would you feel much greater, zero is the beginning of a new hope

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thats true my friend Talecharm, that we have to be thankful no matter how small or big the success we have achieved. It is right that we value meaningful things and simple things because as time goes on we will also realize that they are very important and most important.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Reading this blog today, I remember my journey here. When I failed in my previous accounts, starting a new one is always the hardest. Despite not knowing what would my new journey become, I tried to learn and accept the things that happened to my life here and I put my trust in God. Whatever will happen, I will accept it.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I could truly feel the emotions on how hardly it was to lose your old accounts and start over for a new one considering that you had already established yourself and built connections in the platform from the past. There are a lot of things to consider when making for a new one and probably the hardest is starting from zero, not to mention starting from zero followers, zero earnings, zero in points and so on and so forth. That is why every so often a lot of people may quit in the platform for the difficulty of building something out from zero. But you were not a quitter my dear friend, lhes. You are so courageous enough to rise once more and regain your momentum. Just keep on moving forward while gracefully embracing the uncertainty of life. Carry on my friend for you are always great.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right my friend. Many have quit in this platform because of what happened. Failing and starting once again is so difficult..I almost quit my dear friend but I learned that if I quit, nothing will happen. That's why I remind myself that quitting will never be an option to me especially when I know that there will many chances for me to succeed...Thank you so much for the beautiful words my friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The sad truth is really so hard to start as we all know that beginning would always be the hardest yet we just have to remember that everything happens for a reason. The moment you take a move to rebuild yourself is the very moment that you had tasted the reflections of success for you did not give up. I am so glad to have known an amazing friend like you in this wonderful platform my dear friend les and know that you are very much welcome and appreciated.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yep if we try sincerely nothing is hardest for us. Very power boosting blog you’ve published.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I am in deep gratitude of your heartwarming compliment my dear friend, Shohana. Know that you are highly valued and I am grateful as well of your most precious attention. Truly nothing is hardest for a valiant soul willing to take risk in life. Starting over may be the hardest yet we would always have the whale of time to make a better version of something that was not really meant for us. As we keep on moving forward to start over once more, may we instill in our minds the power of embracing uncertainty in life for they would always exist while life remains. And as we begin our journey to explore for something new, we should not be scared for God would always be our back up. Great things would always happen if we just learn the art of believing through the power of great attraction.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Well said dear, I appreciate! Yes Almighty is always with us to help and we are really very blessed!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Starting afresh something you've work for fir a long time is hard but anything restarted is just the beginning of a new better version of the old.

$ 0.02
2 years ago