My happy memories before

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3 years ago
Topics: Memories

I read an article of @dziefem about her memories of being a child.when i read this, i remember my happy memories before when i was young and cute haha. (But now I'm also cute haha).

Acting that I'm a chef

Do you do this also before? Me? Yes of course. Before, while my mother is cooking a dishes for us, i always watch her how to cook. So when i see her, i also want to do it so i do it also using a toy🤣.

If my mother cook adobong kangkong or sinigang, i get the bottom of the water spinach (kangkong) and i will cut it in a small piece. Will get a cup ,put some water and put the small piece of water spinach. Then i will mix mix it until my mother will stop me because I'm so messy haha. Before I'm so happy to doing it but now, i think it's boring haha.

Playing in the bathroom

Before, it's take half to 1 hour before i will finish to take a bath because I'm playing in the bathroom. Sometimes, we take a bath together with my brother because we playing together.

Sometimes my brother and I are asking my mom to use the drum (water container) haha. Because before when we are fit in the drum, we will sit or stand in the drum. Actually before, my brother and I are fit in a drum🤣 but now even me is not fit in the drum haha. We also swimming in the basin before. We are acting that we are swimming haha.

We also sliding in the floor of the bathroom 🤣🤣. In the bathroom the floor is wet of course, so the floor is slippery. So Me and my brother are sliding in the floor.

Making a mini house

Before, when i want to play "bahay bahayan", i will get the big carton because i will make it a small house. First i will put some blanket. I will get the flashlight of my father for the light. I also get a small carton for the electricfan because it's so hot inside the box🤣. Then i will cover the box using blanket or close it. (It's so happy to doing this but now the carton will broken when i will sit inside lol)

Pretending that I'm a pandesal vendor

Here in our place, there are vendor of pandesal that are selling it house to house. They are have a box in their head because the bread is inside the box. Then they are saying "pandesal maininit init pa, pandesal".

So me and my brother pretending that we are pandesal vendor haha. First we will get a box then i will borrow some towels. I will put dome lego or block inside the box haha. Then i will put the box in our head and saying "pandesal mainit init pa."

Playing at the mud

Before, we live in a muddy place and many coconut trees. Since our place is muddy, me, my brother and my sister are playing in the mud. We are happy to playing in the mud.We put the mud in the "bao", so our hand is so dirty. My parents don't want us to play in the mud because So when we play in the mud, we will be dirty so we need to take a bath but we don't have a water supply, they need to go in the well to get a water.

These are some happy memories that I'm doing before. Thanks for reading ☺️

$ 0.22
$ 0.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @LykeLyca
$ 0.05 from @dziefem
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Avatar for Angel_183
3 years ago
Topics: Memories


This is a fun article to reminisce those memories. I can remember playing like a teacher and would put my headband down to my eyes to make it look like eyeglasses 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How happy to be a kid! Right? There's a lot of memories. I wanna go baaaack! I used to act like a chef back then too so I become one now. But just exclusive in our house. 😆

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Hahah! I never played as a chef but now almost Ph. D. 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago