Day 1: What simple thing made today a good day?

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2 years ago

June 01, 2022

Happy 1st day of June everyone!

Let me start this day doing the 30-day grateful journal challenge since this is the month that I'm most thankful for

Saw this challenge from @Grecy095 in her article Day 3: What Inspirational quote or words of wisdom are you most grateful for?

Day 1: What simple thing made today a good day?

Being the 1st day of the month is already a reason for it to be a good day. June is the most blessed month for me. It's the month when my two grandfathers are celebrating their birthday, it is the month when I say my first hello to the world too.

It is also the month when my father says goodbye to the world but still, I consider it a blessing because it is the day when I also became a responsible daughter to my mom.

There are so many reasons for this day to be a good day and there are so many reasons for me to be grateful too.

Aside from my family that is always there for me, there are also friends who never failed to make me smile whenever I needed some sunshine. Offline or online friends I have some that I can always depend on and that is already enough for me to make any day a good day.

There are also some virtual friends that I met here that are also as good as my real friends, you guys know who you are... and because of that, I thank you for making each day brighter, and for supporting me in any way you can. Each of you makes the virtual world full of rainbows that are always giving me rays of colorful sunshine.

If one will really start counting all the good things that's happening to them there'll be no bad day for anyone. If one will make a way to make each day a blessed one everyone will always have a smile on our faces.

I think the best way is to appreciate the simple things that we do everyday, or the simple things that happen to us everyday. Let's learn to be appreciative of all the things that come our way because whether it is good or bad there's still good in it. And if you will notice, at the end of each situation that happens to us there is something that is for the greater good, it may not be for ourselves but the good of the people around us.

Most of the time, blessings comes in disguise. Either it will be in the simplest form of meeting someone or in the hardest form of someone leaving us.

Emma Dau

And for me lately, the blessing of meeting someone is always a blessing to me. Just like meeting you all guys here in Read. You are the ones who make my stay here in Read worthwhile.

So what simple thing made a day a good day? Its the simple thing as being here in Read and intereacting with each one of you. Its the breakfast food in our table that can always makes me smile. Its the good morning message of someone special. Its being able to wake up to a new day that is full of love from the people around me.

That's what makes my day a good day.

And if you have come this far... Thank you for sharing your time with me.


You can also find me here

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All Original content unless specified otherwise ;)

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Avatar for Eylz2021
2 years ago


Mag pa virtual party ka daw sa birthday moooooo.. tapos send voice message kami ni baby boyyyyyyy mwehehehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahahaaha loka ka

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yieheee ako madams yong magising lanh ako nang malakas sa umaga , good day na for me UwU and off course in read too with my friendlalu 🥳🥳

$ 0.01
2 years ago

korek tama yun.. dapat the moment we open our eyes.. thankful na agad tayo :) kain tayo... gugutom ako hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I started the month in a good way today and it was really nice and romantic. I got an alert in the early hours of the morning and it made me smile.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

hahaha i'd like that alert too.. and hopefully it can make me smile too hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aweee, it's your birth month and for sure more blessings to come for you. Me too, readcash always makes my day so good. Let me do this trend too!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

yep hahaa.. go looks like its fun to answer all the questions everyday :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy birthday month! Di ko alam ang exact date eh, pero hintay na lang ako ng post mo sis. Read community really help me to get inspired with my activity here. There are lots of great writers in here that I look up to.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

yep.. there are a lot actually! and its like a family here.. thanks sa greetings!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

aww it's a birthday month in your fam.. that is great and you are so sweet for mentioning read community makes you feel good.. same sis, same

$ 0.01
2 years ago

of course you guys are part of it... :) will always be grateful for your presence :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

so sweet, that is exactly what I feel too, thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Birthday month mo pala ngayon sis, hehehe..

We shoukd be grateful sa mga simpleng bagay na meron tayo. It's what makes life beautiful.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

pak totoo ka dyan sis... the simple things that can always put smile on our faces

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Korek, yung iba kasi eh di nila naappreciate or napaansin kasi nakafocus sila sa bigger picture.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

true... not knowing na yung small things going to the big picture is sweeter

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a lovely read! Full of gratitude indeed.

Apparently, there are two 30-day gratitude challenges. I thought this was the same as what Jane posted which I planned on doing soon. Maybe I'll do both at the same time lol!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Actually there are way more than two. This is like the fourth one I'm seeing

$ 0.01
2 years ago

haven't seen the others yet hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha haven't seen jane's version yet.. maybe I'll do her version next month hahahaa

$ 0.00
2 years ago