Emotions, Karma and DNA

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3 years ago

A few days ago I wrote a post in which I said that we are more than a physical body, that we are a unit that is made up of different dimensions, the most important of which are: the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions.

Then I made reference in the post "Caring for our sacred temple" to the importance of taking care of our physical dimension, of considering our bodies as a "temple" that serve us as a vehicle of expression in this earthly experience and therefore deserve all the respect and care we can give them.

Today I would like to continue with these ideas to talk about the emotional dimension.

Source: Pixabay

As human beings we have a sociable nature, day by day we relate with other people in different environments and this makes it so important to manage ourselves at an emotional level in order to have a balance.

Now, managing ourselves at this level not only implies having the ability to feel emotions, but also to identify them in others, as well as to recognize what emotion we are feeling at a given moment and its cause, including all the thoughts that are involved in this process.

All of this involves acquiring better self-knowledge and expanding our ability to listen to ourselves.

I believe that emotions are not good and bad in themselves, rather they represent a "reaction" to a stimulus we receive, either internal or external, so they can be considered as the result of the perception we have of what happens to us, or of our interaction with the environment I am talking about.

The crux of the matter would then be to know how to live those emotions that come to us without clinging to them or allowing them to dominate and affect us, especially in the area of health.

Many researches point out that our emotions impact the cells and tissues of our body and have influence in our general health, in our thoughts and aptitudes, from here many currents have been generated that deal with emotions and their effects such as biodescodification, bioneuroemotion, emotional intelligence, among many others.

Source: Pixabay

A few months ago I read a book by Dr. Candance Pert, called "The molecules of emotion", in which she develops a research she carried out on the subject. There she highlights that she discovered that the main systems of the body form a vast network that carries information, the neuropeptides and their receptors, which she calls the biochemicals of emotions, are those "messengers" that are in constant communication with the immune system, therefore she affirms that emotions are the connection between the mind and the body.

He points out that emotions affect and alter our DNA - and likewise, our DNA affects our emotions, attitudes and behaviors.

"We must begin to see our emotions as cellular signals involved in the process of translating information into physical reality, literally, transforming mind into matter. In other words, the body and mind communicate through molecules of emotion." Dr. Candace Pert

To make the subject more interesting, I must tell you that according to Dr. Pert the emotions that impact our genes do not only come from the experiences we have in this life. According to her we inherit the emotional patterns and beliefs (or "stories") of our ancestors, which are deeply embedded in our DNA, influencing us in ways we don't even notice.

The good news is that it affirms that we are not prisoners of our genetic inheritance, as our genetic codes are flexible and can be reset and with them the stories of our lives.

All this has made me think that our emotional reactions are also related to those past life experiences - karma? Surely, if we have not transcended certain learnings such as the management of emotions, I suppose that those emotions and their learnings travel from incarnation to incarnation until we can illuminate that karma and transform it into Dharma, at that level that allows us to feel true peace and serenity, without being affected by the turbulence or uncontrolled emotional whirlwind.

I can't imagine what it will be like to be in that unperturbed state that Buddha's stories narrate for example, for now I think I'm at the level of recognizing what happens to me, when I'm in an emotion that lowers my vibrational level and give it space to experience it and then release it to move forward. It's the healthiest way I've been able to get through them.

Source: Pixabay

I feel that repressing emotions by thinking that it is wrong to "get angry" for example, is a wrong attitude, that makes our body reflect that indifference somewhere. Therefore, I believe that if you are already experiencing an emotion that shakes you, you should live it, observe it, question it, cherish it and then seek to overcome it, but that also implies an internal review of how you are perceiving the world you see, how your thoughts are, and that would be a topic for a future post.

I would like to close by concluding that to the extent that we learn to manage our emotions and connect with higher emotions, our consciousness will go up a level, our vibrational frequency will be higher and that will help us to connect better with universal intelligence.

I will continue with these ideas in other publications, for now this is what is going around in my head and I take advantage of these lines to empty those thoughts a little.

Thanks for visiting my Blog and for your support! 🙌✨

See you soon

  • 100% original content of my authorship.

  • The last photo is from my personal archive and is my exclusive property.

  • Images used in the publication are copyright free, taken from Pixabay's website.

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3 years ago


Las emociones estan tan presente en nuestro dia cualquier situación repercute mucho en ellas lo bueno es de una manera u otra forma nuestro carácter

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Así es, las emociones están presente cada día en nuestras vidas y nos modelan para bien o para mal, influyen mucho en nuestro carácter. Gracias por comentar

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Excelent post...I would like yo write like you....have a good day beutiful woman

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You write beautifully. I love reading your posts 😍😘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Excellent post!.... Emotions are simply sensory and bodily expressions, which in many cases, even if you do not say a single word, express sentires, how you feel.... At other times they are tacit or covert so as not to give away your feeling.... Life is a complex game of realities that accompany us and we react to them, either impulsively or by taking things calmly before acting... .... Life is a continuum of emotions that surround us.

Today there is even talk of managing emotions from an organizational point of view.

Thanks for your post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Certainly emotions accompany us in our day to day in everything we do and therefore there is now a tendency to learn about them and especially how to manage them wisely to be in harmony.

Thank you very much for adding value to my publication with your comment. Blessings ✨

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3 years ago