Casual and comfy. That's my style.

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Avatar for ARTicLEE
2 years ago

According to Google, style could mean the manner that you do something/s and it could also mean your fashion sense.

This is my style.

Day 14, here we go!

When it comes to work, I am that focused and hard working. I could have the sense of initiating something but I am more of someone who learn from others. I learn more from doing it rather than being lectured upon, in other words, application more than theory.

The previous jobs that I had, there is a general idea of what my job entails and what needs to be done but we all know that what we know is not enough or it may not be applicable anymore when the job really starts. Once needs to learn and adapt and acquire skills as you go along. That's why I am one with those who are open to accepting newbies and inexperienced applicants. It's all about attitude and the willingness to learn. Skills can be taught. People can be trained but attitude is harder to change.

When it comes to my get up, I used to go for formal to semi-formal and casual as the work entails but I don't find myself that comfortable with formal attire. Since working from home, I am more now on joggers and shirts, hoodies, rubber shoes/trainers and caps. You get the picture. I occasionally go for jeans but I am most comfortable with jogging pants.

This is a tough question for me: An accomplishment I am proud of.

This is one of the reasons why I lack self-confidence. I really haven't accomplished anything that I can say I am proud of whether educationally, financially/materialistically, personally.

Should I talk about the photo contests that I have won? I used to join photo contests online only and I have won some of them.

Should I talk about the mountains that I have scaled around our place? They are not Mt. Everest but it had been hours and hours of hike to get to the top. The view is amazing!

Honestly, I don't have an answer for this question.

My hands.

These are the two things in my body that I am grateful for they are working well. They are the ones that do most of the work. Without them or if they are not working that well, then I don't know what kind of job I will have. I'm pretty sure there will be available jobs out there but it's a huge adjustment.

Sometimes because of too much use of my hands, I am pained by the repetitive and excessive use of them. That's why rest is a must and we should not abuse our bodies.

Because I feel motivated to write more and answer more questions, let's move on. I have saved a lot of questions and they are piling up so let's save space by answering some of them.

I chose some of the questions posted by Bloghound. You can check it out here for more.

"Whenever you remember "home", what comes to your mind first?"

Comfort. That's is home for me. It doesn't have to be your own house or other people's house. It doesn't have to be house even. It could be people or places you frequent. It's the feeling of being safe, warm and comfortable.

"What are some of the causes of broken relationships?"

I think it all stems from expectations. We expect others to be such and such the way we want them to be or we thought they should be only to realize they are not. We only wanted to see what we want to see and when we saw someone who are better we begin to recent the others and start criticizing them to the extent of hating them. Why not be more accepting and let go of your preconceived notion and expectation of someone "perfect?" Do you still think there is a perfect man/woman? Let go of your illusions. Be more understanding of other people and know that they are not perfect just like you.

"Do you believe in the supernatural?"

God is supernatural. I believe in Him. So, yes, I do believe in the supernatural. There are things in life that is beyond the scope of our minds. We don't like things that are unknown. It frightens us. We like to consider ourselves superior beings while in fact we are not. That's why we like, nay want that we "know."

These are questions from Aimure. Read more about that here.

...Been in Love?

Of course. Love does not mean romantically and sexually attracted to the opposite sex or same sex or sexes, I don't judge. Love is a universal thing. It could be the food that you ate, the places you have been too, your relatives, your friends, the movie you just saw and yourself.

...Felt lonely?

I did and I still do sometimes. I have had one experience when I was younger that made an impact on me. It was when we had an accident and I was left in the common hall of the hospital alone. My mom and other relatives were with the those who were injured and rest were somewhere else. I'm not sure why I was left alone. I can't remember. With me in the waiting area were sick and injured people and the atmosphere was just so sad and pitiful that it affected that made me cry and lonely. I cried in silence. I didn't even realize that my mom came to me not until she hugged me to comfort me which made me cry even more.

...Trip to overseas?

Yes, twice and I loved the experience and the three countries that I went to. I have talked about Indonesia but I'm not sure if I ever talked about Thailand and Myanmar here in read but I know I have published about my trips in other platforms.

…Talk to a stranger?

When you say talk, does it mean having a deep conversation or like giving them directions or answering questions when approached by them which we do all the time? Anyway, job interviews were talking to strangers too so yes, I have talked to a lot of strangers.

...Ate a lot of ice cream?

How a lot is a lot? Is it in one go? Maybe a pint or more is the most ice cream that I have eaten.

...Siblings fighting?

Nope. I have never had a fight not even a spat with any of my siblings.

...Been dumped?

Nope. Call me cruel but I was the one who dumped someone. My past relationships were more of falling out which were mutual, at least that's what I want to think.

...Make a joke?

Yes. I do joke all the time even if it is sarcasm.

...Unplanned stuff?

All the time. The unplanned plans. I'm sure you can relate to that.

...Watched a movie alone?

Always. Whenever I am in the mood, I'd watch movies online alone.

...Felt confused with life?

I'm still confused with life. I should know what to do with my life by this time but no, still here figuring out. I think that is my role in life, figuring it out until the day I die lol!

I'm really on a role here and I wanted to answer more but this has gone too long so I'd rather end it.

Thanks so much for visiting.

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2 years ago


Call me cruel but I was the one who dumped someone. My past relationships were more of falling out which were mutual, at least that's what I want to think.

Dumping someone doesn't mean that particular person is evil. As long as the reason is valid, wala naman sigurong masama. For me, parang it shows self-worth nga eh kasi you dare to stop something that you think doesn't benefit anymore

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true too. Rather than hurting each other more, better let go.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you on the idea that learning from the actual application is very important than the theories that we learn and that do not serve us in the labor market at all

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes theories may no longer apply that's why it is in application that we learn more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So much love the answers you gave about some of the causes of broken relationships. I remember telling my ex something about expectations and how that was the catalyst to our relationship ending. Glad to see you and I share the same thoughts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Right? It's in expecting too much. It's okay to expect some general things that one has to do when in a relationship. We mature, we grow, we learn from each other but not to demand and expect others to do what we needed to be done. Think what benefits you both and not just oneself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometime it becomes hard to stay in the loneliness. Well, my little brother always fights with me though he is kid, lol! Always kove to watch movie alone because I don't wanna share the mic of earphone while watching movie, lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol! Your brothers seems feisty, eh?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

El estilo de vida y la ropa que usa es cuestion de cada quien como se sienta, debemos estar agradecido de Nuestro creador por cada miembro de nuestro cuerpo no solamente de las manos sino de cada unos de nuestros miembros cada uno tiene su función. Fino que creas en lo sobrenatural y sobre todo en el Amor, por hay empieza todo por el Amor primeramente y le felicito usted es grande.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hiking even if it isn't Mt. Everest, it's an achievement for you. Winning in a photo contest too is sure an achievement. So, add them to your achievement because they are what you planned and wished doing and once you have done them, it means you have achieved your goals. So, be proud 😎😎

I love how you answered those questions too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks dear! :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My lifestyle; I like being simple always, putting on causal wears that will allow breeze/air to touch my skin. I only dress big when I'm going to church or occasion/party

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Comfy is still better :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

daming questions na nasagot pero isa sa pinaka best na gusto ko is your answer one believing the supernaturals for it really is true. God is the supernatural.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama. Wala na mas super pa hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why are you saying like that. you have a success. You say you won a painting contest. some confidence

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol! Thanks :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago


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2 years ago

My dear friend, it is so humble of you. Otherwise, all the photography competitions you have won, and your steadfastness in climbing the mountain and reaching the summit, are all a source of pride. And yeah, lowering our expectations of others and mutual understanding are the determinants of a relationship's success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks so much!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Home? It's my bed with mu pillows, headset, hanky ang my phone. May dalwang panyo ako lago sa higaan ko ee. Nagagamit ko un kapag malamig. Nitatali ko sa leeg ko lol. But home? It's really mu room hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

D na matanggal ata ang phone hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are moments when I feel confused too. And I just take a deep breathe and think about how I want to live with purpose.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That works :) It's all about going back to the basics really.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have a lot to be proud of sir. Your are a good writer, and photographer.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Salamat, sir!

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2 years ago

maybe there is a lot of talk about the supernatural about its existence, some believe it or not, but the fact is that this style does exist and we have to respect them.

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2 years ago

That's right. It's all about our beliefs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish to get more friends from abroad.

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2 years ago

I'm sure you will :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel you so lucky to visit three overseas countries that means you got opportunity to know there different places, cultures, languages, traditions, food and many more things

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It truly is a learning experience.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are just like me ARTic Lee though it’s very scary to let other know that you want to learn from them because they might see you as incompetent but I am willing and ready

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not everyone will teach you so stick with those who will :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you gave proper reply of your questions. I will keep it mind.,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks a lot for appreciating!

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2 years ago

Relate. Maraming Hindi talaga magagamit sa work. Pero marami kang kailangan matutunan along the way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama. Sa work na lang talaga matututo hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Casual and comfy din bet ko.. At sa siblings fighting.. We did a lor before 🤣

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2 years ago

Hehe mediator lang talaga ako pero more on walang pakialam pag away kapatid haha!

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2 years ago

I do believe in supernaturals kuya. Supernaturals are so evident and some ar caught on camera. Hmm. Our family already experienced it several times already.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are things that we really can't explain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We always thank the Almighty he made us very perfect. He blessed us with uncountable blessings. He gave us hands, eyes, feet, and ears. He made us superior to them all creatures. We are at the top, we have a sense of humor, emotions, and feeling for each other. Stay positive and always thank, God.

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2 years ago

Amen to that!

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2 years ago

when i heard the word home, i remember the sacrifices of my parents for us. i am the eldest alive. our eldest died when he was a baby.

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2 years ago

Kudos to your parents!

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2 years ago

You answered all the questions genuinely, and now I learned a lot from you and know a part of you. Happy Sunday!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks a lot! Have a good one :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whenever I remember home, I firstly think is comfort zone. My home is the only place where I felt safe, where I felt completeness and the real home. Anyway good that you have a good relationship with your siblings. In my part I always have a fight with my only one sister 😁. I don't know but we can't stay together without a cat fight. It's not that we hate each other, we just fight.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mas love nyo daw ang isa't isa pag ganyan hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I enjoy reading all the answered questions. There's a lot to comment about but I could only say one thing. You enjoyed it really and so am I. ☺️

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2 years ago

Glad that you did :D

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2 years ago