The greasy, the black, the heavy, the tall, the copycat, the runner

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2 years ago

Let me tell you about these characters. I haven't encountered them. I only got to know about them through others. However, of all those mentioned above, it was the runner that I met.

A little back story.


It was in the middle of July. One normal afternoon, we were in school then back when I was in grade school. Our class was already over and me and some kids whose classes were also done were playing happily in the school yard. I was waiting for my older siblings to finish their class. When they were done, we hopped in to the jeepney that served as our service. This jeepney would then transport kids from home to school.

We were in the jeepney waiting for the other kids who will be on the same route as us.

Then the jeepney started to shake. I was puzzled for I thought it just started on its own. I didn't understand what was happening then. I thought our jeepney was the only one shaking but I saw the windows of the church across the street shake in every direction, like a human being tickled. It was transfixed by their movement before they suddenly broke open, shattering the window glasses.

Everything seemed to happen so slow yet so quickly. There is a rumble somewhere that I can't figure out where it was. I thought a huge truck was coming down the road but everything and everyone were frozen except being shaken by the ground. It was much later that I realized the rumbling came from deep in the ground.

It was my first time to experience such and it was a traumatic experience.

45 seconds. That's what it took to bring destruction and death. When things seem to have settled, we then headed home. What I can clearly remember was the silence like everyone seems afraid to make a move for any movement might trigger the earthquake.

It was one of the most destructive earthquake that hit our country at 7.8 magnitude. Thousands of people were dead. 28 buildings collapsed here in the city alone.


Part of the building where the office of the BPO company that I worked before collapsed during that time killing hundreds of people instantly.

When I started working there, there were already stories about ghosts. Could it be from the victims of the tragic earthquake? That is uncertain. What is clear though is that some of my coworkers who claimed to have third eye saw what we cannot see.

For instance, there is a tall guy in Barong Tagalog that was just standing in one of the posts. This was during the day. Two of my coworkers can see him and they would tell us so. Some would account that there is another guy standing at the threshold of the HR.

Then we were placed into night shift. During our one-hour break, the mini library would turn into sleeping quarter for we can't all fit in the room with only one double deck bed. One of my coworker always sees a girl all greasy and muddy from head to toe hiding under the sofa. She has red glaring eyes.

One account was at the sleeping quarter where a person went in to sleep. He lied down at the lower bunk. Later, the upper bunk sagged like someone heavy lied down or sat but that person was all alone there.

A mimic's favorite would copy one of our trainers. Some would see that particular trainer washing something on the sink in the pantry only to meet the real one a few moments later somewhere in the office, claiming that he was not in the pantry at all.

One time, me and some of our coworkers went to the office way too early before our shift only to find that no one was still there so we waited outside. The door to the office was glass. To the right was the operations floors. To the left was the other areas like training room, pantry, library, sleeping quarter and toilet.

One of our companions suddenly exclaimed and turned her back away from the doors of the office. She was one of those who has a third eye. We knew right away she saw someone. We asked her where and told us that a guy was standing inside wearing a suit. You can't clearly see the face she said.

Stupid me not believing went to the door and started peering in. It was dark with barely enough light going through. I was really trying to look in and see if I can get a glimpse at least or a shadow or something of what our coworker was seeing.

Then all of a sudden, a figure which looked like another coworker darted quickly from ops floor to the pantry. I was surprised and scared shitless I ran back towards my companions. They laughed at me for they found that funny. They told me I turned white and the expression on my face was really funny.

That was my only encounter in that office. So whenever someone would say they are seeing someone I don't try to be brave again.

I'm pretty sure there are more encounters and stories but I can't seem to remember them.

I know some of you have written their ghost stories. I hope to read them later on.

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2 years ago


The earthquakes scare me, there have been some minor ones here in the last years. But the last great earthquake was before I was born. And quite creepy those stories in your workplace. I think that if I had worked there I would always be the last to arrive and the first to leave, just in case. LOL

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lol! Good thing me and my coworkers would meet in town and wait for others before taking a ride going to work. That way we always have companion.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember the earthquake happened also in our province, Bohol. Dami namatay at nasira na mga establishments. Pasalamat lang talaga ako okay yung family ko noon. Pero big trauma yun talaga sa amin

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oo din. Isa pa yun na killer earthquake.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember that devastating earthquake. That was the one that brought down the Hyatt Hotel right? Perhaps those are the souls of those who were not yet found? A nun who has a third eye once told us that these souls need help crossing, or have "unfinished business"

BTW, I think personal stories like this DO NOT need to be run through a plagiarism checker. You already know that you wrote this yourself. Your word is enough and most people here already know that you are an original content creator. Besides, plagiarism checkers are only accurate in detecting "direct plagiarism", it cannot detect plagiarism on articles that were run through a good article spinner. I use a different tool to detect spun articles. --- just a thought.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yup. A new structure is now being built on the same site but since pandemic, work had stopped.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have never experienced earthquake here in Nigeria. I hope it stops in other countries. But can it?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope you never will.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The killer quake is an unforgettable disaster. Suspended klase for months ata yon. And the extent of distraction was unimaginable. Looking at Baguio now, as if the quake never happened.

I was intrigued with the title hehe. Ikaw pala yung runner hehehe. Ammo na siguro medyo han ka mamati sunga nagpakita :D

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Awan unay recollection ko ngay idin after jay earthquake.

Pirmi ti taray ko haha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have trauma in earthquakes. So scary nakaka trpatpkot na talaga at masakit sa aking sib2 maalala maraming namatay dahil nito.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kaya nga e :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

OMG, grabi ang lakas noon. Ako ay wala pa sa mundo ng time na iyan. Mukhang scary sya pero di talaga ako maka relate huehue. Ewan ko ba. Pero ayaw ko din makakita nyan if ever. Baka mapatakbo din ako nyan.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Baka hamunin mo pa sa boxing e haha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I personally do not have a ny ghost stories, most of them I hear fron friends and classmates. But I do get the chills too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sana di ka makaencounter hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

grabe yun oh noh? anlakas! rip talaga sa mga na apektohan

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kaya nga e. Killer earthquake talaga.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grabe ang lakas ng earthquake na yan, ang maisip ko na ganyan kalakas ay ung nangyari sa Bohol.. Sobrang dami nasira at may mga namatay din..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oo din. Lakas din kaya un sa Bohol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

1990 nag aaral kana, sipunin palang ako nun.. Charot lang.. Hahaha..

Pero grabe magnitude 7.8, super lakas nun.. 28 buildings na bumagsak sa isang city lang? Andami.. Huhu... Yan ang kinakatakot ko kapag nasa office.. Nasa 14th floor kasi ang office namin..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Mas malakas pa man din ang shake pag mas mataas ang floor level.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha... to see is to believe! Kaya ayan tuloy namumutla. 😁

I remember this earthquake, grabe ang destruction nito sa Baguio. Glad that you are one of the survivors and I get to read your experience.

Stay safe!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha! Yan nakukuha ng pagiging curious :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Batang 90s ka din pala hehe. Katakot naman yan. Years later pagkatapos ng lindol dun ka pa napunta sa work kung saan nangyari yung pag collapse ng building. Di na nakakagulat na meron nga magparamdam dun. Baka di sila matahamik kasi masyadong tragic ang nangyari. So more one nakakakita ka pala. Ako naman more on nakarinig. Meron din akong experience hehe. Kaka publish ko lang. Dapat lang talaga maniwala tayo lalo kung may third eye ang nagsasabi. Di naman maglalakas loob yun na mag joke tungkol dun. Alam nating nakakatakot din ang pwede gawin ng spirits eh.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Di ko actually alam na nagcollapse pala un. Tsaka na lang nun nagwork na ako.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being brave at times do put us into trouble haha, I have encountered ghost but I don't want to anymore

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Especially if you want to impress someone only to embarrass yourself lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Natural tragedies do seem to leave us with ghosts or people not crossed over. I am sure there were many stories of people seeing things at the BPO company especially at night kuya.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, kuya. There are a lot more stories. Those were some of the accounts told to me that happened in our office. There are many more offices in our building and each have their own stories to tell.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A tremor at 7.8 magnitude is terrific. Experiencing at the school time must have definitely left you frozen. The after impacts should also be terrific. Now in read cash only i am coming across lot of ghost srories. Good you all survived the tremor. Let Almighty bless you.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Truly terrifying to which many were left traumatized including me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bwahahah. .. never never try to be brave again. Lols.. I don't know though, there is a a strong part of me that is also "curious" not unafraid but curious. . . .So maybe like you, i would dare myself to check out some sometimes...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ou andun pa rin un curiosity kasi e di matanggal hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven't had those close encounters and I hope I don't, haha.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lol! Yeah, I hope you don't.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would definitely stop working there

$ 0.02
2 years ago

After that incident of seeing something, I haven't had any experience since until I resigned.

$ 0.00
2 years ago