This is a work of fiction made up by yours truly (the author's imagination). Any resemblance to real-life stories and experiences is purely coincidental.
Starring:Β @OfficialGamboaLikeUs as Gee Gamboa
and @Yelenab as Yelena Bee
On a cold Saturday evening...
Gee Gamboa looked at the ribbed blade in her hands and felt surprised.
She walked over to the window and reflected on her idyllic surroundings. She had always hated rural Berlin with its rare, regurgitated rivers. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel surprised.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Yelena Bee. Yelena was a creepy angel with ginger thighs and beautiful fingers. Gee gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a cold-blooded, funny, port drinker with grubby thighs and wide fingers. Her friends saw her as a villainous, vast vicar. Once, she had even helped a clear deaf person cross the road.
But not even a cold-blooded person who had once helped a clear deaf person cross the road was prepared for what Yelena had in-store today. The clouds danced like boating kittens, making Gee sneezy. As Gamboa stepped outside and Yelena came closer, she could see the uncooked glint in her eye.
Yelena gazed with the affection of 3318 proud mushy mice. She said, in hushed tones, "I care for you, and I want some more read.cash friends." Gee looked back, even more sneezy, and still fingering the ribbed blade. "Yelena, I just don't need you in my life anymore," she replied.
They looked at each other with irritable feelings, like two large, lively lizards loving at a very down-to-earth snowstorm, which had reggae music playing in the background and two clever uncles bopping to the beat.
Gee regarded Yelena's ginger thighs and beautiful fingers. "I feel the same way!" revealed Gee with a delighted grin. Yelena looked ecstatic, her emotions blushing like a klutzy, knowing kettle. Then Yelena came inside for a nice glass of port.
Random ramblings expressed tonight, my friends. Sorry for the nonsense.
It's now past 9 pm and it feels like my bed is whispering sweet nothings to me this evening. I might sleep earlier than usual. We'll see. Anyhow, let's all have a great weekend. Pay compliments to people, but please don't be creepy about it. Say and play nice. Pay attention to the small things most would overlook because it's the little things that matter the most.
I wish you all a peaceful day or night wherever you are in the world. Xoxo.
One love
August 14, 2021
9:33 pm
(The photos are my own and taken by me)
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To my wonderful and amazing daily readers and my generous sponsors (old and new), THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
Amazing story!