Spammer turns to hodler

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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash

I'm a spammer before

I admit that I'm the one in the spammer before. Im the one in the many spammer that broking the rules of this site. I want to earn an easy money so i do it. Before i think, to gain more money is to have many subscriber to have some points. So i post and commenting in all article and begging for subscribe. I didn't know that time that I'm doing wrong and it's against to rules. Until..... I realized that I'm doing wrong and it's against to the rules, so i stop for begging,then the bot came. Read.Cash said that the points will be gone and the Bot came. They said that we just get some tips when we write an article that have a sense. I'm not confidence that time to write since I'm not good in writing and also not good in English language too. I'm just only a student and just learning some things. I tried to write an article as much as i can but the Bot just tip me a cents, so i decided to stop and just focus in my school. Then.......

How i turned to hodler?

I just turned to hodler when came. I found when i want to visit my account in to see of theirs any changes. Then i see a notification that they have a new site "". I try to register there because i also want to earn money again like before. I earn in that site so i started to be active there. I meet the some user that i also subscribe before and have many virtual friends there. When i received my cash out or when i gain $1 or more, i will convert it even the price is too low. I didn't know what is that, so i convert it every day. Until....

When Bitcoincash is going to the moon, many people sharing their profit in just holding it. Then i said to my self "i hope me too". Then i think, what if i will do the same as they. So i started to hodl.

i started to hodl last month of the year i think or in the first month of the year. I didn't convert my earnings and just hodl it and wait it when it's pump. I also started to learned many things in crypto. I learned many more about bitcoincash and the important of it. I learned how to used "spot trading", about "buy and sell"and I also discovered the other crypto.

As of now, I'm too far in my goals. The goals that i can reach soon. Just don't lose hope and you will reach it. Even it's too long from it, i will wait in the write time and i can say, I ACHIEVED!!

As of now, i have $141 and still counting. I'm too far for my goal "1BCH". Just hodl it and wait for it's pump and gain a profit soon🥰.

$ 4.05
$ 1.50 from @SimonBruzzi
$ 1.00 from @Eybyoung
$ 1.00 from @carisdaneym2
+ 4
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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash
