Bombina bombina

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Avatar for varda42
4 years ago

Once, while fishing, I found myself in a rather unfamiliar terrain by the river, the first thing I noticed were strange sounds. Something like mating cats in February or crying babies. You know that feeling, you're alone on the water, you just hear the song of birds, the sound of waterfalls. And then suddenly some muffled screams, like from horror movies. No, cat love games can’t be, so May is the month, I thought. And whence the baby in the wild, there is no chance of it being so.
And so I imperceptibly reached the river beach upstream. When there, hundreds of frogs, red tortoises. They mate, change their skin, what do they do ... But they make incredible horror sounds. I later found it on the internet that red European Bombina bombina lat. males have developed resonant vocal sacs and know how to produce all kinds of tones. This frog is slightly toxic even to humans, so they should not be touched, nor should they touch the grass or stones where they are tied. They have a skin changing ritual, where they eat old skin as a meal.

Jednom sam se, pecajući, zatekao na prilično nepoznatom terenu pokraj rijeke, prvo šta sam uočio bili su čudni zvukovi. Nešto slično kao parenje mačaka u februaru ili kao plač beba. Znate onaj osjećaj, sam si na vodi, samo se čuje cvrkut ptica, slapova žubor. I onda odjednom neki prigušeni krikovi, kao iz horor filmova. Ne, mačje ljubavne igre ne mogu biti, pa maj je mjesec, pomislio sam. A otkud beba u divljini, nema šanse da to bude. I tako sam neprimjetno stigao uzvodno rijekom do kamenite plažice. Kad tamo, na stotine žaba, crvenih mukača. Pare se, presvlače kožu, šta li rade... Ali ispuštaju nevjerovatne hororske zvukove. To sam kasnije pronašao na internetu da crveni europski mukač, mužjaci imaju razvijene rezonatorske vokalne kese i znaju proizvoditi svakakve tonove. Ova žaba je blago toksična čak i za ljude, pa ih ne treba dirati, niti dirati travu ili kamenje kuda se one vrzmaju. Imaju ritual presvlačenja kože, gdje staru kožu uslast pojedu kao obrok.

Youtube video credit:

Na videu možemo čuti kako se oglašava mukač. Ali iz moje priče su bili agresivniji zvukovi, kao dječji plač. I žabe su bile sitnije.

$ 1.84
$ 1.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Dimke
$ 0.01 from @vladimir94topke
+ 2
Avatar for varda42
4 years ago


I have a million frogs when it's their time. But I've never watched because they change color. Somehow I don't like going to watch them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nikada nisam cula za ovu zabu, a ni ovakve zvukove. Jako interesantan post. Pozdrav

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ako se žaba popenje na vrh merdevina i krekeće vreme će biti lepo a ako ostane pri dnu vreme se pogoršava-narodno verovanje.Za pucketanje nisam čula,zanimljiva priča!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So, that's sound I can't figure out what is! Thank you so much!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

There are also various superstitions when a large amount of frogs start to crackle, but now I can't remember what that meant according to popular belief.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nisam znala da postoji ovakva zaba. tvarno proizvodi krajnje karakteristican zvuk.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wonderful story, I would be scared of those screams, but it’s nature

$ 0.03
4 years ago

we have a lot of frogs ... but green, prettier ones

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow, that must have been scary at first. I'm not that much the outdoors type so I would have ran out of there as fast as I could :D

$ 0.01
4 years ago

very awkward situation I would not like something like that to happen to me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

uh sure you weren't comfortable in the wild to hear something like that ... and those frogs aren't very pretty ...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

and I saw a similar scene a few years ago, I just didn't dare get close.

$ 0.00
4 years ago