Salvador Dali Museum of Florida

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4 years ago

Considered one of the most important painters of the 20th century, the Spanish artist Salvador Dali transcends geographical boundaries with his works. In fact, one of the largest collections of his works in the world, in the south of the United States - in Florida.

The Salvador Dali Museum has 96 oil paintings, more than a hundred watercolors and drawings and 1300 graphics, photographs, sculptures and other works of art.

The painting in the collection ‘Galacidadalacidesoxiribunukleikacid’, has the longest title in one word of all Dali’s paintings. He was very proud of that.

"Portrait of my dead brother", because it is a significant work for understanding Dalí's art. Dalí's mother once said that he was the reincarnation of his older brother and namesake Salvador, who died at the age of seven - three years before Dalí's birth.

This is a glorious work. It speaks of a very important and significant dimension of Dali's life, that is, that he really had a brother.

A picture of Abraham Lincoln, with a rather long title. It reads: ‘Galya thinks about how the Witch of the Mediterranean Sea becomes a portrait of Abraham Lincoln at twenty meters’.He says that Dali saw that picture in a scientific magazine. It's actually a portrait of Lincoln from a $ 5 bill. The picture was put into a computer and grained, and Dali painted it again, turning those grains into squares.

Born on May 11, 1904 in Figueres, Spain, Salvador Dali loved his picturesque hometown and often painted it. In fact, as he traveled extensively throughout Europe and America, Dali eventually died where he was born.He was considered an eccentric all his life. He wore long hair, 19th century clothes and an unusual mustache. He was outspoken, making strange statements such as that none of his professors were competent enough to grade him, which led to his expulsion from the School of Fine Arts in San Fernando in 1926.

Dali was basically very reactionary. He spent his whole life trying to do the exact opposite of what was expected. The result was - a multitude of enemies.He went to Paris in 1926 and soon became the leader of the Surrealist movement. In the same year, he met the muse and love of his life, Gala, who was his model and inspired him for many years.

This unusually interesting bench is located in the garden of the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, the fifth most populous city in Florida.

The whole museum complex exudes peace and is the right place for relaxation. When the building was built, it was clear that it must have a beautiful garden that will surround it.

In front of the main facade of the museum there is a cave with a living wall made of plants and water, so it is called "Source of Youth". Behind the building is a park with clocks melting on benches, a labyrinth and a huge statue of Salvador Dali's big mustache.

Salvador Dali Museum, which covers 6,500 square meters. The largest collection of his works in the world is located in this area.Of course, an artist like Salvador Dali deserves a museum that represents his essence and preserves his works in the right way.

The design house HOK was in charge of the project, and the result is an imposing white and blue building. The unfinished concrete cube, which protects valuable works, is surrounded by two large glass atriums that give the building dynamism and the necessary light in the interior.

The Salvador Dali Museum has quickly become a landmark in the city, and if you want to visit it, save $ 21 for a ticket.

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4 years ago


snezana tebe lepo robot placa :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Voli me!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sve ovo mnogo lepo izgleda, vas bih volela da ga posetim.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Super ti je post. Zaista prelepo docaran muzej...

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

In the late 1930s Dalí switched to painting in a more-academic style under the influence of the Renaissance painter Raphael. His ambivalent political views during the rise of fascism alienated his Surrealist colleagues, and he was eventually expelled from the group. Thereafter, he spent much of his time designing theatre sets, interiors of fashionable shops, and jewelry as well as exhibiting his genius for flamboyant self-promotional stunts in the United States, where he lived from 1940 to 1955. In the period from 1950 to 1970, Dalí painted many works with religious themes, though he continued to explore erotic subjects, to represent childhood memories, and to use themes centring on his wife, Gala. Notwithstanding their technical accomplishments, those later paintings are not as highly regarded as the artist’s earlier works. The most interesting and revealing of Dalí’s books is The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí (1942).

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Extremely beautiful museum, he is a top painter, I love art because I paint a little too

$ 0.00
4 years ago

juhuuu thank you!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Salvador Dali ekscentrik sa gomilom poremećaja ali sa istančanim osećajem za vrhunske momente koje je ramio u svoje radove. Ravnjao je prolaznost precizno i gotovo kao i Anštajn u svojim teorijama. Svojim idejama kupio svetsku slavu. Izuzetan čovek i umetnik pre svega-

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ovaj muzej kao da si isao u legoland haha

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Bio sam u poseti ovom muzeju. Slika 'Kora hleba' koja je tu izložena imala je ogromnu vrednost. Ne znam sad koliko je...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

realno gledano jedini apstraktni umetnik ciji rad mogu da razumem i da cenim sve ostalo mi je totalno neraumljivo i ne znam zasto se svrstava u umetnost

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ja ni kubizam ne razumem jedino Gerniku!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Istog mišljenja.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Such a nice place and nice article too

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Salvador Dali made the logo for Chupa Chups, I do not know the year when he did it, but they were not changing it since then. His art was really special. Different form other artists.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Prelepo mesto, predivan muzej baš po meri jednog od najvećih umetnika!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very interesting article very exclusive content. keep it up !

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Istopi se klupa i vrijeme, prošlost i budućnost. Kod nas često spominjan Dali, zbog nepismenih koji upitnu kontrukciju "da li" pišu spojeno. ;)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Danas baš čitala o tome.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

its just amusing how dali get his master piece. very inspirational and creative indeed

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Lep clanak o muzeju jednog velikog umetnika.

$ 0.00
4 years ago