Where Does Your Happiness Come From?
Date: March 10, 2022 (Thursday)
Have you ever stop and ask yourself about this question, "Where does your happiness come from?" Admit it, this is a question that we rarely asks ourselves. This is a question that we rarely reflected upon, but this has so much weight than we expected. This question will make us think, or wonder where was really our happiness coming from in someway.
If we're going to view our life these days, a lot of factors make us happy. Maybe a cup of coffee in a cold morning while we view the sun as it rises. Perhaps our favorite food would make us giggle as the order is on its way to our table. How about a present given to us by our special someone would make us feel the happiest as we unbox and see what it holds. Or even the smiles that our loved ones give after we make them happy, will make us happy as well. Not to mention, those are some of the million things on the list that make us happy. Those are some of the things that put smiles on our faces.
You see, this world that we are living has so much to offer that it will make us feel a lot of emotions in a snap: happiness, sadness, anger, doubt, and name a few. But above all of those, all we ever wanted is to be happy. We want to be happy most of the time. We want to spend our day with a light heart where all we see are rainbows and butterflies. We all wanted face the world with a smile on our faces with no shade of blue coming out. Howbeit, life will always be what it is, and it's inevitable to feel sad or angry at times.
Nothing is happier to have these wonderful people who keeps on supporting and motivating LeticiaFelize in someway.
You are your own source of happiness
If we go back to asking ourselves with the question, it's hard to pinpoint what's the source of our happiness. It's hard to determine the faucet where it starts flowing. It's hard to find its origin in someway. Listing the source of our happiness can be tricky as well. We might feel lost on what really makes us happy.
But you see, when you feel lost, you have yo remind yourself that, you are your own source of happiness. It may sound cliche, but it is what is it and that's the fact. There is a well inside you that never runs dry, but it's up to you if you will use that well or not. Not to mention, we deserve all the happiness in the world. We deserve to embark the day with a happy heart.
But always remember that, happiness is a choice. You have the key to unlock happiness in your life. You have the permission to allow happiness to let in your life. You don't need other people to make you feel happy. You don't need to to wait for others to make you happy, because if they will not be there, how can you be happy, right?
You are your own limitations
What is preventing you from being happy?
You can be the source, but you're also your limitations. For instance, you have this job that you're aiming to have. With that you did all the things just to get that job in the first place. Then finally, you already reached the goal you have which is to land on that job. You are truly happy. You are happy that you are in the job you're aiming to have in the first place. You're happy that after all that you went through, finally you are in.
Howbeit, days and months have passed, you feel like you're not happy anymore that you are in. A lot of factors will then arise. Maybe you don't like the environment of your workplace, maybe your workmates are also a factor, maybe you miss the life you used to life, and name a few. You see, you once aim for that job, but now that you're in, you're no longer happy with it.
The truth is, the one who can help you in this matter is yourself. You are the one who can push the button to still be happy with the job you're in. It's in your mind. You have what it takes to remain happy.
Moreover, there's actually a hack to remain happy no matter what instances are. We have to be grateful for everything. We have to be grateful for what we have in our lives. Gratefulness is a hard thing to practice. It's hard to remain grateful amidst all the adversities that's going on in our lives. It's even harder to smile when all we see are shades of blue. But with constant practice, I believe we will be able to make it. Gratefulness will also lead to contentment and if you feel contented, you will be unstoppable.
Closing Thoughts
We have to remind ourselves that we are our own source of happiness, and we are also our limitations. As much as possible, we should train our minds to choose happiness all the time. We have to shift the channel in our minds to see the happiness around. We have to connect with our inner self and find peace from within. We have to appreciate everything that happens in our life right now. Even the little things matter. All we have to do is to learn to be grateful for what we have and be contented, from this time forward, you will be truly happy.
Happiness is all about family. I love my family. Nice wriiting.