Interactive Post D7

Avatar for Dolores
3 years ago

Good evening, everyone!

Today is the 7th day of our interactive post. Yesterday, the question is about beauty and many users wrote their own definition for it.

Another day for interaction and getting to know about other things from each and everyone has come.

For the newcomers, this post aims to raise healthy interaction in the comment section. You can bring out your thoughts towards the question. There no wrong nor correct answers since the question is based on opinion.

There will be a question in this post, and

This is not a contest. The rewards are just bonus for those who have the nicest comments.

If you are asking about the rewards, there will be 3 winners each day. But, starting today, there will be 2 winners of rewards and 1 winner who will get a logo. Just answer the question honestly and those 2 who have the nicest comments will receive a reward amounting to $.03.

In choosing for the winners, I will pick those with the nicest answers

Isn't it nice?

By the way, starting tomorrow there will be new interesting ideas again. Make sure you are always updated.

Yesterday, the 2 winners for rewards are @Ladyv28  and @marieofhtemiah . On the other hand, @Calysta  is the winner of logo.

Rewards for @Ladyv28  and @marieofhtemiah  were given before posting this post.

The following is your logo, @Calysta . I hope you will like it.

This logo took me 2 minutes to finish them.

You can give credits to me if you want to post it.

Seventh Interactive Question

Can you describe true friend?

Mention at least one friend after answering. The more the merrier.

Be creative! Don't Copy Answers! Those who copy answers will be automatically disqualified.

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3 years ago
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For me, a true friend is someone who points out your mistakes, and corrects your wrong doings. He is always by your side whenever you fall down in life. He is ready to lift you up and support you with your goals and decisions. A true friend never talks bad behind your back, but says it in front of your face. They are the ones who will defend you in your absence. A true friend is someone you can always count on. Even if you don't talk with each other everyday, you know he is still your friend because you have built a solid foundation in your friendship already. A true friend accepts your flaws and imperfections, but also wants you to become the best version of yourself. Lastly, a true friend treats you like a family. You might not be related by blood, but you are connected by heart and soul. Tagging my first friend on this site, :)

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I also considered you as my First friend on this site. We joined here on the same day I think. Six days ago we first exchange our messages on the comment section. Thanks friend!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yayy. It's been six days. Thank you for always supporting me on this site. Even if we don't personally know each other. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

a true friend will always be a friend even if you don't chat often , text / calls often ,even if you don't meet often. and it's fine if you have some misunderstandings (it's normal), they may not understand you sometimes but they'll always be there when you needed them the most. well she's already sleeping (tired from work) but I'll still mention her anyway. @dabby thank you for being my best friend and partner at the same time 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A true friend/s never left you behind, in bad times and good times, always there if you need them physical, intellectual, spiritual or material,, @Jthan, @Jdine, @LerxiaHexandra, @Jesus, @FelmarAlmighty, @keyt.0207, @Mehedi277, @Pretyjhen, @Sksazid0170, @salma24, @r2000, @Shanta, @Ashiky85, @mostanzid.123- @Samreal, @aminul, @EYERISH687, @kFatema, @Ashma, @Our.journey, @Jisso_Kim, @Akashdatta98, @Rakibbec03, @Pluma, @BRISTY1820, @Meglovesyou05, @Jack689, @Cristy, @Cold3ndice, @scottcbusiness, @z_graeden, @Bestie, @thesatoshistore, @arslankhalid @Angel0124 @Charlotte @Eybyoung @Jen345 @Shoycc

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Agree with you. And also real friends don't backstab you, they will keep your secret just like how you keep it.

@yen @bheng620 @esciics

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for mentioning me 💞

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
3 years ago

I agree, friendship is not about quantity but quality of being a true friend❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A true friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual, one who knows your weaknesses and strength yet always around to help you. Someone who has your best interest at heart, he/she corrects you when you are wrong and is always supportive.

One who can never mislead you, one who can fight with you but will never bear grudges against you, one who can go extra mile to see you successful, laughs with you when you are happy and cry with you when you are sad.

A true friend is like a pillar, always holding you strong at all time. @Dreamer and @Mike4christ.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Thank you so much dear. Let me say it today here in public, I LOVE YOU!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are always welcome dear. I LOVE YOU TOO

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much for the logo. I like it. I can now put an avatar, if you'll permit me to download the image 😅hahahah thank you so much dear!😊😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much maam! 🥰❣️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A true friend is someone who has your back and stands up for you. They don't care who is trying to harm you; they will defend you anytime. They standby you consistently both when you are present and when you are not. They show you who they really are. When a friend opens up to you and shares their struggles and disappointments, it is a testament to the trust and value they place in you. @cold3ndice

$ 0.03
3 years ago

a true friend is someone who would spank you when you did wrong(ouch,literally or not),, join you in your kalokohan at kabaliwan but never forsake you when you're down and troubled. someone who is not a kunsintidor of your wrong doings, one who lets you see your mistake and advices you the right thing.a true friend is like a family you can rely and lean on and not a back stabber,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good evening. 😍😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True friend~ito yung taong laging nakasuporta sa mga gagawin mo,Yung taga batok kapag may mali ka ng ginagawa at magsasabi sayo na luka tama na..😂😂tapos yung alam niya lahat ng secreto mo,tapos kapag asaran time ito yung aggamitin niyang pangasar sayo vice versa.! @mikaella27@cristy@Dwellesy01

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The true friend is reliable in everything especially in times of crisis.@Orni

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes I got my reward. Thank you so much for. I feel really honored

$ 0.00
3 years ago