In the nest

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Avatar for Jelena
Written by
2 years ago

Living life. Sounds like a simple task. And it is really simple when you live in a nest. You face a series of challenges that someone else is struggling with, so that you are protected from the harmful influences that come from the world around you. Sometimes you don't even notice the obstacles that come your way because before you go out on the road, "he" has already removed them. And as you walk the clean path and live life, day after day passes and you begin to believe that life is easy and beautiful. Your life becomes a fairy tale. Your life becomes a movie. A movie directed by "him". And you remain deeply convinced that this is a movie with a happy ending, because it can't be otherwise. How could it be otherwise in the nest.

Protected from evil, you see good in everything. Unselfishly share smiles and affection, because you have too much of it. Even when in life you come across some unusual words, sometimes insults, covert or overt, you try to justify them or at least find the reason why they were said, believing that the intention is not bad. There are no bad intentions for you because you live in a nest, your own reality, filled with the warmth of the happiest home in which you are used to feeling loved and everything is focused only on you.

To be loved. There seems to be no more valuable thing in life. The affection and dedication you have in the nest will make you a good and happy person, but when the movie is over and the director of your movie comes out of the nest, your life will never be the same again. Suddenly, you face all those obstacles that "he" used to remove from your path. Suddenly you are no longer as loved as you used to be. Suddenly you are left to fend for yourself and start life over. Everyone is telling you that now you need to be the protector of your nest, and your protector is gone.

"He" is my father. My strenght. My support. My king. One and only. The most powerful. The most important. Irreplaceable. Even when the checkmate happens, sometimes you remain convinced that this is not the last move and that after the end you have a chance to take at least one more move and save the king. But that belief remains only in the thoughts that keep popping up. When a loss occurs, we only gain time. Time to move on. A time filled with sadness, reconsideration of our own actions in the past, remorse for not being able to avoid the checkmate that has already happened and is largely part of the reality we refuse to accept. But the reality is there. We live in it and there is no road that would take us back, although we are constantly looking for a signpost. Yet, the king remains king even after defeat. Its value is infinite. His presence is eternal.

This article is dedicated to my father. I wrote it in the first days after his death when I struggled with myself. I share it with you, with one message. Take care of your parents while they are alive and spend time with them. As long as our parents are alive, we are still children, carefree and loved, and that is invaluable.

Thank you very much for reading.

Article is original and mine. Lead image is from

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Written by
2 years ago


We don't really understand the meaning of our lives until our parents are alive, I am really sad to hear about your loss, God knows the best okay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One year is still fresh and I felt the same way with my deceased mother. My parents are all gone but my mother's death made a huge impact and trauma.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm sorry about your mother. I loved my father very much and I experienced great trauma when it happened. I was pregnant and he died suddenly, two weeks before my delivery. I couldn't look forward to the child either. I hope to be better but hurts a lot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Please take care of the baby. Every time i miss my mother, I just hug my kids.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Very beautiful article friend, I understand you perfectly, I felt very identified and tears came to my eyes, especially the "title of your publication", since since I was a child I always joked with my parents and told them that I would never fly from the "Nest" and that it would always be his baby, and if he grew up it wouldn't matter it would be his “Big Baby”. I lost my father 4 months ago, it has been very hard for me to face this new reality without him, honestly I have not accepted him yet, I dream of him almost every day, and at times I forget that he is no longer there, we were always very close, (of course with our differences), but we share a lot, we use many hobbies together and the same favorite dishes and many more things, and to keep my promise I built my house next to my parents', so we always saw each other every day, and none of them went to bed without saying goodnight and asking for his Blessing, in short, life is not the same anymore, and I keep going for my children and my mother who is also having a hard time without him, but he no longer visits her like before, I feel like I collapse when I enter her house, and I have not been able to go back into her room, I know that I have to overcome it somehow because my mother needs me, but it is getting difficult, thanks for sharing your story , your message arrived, greetings.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I find myself in your words my friend. I understand how you feel because I feel the same way. I still do not accept that it happened, I refuse to accept. My life will never be the same again, I was very connected to him. I'm sorry for your loss too. I hope that we will be strong enough to continue and that it will be easier for us over time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you friend, amen, I wish the same for you, although I know that they will never leave as long as they are in our hearts and memories, they will be by our side comforting and guiding us, I feel that way. it will be difficult to accept that we will only see them with the eyes of our soul, Happy and Blessed day Beautiful friend.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

No matter the age or level we reach we are still kids to our parents, and need to take care of them as they did for us while we were babes.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's right. When we lose them, everything changes. That is why we need to take care of them and spend time with them while they are there, these are irreversible moments.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our parents are our worldly gods as some do say and they need to be taken care of and worshipped while we still.have the time together

Sorry on the loss of your father, may God grant him perfect rest

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes. Thank you. Without parents, life suddenly changes and becomes a struggle.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Proud of you Jeli. I'm sure your father is happy with you too. The shinning star of your father will always bless you from the sky.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I hope so Luci. Thanks. A very difficult day for me today. Anniversary of his death.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Caring for the one we love is never a tiring Matter, just as the Said "as the heart says, so he would be doing"

Protection should always be given to the one's we love and the people around us but I also understand that there are things that can not be undone.

Take heart dear, and be strengthen ❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, that's true. I hope to be stronger as time goes on. Thanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Reading this makes me remember my father too. I have also wrote a poem about my father when the day that he was gone.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm sorry about your father. And I write poems dedicated to him. I was very connected to him. I plan to publish a book of poems in my language.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry about what happened to your father Jelena. I know your father is really proud of you what you are right now. Thank you for the reminders. Always take care our parents. Love them unconditionally. Support them endlessly. Make them happy always. ❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks Ramona. ❤️ These reminders are very important. I wish someone had reminded me a year ago but I hope it is as you say, that he is proud of me. I believe so, but I'm sorry I didn't tell him I was proud of him.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're always welcome Jelena. You can tell him Jelena. I know he heard you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry about that sis....condolence!!we need to take care of our parents while they are alive and love them immeasurable.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks. Yes, thanks to them we can enjoy the carefreeness and the most sincere love they give us. This is very important in life. Without them, we suddenly grow up, as if we were born again, but this time alone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Such beautiful eulogy

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you. Those were my honest words that I wrote few days after what happened, and now I have translated and published them here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We don't really understand the meaning of our lives until our parents are alive, I am really sad to hear about your loss,

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's right. We really don’t understand the meaning of life while they’re there. Now everything is clear, but unfortunately it is too late to say the words I kept, to hug, etc. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Until now I still imagine my life with my Mama. Her demise saddened me so much. Whenever I am lonely, I think of the times we were together, her warmth, her laughter. I also miss my papa. Now, I am crying too.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm sorry, my friend, for making you sad. It is very hard, I know. I try to turn back time, I am telling him everything I didn't say but it's all impossible. Tomorrow is the first anniversary of his death.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sorry to hear that... at least you have wonderful memories that will live with you, in your own nest. Beautiful text as a tribute.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for your kind words. I wrote this a few days after his death. Writing helps when it's hardest.

$ 0.01
2 years ago