$100 Goal Achieved! YES!

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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago

Now, the end of June is near but i already achieved it even it's not yet done🎉. This is my first time to have a $100 in just only 1 month. I'm super happy as in🥰. 5 days before the month ends but i already achieved it🎉.

This wallet in noisecash is only have $37+ because i get $10 a week in that wallet and transfer to another wallet.

noise.cash- i earned a $62+ in just noise.cash. In the past week, I've been active there because there's new update. The tip there is big so i active there😅. I active there every day and sometimes i earned $5-6 dollars but i think i just when the tip is so big. I got almost $2-3 a day.i thought that I can't have $100 in 1 month because i just used noise.cash.In this week, I'm not very active there because I'm writing in read.cash because i try to be active again here.

read.cash - in this platform i earned a total of $33+. I just started to be active here a week ago. I want to tip me again and i see spamming upvotes in my notification so i active here again. I also want to achieve my goals so i write an article everyday.

  • My goals this month of June - this is my friend article in the month of June. In this article, you can see my goals for this month that i want to achieve. I just recieve a little tip here from the bot. Rusty just visit me 2 times i think and didn't spam my notification.

  • Coinex - after 1 week, i post another article because i think rusty will visit me now. I just rarely to publish an article because i don't know what the topic i can write and even i have a topic i can't write a long article. I write about the wallet that i used in spot trading but rusty just visit me rarely too.

  • My happy memories before - this is my third article for the month of June. I think i didn't write an article 2-3 days and try to write again when I'm not busy. This article is all about my memories when i was a child. I also got just a little tip from the bot.

  • My nft collection in juungle - i didn't write an article for a many days and just publish after a 5 days i think. I don't know what is the date when i post here because i didn't add a date. In that article, i write about my collection in Juungle. I don't know what the topic that i can write so i just write my collection in Juungle. I recieve a cents again from the bot. Actually, I don't write another article that time because i don't know why i recieve just a little tip, but when i see the other article that got some tip, i said to my self that i can recieve it too soon.

  • Spammer turns to hodler - I don't lose hope and write another article. It's all about my stories that I'm a spammer before but now it's hodler. In that article, rusty didn't tip me but some user tip me 🥰. Even the bot didn't tip me at least someone tip me, so i write another article and wish that the bot will notice me.

  • Is this unfair? - because someone tip me in the other article, i write another one. This article is about me. Rusty give me a much big tip that before. Even it's not bigger that $1, at least rusty give me much bigger that before.

  • My secret Recipe - i try to write again because i think rusty will give me a bigger tip. I write about my recipe that I'm doing. The bot notice me also here but it's lesser than before.

  • How lazy we are at home - this is my 8th article for the month of June and the bot noticed me finally. This is about how lazy we are in our home🤣. I make it 5 minutes article because i think 3 minutes is too short, and the bot noticed me. I think it's because my article is 5 minutes to read. I'm happy that time because I experience again to spam my notification.

  • The pest/insect in our house - i write again because the bot visit me. The bot also noticed this article. I'm so happy because i recieve a total of $11 for this article. This is my second time to recieve this amount.

  • How our life change - the bot also noticed this so i think it's rime to be active again. I recieve a total of $4 here. I'm so happy because before i just received a cents from the bot and now it's bigger that $1.

  • A little cute kid in our house and why I'm not confident in my self?- this is my 11-12th article for this month. I'm so happy that Rusty always visit me now. 🥰

Juungle - In this month, i also sold some nft. I earned s total of $4+ in Juungle. I'm so happy because at least i sold some of my NFT🥰.

At first, i thought that I can't achieve it because i just used noise.cash before and rusty didn't visit me. But now, he visiting me always and give a big tip🥰. I also thought that I can't because BCH is dipping a day ago but at least now it's pumping again🎉.

Just don't lose hope and be positive that you can. Don't give up and you can achieve your goal🎉. It's okay when you fail, just try and try until you achieve it😊


I just want to said THANK YOU to all that always upvotes my article and also comment in my article. THANK YOU very much for supporting me🥰.

Thanks for reading💚. June 25,2021

My latest article.

Why I'm not confident in my self?

A little cute kid in our house

How our life Change

Pest/Insects in our house

How lazy we are at home

$ 16.06
$ 15.75 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Jane
$ 0.05 from @Eybyoung
+ 5
Sponsors of Angel_183
Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago


Very inspiring naman po. I just started last last week and my goal is to hit 100 dellers for this months but writer's block is attacking me haha. anyways congrats po for your achievement.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Sana po ma Achieved nyo din po yan. Thanks din po

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes po .Para sa pangarap 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good luck po uli🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow congartulations for achieving $100 😘😍 I hope that you can earn more achievement in the future. Let's fight for our dreams 💚

$ 0.03
3 years ago

¡Enhorabuena! Recién acabo de leer tu publicación anterior contando sobre tu meta de 100$ y veo esta y me llena de entusiasmo. El BCH ha sido para muchos su pequeña salvación, espero ganes más en ambas plataformas y prospere para suplir todas las necesidades ¡eso puede ser posible!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congrats and deserve mo naman as always :))

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Thank you 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nag iimprove na earnings mo 😁 from jack to angel.. Effective. 😁 congrats

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Congratulations. Sana ako rin. More BCH to come haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congrats for acheiving that small push you will be in 1 BCH.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

100$ Soon 1BCH na yan 😊 Congratulations po

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Congrats po! Sipag at tyaga lang talaga ang katapat. More power and BCH to come.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Congratulations! More BCH to come ☺️

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Thanks po

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great. Congratulation. Go ahead sister.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Yiieee congratulations, little sis! More to come! 💚

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Thank you hehe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Congratulations in achieving your goal!!! More BCH to come!!! ☺️☺️☺️

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Thank you po

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well.... congrates dear for you such an achievement..... I am really very to saw your goal... and you fulfill it... may you have many more....

$ 0.00
3 years ago